At the foundation of everything is Pilate’s question: “What is truth?” That and other truth issues are discussed in this video: Is truth knowable? Is truth absolute or relative, subjective or objective? How does the Bible counter the approaches of rationalism, empiricism, pragmatism and relativism? Is the Bible true and is there any evidence for its divine inspiration? What is the relationship between reason and faith? Readings: John 8:32, 14:6, 17:17, 18:38, 19:35.
From the October 2015 Origins Apologetics Conference, held in the Gospel Hall in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Complete series:
Part 1 – Does Truth Exist
Part 2 – Who Made God?
Part 3 – Where Did Life Come From?
Part 4 – Why Charles Darwin Was Wrong
Part 5 – Darwin’s Deadly Legacy
Part 6 – The Gospel: Man-Made or Divine?
Part 7 – If God Exists, Why Is There Evil?