2025 (Page 2)
It Says It Right Here (24 min)
Dana Starratt grew up In Nova Scotia, Canada, a good-living church-going young man who knew nothing about being “saved”. A friend got his attention with some straight talking, but he had a hard time accepting he was a sinner in need of salvation. When Dana finally got saved he struggled with assurance, until he discovered “It says it right here in the Bible”. Reading: Matt 1:23, John 3:15, 2 Cor 4:3-5. (Recorded in Parkview Gospel Hall, Abbotsford, BC, Canada 5th…
The Tower of Babel and the Origin of Languages (55 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on the topic of the Tower of Babel. He includes comments on the gift of tongues, ecumenism and the history of Babylonian religion. Reading: Gen 11:1-9. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 9th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson…
How the World Was Divided After the Flood (37 min)
Jack Hay preaches on the division of the world into the children of Shem, Ham and Japheth after the flood, and highlights the influence of Nimrod on the post-deluvian age. Reading: Gen 10:1-32. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 8th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch…
Why Abstain? The Christian and Alcohol (36 min)
Ian Jackson sets out a case for Christians to remain totally abstinent from alcohol. His passage is Genesis Ch 9:18-29 which records the time after the flood when Noah became drunk. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 8th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a –…
A Chapter For Our Times (38 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on the new order of things that God introduced after Noah’s flood, which touches on contemporary issues such as the nature of government, voting, animals rights, vegetarianism, veganism, abortion, assisted dying, euthanasia and capital punishment. Reading: Genesis Ch 9:1-7. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 7th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack…
The Prophetic Significance of the Ark and the Flood (34 min)
Jack Hay preaches on the prophetic significance of the events surrounding the ark of Noah and the worldwide flood, as well as the details of the dove and the raven and the ark resting on Mount Ararat. Reading: Genesis Ch 8. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 7th Sept 2005) (Photo above: Mount Ararat) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch…
The Worldwide Flood in the Days of Noah (38 min)
Jack Hay preaches on the making of Noah’s ark and the flood that God sent upon the whole earth to destroy all flesh. The ark is a picture of Christ and of salvation. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 6th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch…
The Sons of God and the Days Before the Flood (33 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on the narrative about the “sons of God” in Genesis 6:1-13, explaining who they are and what was the nature of the particular wickedness they brought into the world before the flood. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 6th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson…
This Man Walked with God (40 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on Enoch, from Genesis 5, the man who walked with God and has this testimony that he “pleased God”. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 5th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6b-7 – Jack Hay Genesis…
The Beginning of the World System (36 min)
Jack Hay preaches on the “system of the world” that came into being in Genesis 4:16-26 as Cain rebelled against God and began city building. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 5th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6b-7 –…
Learning from Cain and Abel (33 min)
Jack Hay preaches on the story of Cain and Abel from Genesis Ch 4:1-15 and draws lessons from this pivotal passage of Scripture. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 4th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6b-7 – Jack Hay…
An Exposition of the Fall of Man (32 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on the fall of man in Genesis Ch 3. Here at the beginning of creation began “the conflict of the ages” as sin entered the world, and the promise was given of a Seed that would bruise the Serpent’s head. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 4th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b –…
A Real Man in a Real Garden (33 min)
Jack Hay preaches on Genesis Ch 2 and highlights 4 issues about Adam, the father of the human race. His composition (made from dust), his conditions (the Garden of Eden), his commission (tend the garden etc), and his companion (Eve). (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 3rd Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis…
God Created the Heavens and the Earth (37 min)
Ian Jackson expounds Genesis 1 and looks at the divine record of the creation of the world in six days. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 3rd Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6b-7 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 8…
Acapella Gospel Hymns (35 min)
A collection of hymns from the Gospel Hymn Book sung acapella: Down at the Cross Where My Saviour Died Will Your Anchor Hold in the Storms of Life O What a Saviour is Jesus the Lord Down from the Splendour of His Everlasting Throne I’ve a Soul to be Saved If I Gained the World but Lost the Saviour In Loving Kindness Jesus Came A Trembling Soul I Sought the Lord O What Will You Do With Jesus Through My…
We Affect Others (27 min)
Peter Orasuk (1948-2005) preaches on the fact that each Christian affects others. Peter had a negative influence in John 21, but Joshua had a positive influence in John 24. What influence are you having? Readings: Rom 14:7, Josh 24:14-23, John 21:1-3. (Recorded at Northern Ireland)
5 Ways in Which God is Glorified (35 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on 5 ways in which God is glorified. God is glorified in His Son, in our salvation, our submission, our service, and our suffering. Readings: Psa 106:6-8, 1 Cor 6:19-20, 10:32-33, 1 Pet 4:12-14, 2 Pet 1:15-18. (Recorded in Helions Bumpstead Gospel Hall, 28th Oct 2017)
The Incomparability of God (30 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on God’s repeated claim in Isaiah Ch 45, “I am the LORD and there is none else; there is no god beside Me”, a claim proved by God’s unique capabilities in creation, history, prophecy and deliverance. Set over against this is the propensity of the human heart to substitute the one true and living God for idols. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 25th Aug 2024) Also by the same speaker: The Sovereignty of God
Rescued from Drowning at Sea (13 min)
Alex McLean (1932-2019) spent his life as a deep sea fisherman in the waters around Scotland. After retiring, he engaged in evangelism among fishermen, especially on the many Russian ships that visited Peterhead. In this recording Alex looks back at his years at sea and tells some of the most memorable stories of those decades, including the time when he was washed overboard and nearly drowned. (Recorded in Ballymena in 1998). Further recordings: Alex McLean’s conversion and life at sea…
Are You at Ground Zero? (35 min)
David Gilliland preaches on Psalm 74 which he likens to someone being at “ground zero” in their life. He outlines the hurt, hinge, heart, hope and heading of this encouraging Psalm. Reading: Psalm 75. (Recorded at the Pamber Heath Gospel Hall annual conference, Hampshire, UK, 31st Aug 2009)
Unity and Humility (55 min)
Dan Rudge preaches on the example of humility seen in the person of Christ, which Paul introduces in the second chapter of his epistle to the Philippians in order to give them a solution to disunity in the assembly. (Recorded in Helions Bumpstead Gospel Hall, 22nd Oct 2016)
We’re Going Home (20 min)
Clark Logan preaches on heaven, the home of the Christian. The Bible outlines 6 things we shall do in heaven: wonder and worship, sing and serve, learn and love. Readings: Rev 4:1-2, 9-11, 5:1-14. (Recorded at the Belfast Christmas Conference, Dec 2015)
I Spent 44 Years in the Darkness of Sin (23 min)
Scott Smith had a troubled childhood, marked by confusion and violence. He never felt like he belonged. As he hit the party scene in adulthood, he soon found himself lost and empty. He tried to find answers on an online forum, only to receive death threats! Then a Gospel Tent – featuring preaching from the Bible – came to his neighbourhood, and he and his wife Jenn plucked up the courage to attend. That’s when the light of the gospel…
I Read a Lot of Self-Help Books (32 min)
Walter Junger was searching for three things in life: peace, purpose and passion. He tried meditation, Judaism, self-help, and travel, but nothing satisfied. Contact with John Miller and his family, formerly members of the Amish, introduced Walter to the gospel and ultimately salvation in 2018. (Recorded in Crandon Gospel Hall, Virginia, USA)
The Relevance of the Scriptures (51 min)
David Gilliland gives insights into how to bring the Bible into our every day lives. As you read the Bible, 1. investigate the text, 2. interrogate the text (ask questions), and 3. incorporate the text into your day to day walk with God. Reading: 2 Tim 2:1-7. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “How the Bible came to us”: The Revelation of the Scriptures The Reading of the Scriptures The Relevance of the Scriptures
The Reading of the Scriptures (43 min)
David Gilliland preaches on how to profitably read and study the Bible. He explains the tools, the techniques and the target of Bible reading and study. Reading: 2 Tim 2:14-18. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “How the Bible came to us”: The Revelation of the Scriptures The Reading of the Scriptures The Relevance of the Scriptures
The Revelation of the Scriptures (66 min)
David Gilliland preaches on how the Bible came to us from God, taking up a list of issues including revelation, inspiration, canonisation, preservation, translation, illumination and personalisation. He discusses issues such as the gnostic gospels, the Apocrypha, manuscriptology and archaeology. Reading: 2 Tim 3:14-4:4. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “How the Bible came to us”: The Revelation of the Scriptures The Reading of the Scriptures The Relevance of the Scriptures
People Who Showed Surprising Leadership at the Cross (29 min)
Phil Coulson preaches on the courageous and surprising leadership shown at the cross by Mary, the Centurion, Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea. Reading: John 19:38-42 (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2013)
Standing for God in a Hostile Academic Environment (32 min)
David Gilliland preaches on standing for God as a Christian in a secular educational setting. He preaches on the expression “Then Paul stood” from Acts 17:16-34. Where Paul stood, how he stood, what he stood for, and the results. (Recorded in the Ulster Hall, Belfast – Easter Conference)
What Do You Do When God Says Arise and Go? (45 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on the command of God, given to three men in the Bible “Book of Acts”, telling them to “arise and go”. The command was given to Philip in Acts 8.26-27, to Ananias in Acts 9.11-17 and to Peter in Acts 10.20-21. All three of them went. What would you do if God asked you to arise and go? (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, on 30th May 2024)
Lucifer’s History from Beginning to End (55 min)
Scott MacLeod preaches on the origin, career and end of Satan, the arch-enemy of God, from Ezekiel 28 all the way to the end of the book of Revelation. (Recorded in Roseisle Gospel Hall, MB, Canada, 12th Mar 2024)
Men Should Be Men; Women Should Be Women (44 min)
Stephen Baker expounds the Bible’s teaching on the issue of gender, and refutes present attempts by some to manipulate the word of God to support what, in fact, God condemns. Reading: Gen 1:27-28. (Recorded in the UK, 25th Nov 2017)
Prayer Changes Things (48 min)
David Vallance preaches on the value of both private and corporate prayer, in an insightful and challenging sermon. Readings: Matt 6:5-13, 1 Tim 2:1-9. (Recorded at Helions Conference, UK, 30th Mar 2018)
Daniel’s Five Tests (30 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the 5 tests Daniel underwent in his life for God and the practical lessons we can learn from them today. Reading: Dan 1:1-2. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2010)
Tracing the Pentateuch Through 1 Peter (33 min)
Dan Rudge preaches through 1 Peter and traces the parallels with Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Readings: 1 Pet 1:1, 7, 13, 18-19, 2:4-9, 11, 16, 21-23. (Recorded at the Cork Conference, Ireland, on 17th Mar 2023)
Sam Curran – The Mind of Christ (32 min)
Born in Northern Ireland, Sam Curran (1921-1987) was saved in 1938 under the preaching of evangelists Joe Stewart and Fred Bingham. He married Miss Eleanor Alexander in 1944 and set up home in Mullavilly, near Portadown. In their 30’s, desiring to dedicate their lives to the Lord, the Currans developed a burden for full time service. Through prayer, and the encouragement of Mr John McCann Snr., they felt led to go to Brazil as missionaries in June 1958, settling in…
What David Saw (23 min)
Brandon Doll preaches on the story of David and Goliath and draws pertinent lessons for his audience. What David saw, what David heard, what David said, and what David did. Readings: 1 Sam 17:8-11, 23-36. (Recorded in Waukesha, WI, USA, 23rd April 2016)
A Portrait of Christ in the Song of Solomon (48 min)
Jim Flanigan, who wrote a commentary on the Song of Solomon, preaches a deeply devotional sermon on the well-known “altogether lovely” section of the book (Ch 5:9-6:1). (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete Series on Types and Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament: People (Melchizedek and Aaron) Places (The Tabernacle) Pictures (The Offerings) Prophets (Isaiah) Poetry (Song of Solomon)
Pictures of Christ in Isaiah (45 min)
After explaining how Isaiah is like a miniature Bible, Jim Flanigan preaches on pictures of Christ in Isaiah under three headings: Christ the servant of Jehovah (42:1-4), the solace of his people (41:10) and the shepherd of his flock (40:11). (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete Series on Types and Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament: People (Melchizedek and Aaron) Places (The Tabernacle) Pictures (The Offerings) Prophets (Isaiah) Poetry (Song of Solomon)
The Offerings as Types of Christ (50 min)
Jim Flanigan preaches on the offerings as types of Christ, with a particular emphasis on the meal or grain offering in Leviticus Ch 2, which helps us know how to approach the other principal offerings. Reading: Lev 2:1-3, 11-13. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete Series on Types and Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament: People (Melchizedek and Aaron) Places (The Tabernacle) Pictures (The Offerings) Prophets (Isaiah) Poetry (Song of Solomon)
The Tabernacle as a Type of Christ (43 min)
Jim Flanigan preaches on the Tabernacle as a type of Christ. He starts at the altar in the court and works his way to the ark in the holy of holies, bringing out the typical teaching along the way. Reading: Exod 40:17-34. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete Series on Types and Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament: People (Melchizedek and Aaron) Places (The Tabernacle) Pictures (The Offerings) Prophets (Isaiah) Poetry (Song of Solomon)
Melchizedek and Aaron as Types of Christ (48 min)
Jim Flanigan starts a series on types of Christ in the Old Testament by looking at Melchizedek and Aaron. Christ is after “the order of Melchizedek”, and after “the pattern or Aaron”. From these types we learn about the ministry of Christ as our Great High Priest. Readings Gen 14:14-15:1, Exod 28:1-12, 29-38. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete Series on Types and Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament: People (Melchizedek and Aaron) Places (The Tabernacle) Pictures (The Offerings) Prophets…
The Most Gracious Prayer in the Bible (24 min)
Brandon Doll preaches on the prayer of the Lord Jesus when He was being nailed to the cross: “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do” – a prayer that reveals the incredible heart of God and the grace of Christ towards humanity. Readings: Isa 53:12, Luke 23:32-34. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 14th July 2024)
Do You Have a Heart for Worship? (40 min)
John Dennison preaches on the topic of worship, from the life of Abraham, the man of God, in Genesis. Headings: the call, catalyst, consistency, control and consequences of worship. Readings: Gen 11:31-32, 12:1-2a, 4-10a, 13:1-7, 17-18, 21:33-34, 22:1-3, 8-12a, 14. (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference, April 2012)
Find the Path, Frequent the Place, Follow the Way (41 min)
Colin Hutchison preaches on an unknown way (“Find it”), a secret place (“Frequent it”) and a deep way (“Follow it”). Readings: Job 28:7-8, Psa 91:1-2, 77:19. (Recorded at the Arnot Gospel Hall New Year Conference, Scotland, 1st Jan 2024)
Why Take a Stand for Truth? (37 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on why Christians should stand for the truth. Because of its source, its substance, its being under siege, its scope, its need for succession. Readings: 1 Tim 1:1-7, 2:1-7, 4:6-7, 12-16, 6:20-21, 2 Tim 1:12-14, 2:1-6, 4:1-5. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 14th July 2024)
How to Deliver a Gospel Sermon (48 min)
Michael Penfold speaks on how to deliver a gospel message. Preachers should preach with authority, dignity, sensitivity, simplicity, clarity, cogency, authenticity, solemnity, intensity and fervency. Advice is given on how to maintain attention throughout; opening and closing in prayer; time-keeping; the use of notes; gestures; eye contact and the use of the human voice. Reading: Ecc 12:10-11. (Recorded in Bury St Edmunds Gospel Hall, Suffolk, UK, 11th May 2024) The “Glorious Gospel” series: Its Method – Is Gospel Preaching Still…
How To Prepare a Gospel Sermon (44 min)
Michael Penfold speaks on preparing to preach the gospel – preparing the preacher, and preparing the sermon. He outlines the three main genres of sermon before discussing the preparation process and how to structure messages. Readings: Rom 1:16-17, 1 Cor 2:1-5, 1 Tim 4:13-16, 2 Tim 3:15, 4:1-5. (Recorded in Bury St Edmunds Gospel Hall, Suffolk, UK, 11th May 2024) The “Glorious Gospel” series: Its Method – Is Gospel Preaching Still Relevant? Its Message – The Three “R’s” of the…
What Are The Three “R’s” of the Gospel? (30 min)
Michael Penfold gives a 3-fold proof from Scripture that the gospel consists of three “R’s” – man’s ruin, God’s remedy, and man’s responsibility. In this sermon, the three R’s are expanded, with particular attention paid to the subjects of repentance and faith. Readings: Mark 16.16, Luke 24:46-47, Acts 2:37-38a, 20:21, 24-25, 1 Cor 15:3-4. (Recorded in Bury St Edmunds Gospel Hall, Suffolk, UK, 11th May 2024) The “Glorious Gospel” series: Its Method – Is Gospel Preaching Still Relevant? Its Message…
Is Gospel Preaching Still Relevant? (42 min)
Michael Penfold takes up the subject of “the divine method of communication”. In an era when many are arguing that politics, social work and the performing arts are the key methods for spreading the gospel, Michael contends that preaching is still the divine method. If you think “preaching doesn’t work any more”, you need to listen to this message. Readings: Mark 16.15-16, Acts 10.42, Rom 10.14-15a. (Recorded in Bury St Edmunds Gospel Hall, Suffolk, UK, 11th May 2024) The “Glorious…
It’s a Dark Moment When You Find Out You’re Lost (16 min)
Sherman MacDonald grew up in Prince Edward Island, Canada, and knew the truth of the gospel from childhood. He turned away from the gospel in his teens, to live a life enjoying “the pleasures of sin”…until God intervened in his life at the age of 25. Listen to find our how he was saved. (Recorded in Pope Road Gospel Hall, PEI, Canada, 23rd June 2024)
What Happens If You Remove Genesis 3 From the Bible? (45 min)
David West preaches on one of the most important chapters in the Bible, Genesis Ch 3. This chapter is to be taken historically and literally and is shown to be foundational to the rest of Scripture. Readings: Genesis 3:1-24, 2 Corinthians 11:2-3, 1 Timothy 2:11-14. (Recorded in Northampton, 26th Aug 2006)
The Purpose of the Cross in Galatians (48 min)
After outlining how the cross is viewed in different parts of the Bible, Tom Armstrong preaches on “the purpose of the cross” in Paul’s epistle to the Galatians. Readings: Gal 1:3-5, 2:19-20, 3:1, 12-14, 4:3-5, 5:24-25, 6:12-14. (Recorded in Northampton, 30th Apr 2018) Complete series: The Pictures of the Cross in Genesis The Power of the Cross in Corinthians The Purpose of the Cross in Galatians
The Power of the Cross in Corinthians (29 min)
Tom Armstrong preaches on “the power of the cross in 1st Corinthians”. He highlights the preaching, purity, proclamation and power of the cross, and relates these as the solution to the various problems that existed in the church at Corinth. Readings: 1 Cor 1:17, 5:1-8, 10:16-17, 21, 11:23-26, 15:1-2, 13-14, 20, 51-58. (Recorded in Northampton, 29th Apr 2018) Complete series: The Pictures of the Cross in Genesis The Power of the Cross in Corinthians The Purpose of the Cross in…
Pictures of the Cross in Genesis (42 min)
Tom Armstrong preaches on pictures of the cross in Genesis, highlighting numerous pictures of the atoning work of Christ in the first book of the Bible. Readings: Gen 2:21-24, 3:15, 21, 6:11, 14, 22, 7:1, 22:1-14, 39:11, 47:23. (Recorded in Northampton, 28th Apr 2018) Complete series: The Pictures of the Cross in Genesis The Power of the Cross in Corinthians The Purpose of the Cross in Galatians
We Rest On Thee – Hymn (6 min)
The hymn “We Rest On Thee”, sung by young people from Roseisle Gospel Hall in Manitoba, Canada, to the tune “Finlandia”. “We Rest on Thee” was written by Edith G. Cherry (1872-1897). Lyrics: We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender! We go not forth alone against the foe; Strong in Thy strength, safe in Thy keeping tender, We rest on Thee, and in Thy name we go. Yea, in Thy name, O Captain of salvation! In Thy dear…
The Day Two Men Were Born For (21 min)
Robert Plant preaches on the character and actions of Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea the two men who came forward to bury the body of the Lord Jesus. Reading: John 19:38-42. (Recorded at Nineveh Gospel Hall conference, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2023)
Do You Resemble The Butler or The Baker? (36 min)
After a 6-minute introduction, Jonathan Procopio compares the butler and the baker in Genesis Ch 40 and draws spiritual lessons from them about a Christian’s character and service. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, November 2008)
As You Begin a New Journey (38 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the new journey that Joshua undertook as he entered Canaan. Are you about to start a new journey? Remember, every journey with God has a goal, a guarantee, a governor and a guide. Reading: Josh 1:1-27. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 23rd June 2024)
The Rebellion of Absalom and the Return of David (35 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the rebellion of Absalom – its cause, its course and its characters. Mr Grant divides the chapters under consideration into 4 parts: Absalom’s revolt, David’s retreat, Absalom’s reign, and David’s return. Reading: 2 Sam 15:1-19:43. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the…
Thou Art the Man (34 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the silence and sorrow of David after his sin with Bathsheba in 2 Samuel Ch 12. He also looks at two Psalms written by David after he was brought to repentance. Reading: 2 Sam 12:1-31. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the…
David and Bathsheba (36 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the sad story of David’s adultery with Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, and outlines lessons from the tragic consequences that flowed from it. Readings: 2 Sam 11:1-27. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1 Sam 8-9…
I Sincerely Thought I Was Saved (27 min)
Jason Wahls thought he was a Christian. But while he said he was a follower of Jesus Christ, his life didn’t match his claim. Watch to hear how the Lord got his attention and brought him to true faith at the age of 24. (Recorded in Marion, Iowa, USA, 17th June 2024)
Grace Accepted: Grace Rejected (34 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches the back to back stories of Mephibosheth (2 Sam 9) and Hanun King of the Ammonites (2 Sam 10). In the former it was grace accepted by one whose father was David’s enemy: in the latter it was grace rejected by one whose father was David’s friend. Readings: 2 Sam 9:1-13. 10:1-19. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1…
Beware of the New Cart (37 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on King David bringing the ark back to Jerusalem under 4 headings: desire for the divine presence, departure from divine principles, delight in divine progress, and displays of divine power. Reading: 2 Sam 6:1-23. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped…
How Are the Mighty Fallen (30 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) outlines the 2nd book of Samuel in three sections: triumph, followed by tragedy, followed by trouble. Then he preaches on the first couple of chapters of the book, dealing with: the death of the Amalekite, the distress of David and the death of Asahel. Readings: 2 Sam 1:1-27, 2:1-32, 3:1. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 –…
The 4 Great Victories of David the Fugitive (34 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the victories of David while a fugitive. A victory against the Philistines regarding sustenance, a victory over Saul regarding conscience, a victory over Saul regarding patience, and a victory over the Amalekites regarding negligence. Readings: 1 Sam 23:1-6, 24:1-22, 26:1-25, 30:1-31. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam…
The Failures of David the Fugitive (33 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the fugitive years of David and draws lessons from his various failures in connection with Ahimelech the priest, King Achish of Gath, and Nabal the husband of Abigail. Reading: 1 Sam 21:1-15, 22:9-23, 25:1-44. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord…
David in the Cave of Adullam (41 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the experience of David in the Cave of Adullam, when he fled from the jealous persecution of King Saul. A great company of people came to him, who were discontented, in debt and distressed and David became a captain over them. Reading: 1 Sam 22:1-5. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory…
David Slays Goliath the Champion of the Philistines (30 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the contest between David and Goliath. The fear that prevented victory, the faith that gained the victory, and the fruit that came from victory. Reading: 1 Sam 17:1-58. (Recorded in Scotland – the quality of this recording isn’t great, but we have included it to ensure this sermon series is complete) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 –…
The Lord Looks On The Heart (36 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the selection and anointing of David, the shepherd boy, to be the King of Israel. The lesson is, “The Lord does not look on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart.” Reading: 1 Sam 16:1-23. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer:…
Why Saul Was Rejected as King of Israel (34 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on how Saul was tried and tested by God in the early years of his reign. Saul’s reaction to God’s testing – impatience, disobedience and failure – led to God’s rejection of him as King. Reading: 1 Sam 13:1-15:34. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer:…