Origins Series
If God Exists, Why Is There Evil? – Origins Part 7 (36 min)
Time Magazine’s cover on June 10th 1991 asked “Evil – Does it exist or do bad things just happen?” In a Darwinian world there is no evil.* We’re just DNA. Nature red in tooth and claw. But if there is a God, isn’t evil even more of a problem? How can God and evil co-exist? In this session, Michael Penfold tackles this question, looking at man’s free will and the origin of sin, evil and death, and the remedy for…
The Gospel: Man-Made or Divine? – Origins Part 6 (51 min)
Isn’t Christianity just another human construct? Isn’t a person’s religion just a matter of geography? Evidence is given in this session for the divine origin of Christianity. Tracing the message of “the gospel” back through Saul of Tarsus – who wrote much of the New Testament – to the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, this session argues for the reality of the Christian faith, its grounding in the eye-witnessed facts of history and in the Messiah, the Son of God.…
Darwin’s Deadly Legacy – Origins Part 5 (73 min)
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution has cast a dark shadow over theology, history and morality. Michael Penfold examines the direct and staggeringly negative influence that Darwin’s erroneous ideas have had on the likes of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Neitzsche and Hitler, and on the tragic course of human history as a result. By way of contrast, the Bible speaks truth on the issues of origin, meaning, morality and destiny. Readings: Gen 3:1-5, Judg 21:25, Rom 1:28-32. From the October 2015 Origins…
Why Charles Darwin Was Wrong – Origins Part 4 (89 min)
Taking its title from Darwin’s famous book “On the Origin of Species”, this session examines the question of how thousands of different species of animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and algae came to be? What process developed the eye, ear, hand, knee, liver, kidney, heart and brain (with its 100 billion neurons connected by 100 trillion synapses, the most complicated object in the universe)? From whence came photosynthesis, pollination, metamorphosis and migration? How did human reproduction arise, a process in which…
Where Did Life Come From? – Origins Part 3 (62 min)
One of the vital and fundamental issues that all serious worldviews have to answer is, “Where did life come from?”. Between a living cell and the most highly ordered non-biological system, such as a crystal or snowflake, there is a chasm as vast and absolute as it is possible to conceive – so how did life arise from non-life? What came first, proteins, DNA or RNA? How was the universe fine-tuned to allow for life to exist in the first…
Who Made God? – Origins Part 2 (78 min)
There are 4 options for the origin of the universe: 1. The universe is not really here – it’s an illusion. 2. The universe has always been here. 3. The universe created itself from nothing. 4. The universe was created by God. Referencing Romans Ch 1, the case is made that the existence of God is patently obvious to all but the deliberate unbeliever. This leads to the conclusion that atheism is a moral and volitional choice, not an intellectual…
Does Truth Exist – Origins Part 1 (77 min)
At the foundation of everything is Pilate’s question: “What is truth?” That and other truth issues are discussed in this video: Is truth knowable? Is truth absolute or relative, subjective or objective? How does the Bible counter the approaches of rationalism, empiricism, pragmatism and relativism? Is the Bible true and is there any evidence for its divine inspiration? What is the relationship between reason and faith? Readings: John 8:32, 14:6, 17:17, 18:38, 19:35. From the October 2015 Origins Apologetics Conference,…