Sermons on Video (Page 2)

Sermons on Video (Page 2)

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Alan Parks Hymns (22 min)

6 hymns from Alan Parks’s albums: 00.00 – My Redeemer O what beauties 03.50 – O Blessed Lord what hast Thou done 06.44 – Gathered to Thy name Lord Jesus 10.58 – I am waiting for the dawning 14.23 – The crowning day is coming 18.11 – Jesus is coming again To listen to more of Alan Parks’s hymns, check your streaming service or look for MP3 downloads or CDs from your music retailer. Tracks featured here used with kind…

Gospel Hall Hymn Singing – Part 2 (50 min)

Hymns from Gospel Hall conferences: 00.05 – I am waiting for the dawning 02.55 – There is a land of pure delight 05.32 – I know not when but this I know 08.58 – My Redeemer O what beauties 12.35 – God holds the key to all unknown 14.28 – Great God of wonders 17.36 – When I shall wake in that fair morn of morns 22.59 – The perfect righteousness of God 25.43 – Out of the ivory palaces…

Gospel Hall Hymn Singing – Part 1 (44 min)

Hymns from Gospel Hall conferences: 00.04 – What was it blessed God? 03.16 – I am so glad that our Father in heaven 05.18 – When I survey the wondrous cross 09.25 – O joy of the justified 12.36 – Jesus lover of my soul 17.01 – In the land of fadeless day 19.46 – He’ll come and tarry not 23.15 – Glory to Thee Thou Son of God most high 29.01 – Moment by moment 31.08 – The crowning…

“I’m sure of heaven, no matter what!” (10 min)

John Selesnic grew up going to church and trusting in his religion to get him to heaven. But he never felt sure he would make it. What if he got hit in a traffic accident and died before the priest arrived to give him the last rites? Listen to find out how John discovered he could be “sure of heaven no matter what”. (Story told in Brampton Gospel Hall, Ontario, Canada 2022)

“A time when, a place where and a manner how” (21 min)

Ashley Milne relates his story of conversion as a young man growing up, the son of missionaries in Venezuela, South America. “Everyone who is saved has a time when, a place where and a manner how they were saved”. Do you? (Message given in Fleetwood, Vancouver, 2022)

Singing from Trimsaran, Wales (36 min)

The “Trimsaran Bible Readings”, in south west Wales, UK, took place each August for several decades in the second half of the 20th century and featured famed Welsh singing. Here’s a recording of the following 11 hymns from the 1975 meetings: Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour Thou O Lord our souls adoring view On Christ salvation rests secure O Christ Thou Son of God Lord of glory we adore Thee What raised the wondrous thought (Albert Leckie, who led the…

The Crowd’s Choice at the Cross (23 min)

Peter Orasuk preaches on the choice of the crowd on the day Christ was crucified. He highlights the crowd’s denial of Christ, its doubt of Christ and its dishonour of Christ. Be sure to listen to the end to hear Peter tell the story of a man who took a chance he didn’t need to take. Reading: Luke 23:33-43. (Preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, 5th Nov 1998)

The Pillars of the Gospel (47 min)

Norman Crawford (1927-2017) reminds his audience of the basic doctrinal pillars of the gospel, including human depravity, the resurrection of Christ, eternal punishment, propitiation, justification and redemption. Essential listening. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Michigan, March 2001) For other messages by Norman Crawford, click here.

VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 7 (36 min)

PART 7 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the subject of the Lord Jesus Christ’s present interaction with local assemblies from the record of John in Revelation Chs 1, 2 and 3. The Lord is in the midst and is actively observing what is going on in each assembly. Andrew lifts 8 lessons from these chapters. Readings: Rev 1:10-18, 2:1-2, 5, 8-9, 12-13, 16, 18-19, 3:1, 7-8, 14-15, 20. (Series given in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)

VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 6 (46 min)

PART 6 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the issue of leadership in assembly life – elders, overseers and shepherds. Andrew outlines the desire for the work of overseership, its qualifications and characteristics. Readings: John 21:15-17, Acts 20:17-18, 27-35, 1 Tim 3:1, Titus 1:5, Heb 13:7, 17, 24, 1 Pet 5:1-4 (Series given preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)

VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 5 (59 min)

PART 5 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the issue of relationships between believers in an assembly. In contrast to envy, strife and gossip, Andrew outlines 6 attitudes or actions that we can take to foster good relationships with one another. Readings: Gal 5:13-15, 26, Phil 2:3-4, Rom 12:10, 1 Pet 1:22, Eph 4:1-2, 32, Heb 10:25, Rom 12:13, 1 Pet 4:8-9 (Series given preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)

VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 4 (37 min)

PART 4 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the body character of the local assembly and the need for believers to understand and appreciate their place and their gift, have the right attitude, and not to complete with other believers or feel unhappy with their God-given role. Readings: 1 Cor 12:12-17 (Series given preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)

VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 3 (56 min)

PART 3 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the subject of “headship” from 1 Cor 11, He also takes up the subject of “worship” especially in relation to the gathering of the Lord’s Supper. Readings: 1 Cor 11:1-16. (Series given in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)

VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 2 (57 min)

PART 2 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the vital topic of “stewardship of doctrine” in relation to the New Testament assembly, making the key point that “doctrine matters”. He then take up the biblical concept of “fellowship” in a local assembly. Readings: Acts 2:14-15, 1 Tim 3:14-15. (Series given in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)

VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 1 (53 min)

PART 1 – Andrew Ussher opens a 7-part series on New Testament assembly principles by looking at the meaning of the word “church”, by examining what the Bible means by “house of God”, by calling out the intent of relevant NT passages, and by highlighting the priority of Christ in relation to the local assembly. Readings: Exod 25:8, Matt 16:13-18. 18:15-20, 1 Cor 1:1-2, 3:9-17, 1 Tim 3:15. (Series given in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)

The Experience of Two Men (27 min)

Peter Orasuk preaches the gospel from “the experience of two men” in Luke 23:39-43. The thieves on the crosses stand for all of humanity – those who receive Christ and those who reject Him. Peter highlights 3 things the thieves had in common and 3 things that distinguish them. (Sermon preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, Nov 4, 1998)

The King of Love My Shepherd Is – Acapella Hymn (2 min)

The hymn “The King of Love My Shepherd Is” sung by young people from Roseisle Gospel Hall, Manitoba Canada. The King of love my Shepherd is, Whose goodness faileth never; I nothing lack if I am His And He is mine for ever. Where streams of living water flow My ransomed soul He leadeth, And where the verdant pastures grow With food celestial feedeth. Perverse and foolish oft I strayed, But yet in love He sought me, And on His…

What a Gathering – Harry McClelland and Sammy Campbell (37 min)

“What a Gathering” is a collection of hymns sung by Harry McClelland, accompanied on the keyboard by Sammy Campbell, recorded in 1987 in Belfast: 00.00 I’ve Found a Friend O Such a Friend 02.19 The Sands of Time are Sinking 05.10 And Is It So I Shall Be Like Thy Son 07.43 O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go 09.51 Glory To Thee Thou Son of God Most High 12.56 Face to Face With Christ My Saviour 16.01 What…

The Shepherd of Psalm 23 (39 min)

Robert McIlwaine (1925-2021) preaches an encouraging and practical word of exhortation on the Shepherd of Psalm 23 (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, Feb 28, 1997)

Fairest Lord Jesus – Hymn (4 min)

The hymn “Fairest Lord Jesus” sung by young people from Roseisle Gospel Hall, Manitoba Canada. Lyrics: Fairest Lord Jesus, ruler of all nature O thou of God and man the Son Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honour Thou, my soul’s glory, joy, and crown. All fairest beauty, heavenly and earthly, Wondrously, Jesus, is found in Thee, None can be nearer, fairer or dearer, Than Thou My Saviour art to me. Beautiful Saviour! Lord of all the nations, Son…

Former Drug Addict Returns to the Streets of Toronto a Transformed Man (11 min)

In his youth, Steven Faviere used drugs on the streets of Toronto. Now he’s back on those same streets a changed man, with a story to tell – a story of redemption through Jesus Christ. To hear an audio version of Steven’s full length story of transformation, go to

You Must Be Born Again (26 min)

Peter Orasuk preaches on the key Bible verse, “You must be born again”. The Lord Jesus said these words to a leading religious leader called Nicodemus. Listen as Peter speaks about a man who was shocked, silenced and saved. If Nicodemus needed to be born again, so do you. Reading: John 3:1-14, 30 (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, November 1998) Other messages by Peter Orasuk

The 2nd Coming of Christ (39 min)

Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preaches on the second coming of Christ. He outlines a “9-point programme”, from the rapture of the Church to the Kingdom age, in a wide-ranging message. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall in Livonia, Michigan, USA, Oct 1997)

VIDEO: An Appointment with the Almighty (48 min)

In the twelfth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) presents a message about the final judgment of all the wicked dead at “the great white throne” (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA).  Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: Earth’s Future Golden Age (47 min)

In the eleventh part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) explains what ‘the Millennium’ – the 1,000 year reign of Christ – is all about. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: The King is Coming Back (46 min)

In the tenth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) explains the great event known as the second advent of Christ – when He returns to earth to inaugurate His kingdom and reign supreme over the world that presently ignores and rejects Him. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: Spotlight on Babylon (46 min)

In the ninth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) highlights the two notable end-time cities – Babylon and the New Jerusalem – and contrasts their history, occupants and destinies. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: Galloping Global Grief (44 min)

In the seventh part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) outlines the incredible details – from Matthew’s gospel and John’s Revelation – of the catastrophic events that will hit the earth at the end of the age. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: War in the Middle East (48 min)

In the sixth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) speaks on the topic of “war in the Middle East” and explains how that Israel will be attacked in the tribulation but will ultimately be delivered by the returning Messiah. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: Israel: Past, Present and Future (43 min)

In the fifth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) speaks on the topic of “Israel”. He explains how Israel began, and how in 1948, after nearly 2,000 years Israel became a nation again. Mr Higgins then describes the wars of 1948, 1967 and 1973, before jumping forward to the greatest battle of all, the battle of Armageddon. When Christ appears at the battle…

VIDEO: The Rapture (38 min)

In the fourth part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) speaks on the topic of “the rapture”, the moment when the Lord Jesus returns from heaven to take believers up to meet him in the air, and then go the “the Father’s house” (heaven). Will you be taken up, or left behind to face the wrath of God during the great tribulation? (Preached in…

VIDEO: Heaven and Hell (36 min)

In the third part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) speaks on the only two destinies facing humanity – heaven or hell – from two back to back chapters in the Bible: Luke 15 and 16. Where will you spend eternity? Readings: Luke 15:1-7, 9-10, 22-24, 32. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: What’s Wrong with the World? (37 min)

In the second part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) takes up the subject of “what’s wrong with the human race”, in which he looks at the root problem of sin, speaking from Romans 5:12 and 1 Timothy 1:15. (Preached in Jackson, Michigan, USA). Here is a copy of Mr Higgins chart:

VIDEO: It’s The Road, Not Your Religion (32 min)

In the first part of a series of videos on what the Bible says about future events for the human race, Eugene Higgins (New Jersey, USA) takes up the subject of “the 2 roads and the 2 destinies”. The Lord Jesus Christ revealed the fact that all of us are either on the broad road to hell or the narrow road to heaven. Which road are you on? When did you start on the narrow road? (Preached in Jackson, Michigan,…

VIDEO – Albert’s Hull’s Testimony of Salvation (34 min)

In November 2000, Albert Hull (1936-2015) told the story of his conversion, during a gospel message he preached at the Stark Road Gospel hall annual conference in Livonia, Michigan U.SA. Saved in 1957, listening to the Word preached through the open windows of a small and struggling series of gospel meetings, Albert ever after revelled in the grace of God, and rarely missed an opportunity to tell of it with enthusiasm and joy.  

“You’ll either end in jail or on the gallows” (41 min)

Jeffrey Harrison (1909-1990) grew up in a strict home in a slum area of north west England. Shoplifting, fighting, gambling and mischief of all kinds marked the teenage years of young Harrison. Said his mother, “You’ll either end up in jail or on the gallows.” But the Holy Spirit worked in his life, convicting him of his sin and of his danger of perishing in hell. When he got a job on the railways, a godly Christian colleague took him…

Revival at Rosslea – When God Saved 4 Policemen (60 min)

John Thompson (1921-2008) was saved on 22nd February 1937. He joined the Police as a young man and, on being promoted to sergeant in 1945, moved to Rosslea in Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. What happened over the next few years was nothing less than a remarkable work of the Spirit of God. Sergeant Thompson witnessed to his colleagues, resulting in four R.U.C. constables getting saved. First John Rowe, then Norman Workman, and finally, on the same night – 17th May…

Old-Time Gospel Preaching (76 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015) and Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preach the gospel in November 1997 at the Stark Road Gospel Hall annual conference, in Livonia, Michigan, USA. For related recordings, see: Albert Hull’s story of conversion “God wants your heart” message by Albert Hull Harold Paisley’s testimony of salvation Harold Paisley – 50 years in the Lord’s work    

Larne Conference Singing (70 min)

70 minutes of acapella hymn singing from the 1985 “Larne Bible Readings” held annually in the Northern Irish coastal town of Larne, Co Antrim. The precentor was the late Arnot Caulfield. Hymns featured are all from the Gospel Hymn Book, published by John Ritchie Ltd, Kilmarnock, Scotland. “How bright that blessed hope” “Ransomed saints your voices raise” “Awake and sing the song” “Praise the Saviour ye who know Him” “The Lord’s our rock in Him we hide” “There is a…

One word exploded in my mind: “Eternity!” (37 min)

Ben Sutton (1922-2007) grew up in a drunkard’s home. Hardship turned to tragedy when his mother died while he was still a boy. When Ben left school he became a coal miner and then, during WW2, served in the Merchant Navy. He saw the horrors of war close-up, as German U-boats targetted the British and US ship convoys. With the War over, Ben returned home to South Shields in the north east of England, where his favourite places were the…

From Drugs to Christ | Peter Orasuk’s Testimony (55 min)

Raised in a strict home and taught traditional values as a child, Peter Orasuk (1948-2005) got in with a rough crowd in his youth and ended up a drug addict and dealer, and eventually behind bars. His was the party lifestyle, constantly flirting with danger, always knowing his next fix could be his last. But, in 1976, by a remarkable series of events, light came into Peter’s darkness. Through the gospel message in the Bible he was completely and miraculously…

The 1859 Ulster Revival (21 min)

Wilbert Crawford (1928-2018) tells the story of how the “1859 Revival” in Ulster (now Northern Ireland) led to the formation of numerous assemblies in the area where he lived (Co Antrim). He tells how the Lord gathered believers together as churches of God in Kells, Clonkeen, Crosskeys and Ballybolan in those early days of gospel blessing late in the 19th century. One of the 4 young men who met to pray in the Old Schoolhouse in Kells, Northern Ireland, where…

“I Chose Never To Attend Another Gospel meeting” (38 min)

Albert Hull (1936-2015) tells the thrilling and heart-warming story of how God saved him “on the roadside” in 1957 listening to the gospel through the open window of a gospel meeting. As a preacher’s son, Albert knew the gospel well, but a point came in his teens when he made a choice never to attend another gospel meeting. Off he went to enjoy the pleasures of the world. Yet, even when he was drunk, he was still able to preach…

“Pleasure was putting myself right out of my mind” (26 min)

Mark Thomas was born and bred in “the West country”, a few yards from the scenic Cheddar Gorge and just half an hour from the epicentre of the UK’s festival scene in Glastonbury. So, when Mark got into the drug and rave lifestyle as a young man, he had every opportunity right on his doorstep to dive into the ‘ecstasy culture’ where pleasure was defined as “putting yourself right out of your mind”. Despite a couple of close shaves with…

PART 5 – Overview of Dispensationalism (46 min)

A conference on the topic of dispensationalism was held in Sarnia, Ontario, in 2015, with Dan Shutt, David Vallance and Ian Jackson sharing 5 preaching sessions between them. PART 5 – In the closing message of the conference, Ian Jackson gives a ‘prophetic overview’ from a dispensational viewpoint. He starts with the goal of God’s plan from Ephesians 1:10 (everything to be headed up in Christ in the Millennium), moving on to outline the programme of Daniel’s 70 weeks, and then…

PART 4 – Salvation in Dispensationalism (27 min)

A conference on the topic of dispensationalism was held in Sarnia, Ontario, in 2015, with Dan Shutt, David Vallance and Ian Jackson sharing 5 preaching sessions between them. PART 4 – David Vallance preaches on dispensationalism and salvation. If history and prophecy consists of a succession of different ages and dispensations, are there different ways of getting saved in those dispensations? David answers with an emphatic “no”. In every dispensation the source of salvation is grace, its basis is the cross…

PART 3 – Dispensationalism and the Church (58 min)

A conference on the topic of dispensationalism was held in Sarnia, Ontario, in 2015, with Dan Shutt, David Vallance and Ian Jackson sharing 5 preaching sessions between them. PART 3 – Ian Jackson makes a solid scriptural case for the need to draw a very clear distinction between Israel and the Church – as to origin, character and destiny. Israel is God’s earthly people; the church is His heavenly people. Israel has been set aside for now – while the kingdom…

“I thought the gospel was a big joke” (37 min)

Born in Canada in 1933, Max McLean grew up on a small farm in a house with no electricity. He moved to the “big town” of Oil Springs in Dec 1945 where his shrewd father bought a business. Sadly Max’s father had a fondness for drinking and gambling, ruinous habits he passed to his son. At age 18, Max moved to Sarnia to work in the Polysar rubber plant. There he met a man called Dave Kember. Dave was known…

PART 2 – Dispensationalism vs. Covenant Theology (56 min)

A conference on the topic of dispensationalism was held in Sarnia, Ontario, in 2015, with Dan Shutt, David Vallance and Ian Jackson sharing 5 preaching sessions between them. PART 2 – David Vallance looks at the ramifications of a person’s eschatology (their view of future events). Why did Oliver Cromwell go into battle singing the Psalms, and crushing his enemies in spirit of a Joshua who conquered the Canaanites? Why was Luther anti-Semitic? Why do some churches have ornate sanctuaries and…

PART 1 – Dispensationalism Introduction (53 min)

A conference on the topic of dispensationalism was held in Sarnia, Ontario, in 2015, with Dan Shutt, David Vallance and Ian Jackson sharing 5 preaching sessions between them. PART 1 – Dan Shutt introduces the biblical concept of a “dispensation” and explains how history, from Eden to the Millennium, is divided into numerous ages in which God administers His dealings with men in different ways to fulfil His ultimate purpose. After some introductory remarks, Dan works his way through Scripture…

A Wild Night on Mount Rushmore (36 min)

Mr Ward, an alcoholic purple heart WW2 veteran, used to beat his wife and get his 8 year old son Art (pictured right) drunk, much to the amusement of the men at the tavern. Small wonder that Art’s tragic childhood turned into a wild adulthood filled with drink, drugs, violence and fast motorbikes. Art heard the gospel message as a young man, but it made little impact on him. Then God intervened in his life. On a bike trip to…

If there’s a God, why is there all the suffering in the world? (19 min)

Born in 1948 in “industrial Scotland” (Govan, Glasgow), Matt Reid left School at 15 to become an apprentice in the Glasgow shipyards. His Presbyterian upbringing quickly fell away as Matt got into drink and drugs and soon became a hardened foul-mouthed cynic, very bitter against God. His reasoning? – “If there’s a God why is there all the suffering in the world?” He had a strong antipathy towards organised religion. That was his “pet peeve”. Emigrating to Canada, Matt ended…

Beaten, bitter and bruised…then Jesus came” (19 min)

Norman Mellish grew up in the slums of Moss Side, in Manchester, England, during the 1930’s and 40’s. His description of those nightmarish childhood days is heart-breaking; but, by the grace of God, Norman was sent to Sunday School at the local Gospel Hall, where he heard the way of salvation. The bitterness of life turned him towards atheism as he grew into adulthood and moved into employment, but a Christian gentleman at his place of work was used by…

Drink and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll (49 min)

Paul Thomas grew up in a traditional Christian family with wholesome old-fashioned values. He went to church meetings every week. But Paul wasn’t the type to just blindly follow his parents. You know how it goes. First cigarettes, then drink, then drugs…eventually the whole lifestyle associated with the rave scene and events like the Glastonbury Festival. But God intervened to stop Paul in his tracks. First a near heroin overdose, and then the death of his grandfather in 1999, whose…

To God Be The Glory Great Things He Has Done (50 min)

Matthew Brescia (1938- ) from Connecticut, USA, relates the thrilling story of how God worked in his family in the first half of the 20th Century as the gospel flourished among the Italian immigrant community in New England through the preaching of men like Luigi Rosania and Cesare Patrizio. You will be gripped from the beginning to the end of this recording (made in the UK in 2009) as Matt Brescia relates the story of God’s grace in the conversion…

Harold Paisley’s Testimony and Call to the Work (83 min)

In Toronto, Canada, in 1956, on the final night of 5 weeks of gospel meetings, Harold Paisley (1924-2015) related how, when and where he was saved by the grace of God. At the outbreak of World War 2, at age 15, running from his godly upbringing, he joined the RAF, afterwards joining the Mercantile Navy. Then, coming home, he joined the Police in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, but was dismissed due to a lifestyle of drunk and disorderly behaviour. About to…

I Was Only a Worthless Pebble (46 min)

In 1985 Mr Albert Ramsay (1913-1993) came from Canada to preach in various parts of the UK. While there he recounted the unforgettable story of his conversion to Christ back in June 1934 at “Gambles Corner” in Prince Edward Island under the preaching of Albert Joyce and the Harris brothers (Herb and Russell). Around 30 souls were saved during that series of Tent meetings and a New Testament assembly was formed on the island. From the start Albert became a…

If God Exists, Why Is There Evil? – Origins Part 7 (36 min)

Time Magazine’s cover on June 10th 1991 asked “Evil – Does it exist or do bad things just happen?” In a Darwinian world there is no evil.* We’re just DNA. Nature red in tooth and claw. But if there is a God, isn’t evil even more of a problem? How can God and evil co-exist? In this session, Michael Penfold tackles this question, looking at man’s free will and the origin of sin, evil and death, and the remedy for…

The Gospel: Man-Made or Divine? – Origins Part 6 (51 min)

Isn’t Christianity just another human construct? Isn’t a person’s religion just a matter of geography? Evidence is given in this session for the divine origin of Christianity. Tracing the message of “the gospel” back through Saul of Tarsus – who wrote much of the New Testament – to the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, this session argues for the reality of the Christian faith, its grounding in the eye-witnessed facts of history and in the Messiah, the Son of God.…

Darwin’s Deadly Legacy – Origins Part 5 (73 min)

Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution has cast a dark shadow over theology, history and morality. Michael Penfold examines the direct and staggeringly negative influence that Darwin’s erroneous ideas have had on the likes of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Neitzsche and Hitler, and on the tragic course of human history as a result. By way of contrast, the Bible speaks truth on the issues of origin, meaning, morality and destiny. Readings: Gen 3:1-5, Judg 21:25, Rom 1:28-32. From the October 2015 Origins…

Why Charles Darwin Was Wrong – Origins Part 4 (89 min)

Taking its title from Darwin’s famous book “On the Origin of Species”, this session examines the question of how thousands of different species of animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and algae came to be? What process developed the eye, ear, hand, knee, liver, kidney, heart and brain (with its 100 billion neurons connected by 100 trillion synapses, the most complicated object in the universe)? From whence came photosynthesis, pollination, metamorphosis and migration? How did human reproduction arise, a process in which…

Where Did Life Come From? – Origins Part 3 (62 min)

One of the vital and fundamental issues that all serious worldviews have to answer is, “Where did life come from?”. Between a living cell and the most highly ordered non-biological system, such as a crystal or snowflake, there is a chasm as vast and absolute as it is possible to conceive – so how did life arise from non-life? What came first, proteins, DNA or RNA? How was the universe fine-tuned to allow for life to exist in the first…

Who Made God? – Origins Part 2 (78 min)

There are 4 options for the origin of the universe: 1. The universe is not really here – it’s an illusion. 2. The universe has always been here. 3. The universe created itself from nothing. 4. The universe was created by God. Referencing Romans Ch 1, the case is made that the existence of God is patently obvious to all but the deliberate unbeliever. This leads to the conclusion that atheism is a moral and volitional choice, not an intellectual…

Does Truth Exist – Origins Part 1 (77 min)

At the foundation of everything is Pilate’s question: “What is truth?” That and other truth issues are discussed in this video: Is truth knowable? Is truth absolute or relative, subjective or objective? How does the Bible counter the approaches of rationalism, empiricism, pragmatism and relativism? Is the Bible true and is there any evidence for its divine inspiration? What is the relationship between reason and faith? Readings: John 8:32, 14:6, 17:17, 18:38, 19:35. From the October 2015 Origins Apologetics Conference,…

A Royal Marine Commando Finds Christ (36 min)

Growing up in a slum in Bristol during WW2 in a drunkard’s home, Michael Browne (1930-2016) joined the British Army and became a Royal Marine Commando. A careless and self confident young man, he saw action in the jungles of Malaya in the Far East. To Michael Browne, a Friday night was the chance to watch a film, get drunk and have a fight. On one such night in Hong Kong in 1951, Michael Browne had an encounter with the…
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