2025 (Page 10)
“I’m sure of heaven, no matter what!” (10 min)
John Selesnic grew up going to church and trusting in his religion to get him to heaven. But he never felt sure he would make it. What if he got hit in a traffic accident and died before the priest arrived to give him the last rites? Listen to find out how John discovered he could be “sure of heaven no matter what”. (Story told in Brampton Gospel Hall, Ontario, Canada 2022)
Secular Society – a Biblical Survival Kit (56 min)
PART 2 – In the second of his “Secrets of Survival in a Secular Society” series, David Gilliland expounds the Upper Room ministry of the Lord Jesus as a survival kit for us to utilise now that He has gone back to heaven and left us in a hostile world. Mr Gilliland highlights the features, fruit and foes in the teaching of Christ and applies it to dealing with erroneous philosophies such as pluralism and relativism. Readings: John 14:16-20, 15:9-12,…
Apathy and the Temple of Herod (48 min)
PART 4 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) continues his series on the Temples of Scripture by taking a look at the Temple of Herod, the temple that existed when the Lord was on earth. The nation of Israel at that time was marked by apathy and had made the house of prayer into a house of merchandise. Reading: Mal 1:6-13 (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple).
Secular Society – What is it? (42 min)
PART 1 – Opening a series called “The Secrets of Survival in a Secular Society”, David Gilliland defines secularism and takes a look at – and refutes from the Bible – ideas such as deism, nihilism and pragmatism. Readings: John 12:31-33, 13:1, 14:17, 15:18-19, 22-24, 17:25-26 (Message preached in Curzon Street, Derby, May 2004)
Recovery and the Temple of Zerubbabel (51 min)
PART 3 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) continues his series on the Temples of Scripture by taking a look at the temple rebuilt under Zerubbabel. This is a practical message highlighting timeless principles of recovery in assembly testimony. Readings: Ezra 1:1-11 (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple).
Overview of Titus (37 min)
Michael Penfold gives an overview of the epistle of Paul to Titus, one of three of his “pastoral epistles”. The overview is given in three parts: “What about Crete?”, “What about Titus?”, and “What about the Epistle?”. For a chart of this overview of Titus click here. (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter, 3rd July 2022) Other book overviews: Overview of Genesis Overview of Ruth Overview of Proverbs Overview of Isaiah Overview of Daniel Overview of Joel Overview of Zechariah…
“A time when, a place where and a manner how” (21 min)
Ashley Milne relates his story of conversion as a young man growing up, the son of missionaries in Venezuela, South America. “Everyone who is saved has a time when, a place where and a manner how they were saved”. Do you? (Message given in Fleetwood, Vancouver, 2022)
Overview of James (50 min)
Mervyn Hall gives an overview of the epistle of James under two broad headings: its historical context, and its theological contact. This is the first New Testament book, written by James the brother of the Lord to the Jewish dispersion. Its broad theme is how to meet the trials of life as a Christian (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter, 10th July 2022) Other book overviews: Overview of Genesis Overview of Ruth Overview of Proverbs Overview of Isaiah Overview of…
Glorious Welsh Hymn Tunes (38 min)
Why make available on GHA a recording of hymns from 1963, sung by 5,000 Welsh men and women in the Welsh language – to mainly Welsh tunes – in the Royal Albert Hall in London? Because these are some of the most beautiful tunes ever composed. Some have tricky harmonies and minor keys – but persevere; this recording will help you learn these wonderful tunes. The tune names, along with suggested hymns in English to which they can be sung,…
Fervency and the Temple of Solomon – Part 2 (29 min)
PART 2 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) continues his series on the Temples of Scripture by taking a second look at Solomon’s temple. Mr Baker looks at the fervour and interest of David, Solomon and the people in the building of the temple and draws lessons therefrom. Readings: 2 Sam 7:1-3, 12-13, 1 Chron 28:1-10, 29:1-3 10-11 (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple).
Fervency and the Temple of Solomon – Part 1 (32 min)
PART 1 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) begins a series on the Temples of Scripture by looking at the concept of God dwelling among His people from Jacob’s experience in Gen 28 and from Paul’s 3rd chapter in 1 Timothy. He then speaks of Solomon’s original temple: divinely chosen, enabled, possessed and guided (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple)
The Roles of Men and Women in the Assembly (17 min)
Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on the roles of the two sexes from the pivotal New Testament passage of 1 Tim 2:8-15, in which the apostle Paul goes back to creation to explain the roles of men and women in the local assembly. (Recorded in Ayr, Scotland, in 1993)
“No wise man will sleep until he knows his sins are forgiven” (28 min)
David Ambrose recounts the story of his conversion to Christ. Born in the fishing village of Portavogie, Co Down, Northern Ireland, David knew the gospel from his childhood. God spoke to him through a number of life’s experiences, but it was eventually in a series of gospel meetings in early 1975 that God saved him at the age of 16. (Testimony given in Portavogie Harbour Drive-in gospel meeting, 29th May 2022)
The Book of the Generation of Jesus Christ (58 min)
PART 2 – Phil Coulson looks at the “book of the generation of Jesus Christ”. The New Testament begins with a long list of names – a genealogy – which is seldom addressed in ministry. Mr Coulson expounds the topic to profit. Reading: Matt 1:1-17 (Preached in Edmonton, Canada, 2019).
The Book of the Generations of Adam (51 min)
PART 1 – Phil Coulson takes a broad sweeping look at the course of history from Adam to Christ, taking a particular interest in the early chapters of Genesis and the “generations of Adam”. A thought provoking message. Reading: Gen 5:1-3, Matt 1:1 (Preached in Edmonton, Canada, 2019).
John McCracken – Bible Superlatives (18 min)
John McCracken was born in Northern Ireland, and went to serve the Lord in “the Maritimes” (Eastern Canada) in 1937, preaching the gospel in Nova Scotia and elsewhere along with his brother Robert and other gospel preachers. In this message on “Bible Superlatives”, given during a visit back to his home country of in Northern Ireland, he preaches on the oldest promise, the greatest work, the sweetest kiss, the darkest doom and the brightest morning. Mr & Mrs McCracken’s dates:…
Christ’s Appearing and Kingdom (56 min)
PART 5 – Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on the topic of the appearing of Christ in glory and the millennial kingdom that He will set up and reign over for 1,000 years. Israel restored, the world regenerated and the church ruling and reigning with Christ; this is the future promised in Scripture. Reading: Revelation 19:11-21 (Preached in Ayr, Scotland, in 1982)
The One World Church of the End Times (52 min)
PART 4 – Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on the “one world church” of the end times, mystery Babylon the Great. He traces Babylon through Scripture from Genesis to Revelation and gives pertinent warnings about the present ecumenical movement, the precursor to the “Mother of Harlots” of the period known as the great tribulation. Reading: Revelation 17-18. (Preached in Ayr, Scotland, in 1982)
John Wells – “The Eternal State” (15 min)
Mr & Mrs John Wells were commended from Bleary, Northern Ireland, to serve the Lord in Venezuela, leaving home in 1929 to join William Williams in pioneer gospel work in that South American country. John Wells (1898-1989) came from an unsaved background and was converted to Christ in a gospel mission in 1920, to which he had been invited by his newly converted friend Eddie Fairfield. The young Mr Fairfield, who had recently found his way into assembly fellowship in…
The Coming World Superman (52 min)
PART 3 – Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on the coming world superman, the antichrist, and various other personages who will be prominent in the end times, such as the false prophet and the King of the North. The antichrist’s number will be 666 and no man will be able to buy or sell without that number in their forehead or in their right hand. Reading: Revelation 13:1-18. (Preached in Ayr, Scotland, in 1982)
Singing from Trimsaran, Wales (36 min)
The “Trimsaran Bible Readings”, in south west Wales, UK, took place each August for several decades in the second half of the 20th century and featured famed Welsh singing. Here’s a recording of the following 11 hymns from the 1975 meetings: Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour Thou O Lord our souls adoring view On Christ salvation rests secure O Christ Thou Son of God Lord of glory we adore Thee What raised the wondrous thought (Albert Leckie, who led the…
Part 1 – Hymns for the Little Flock (48 min)
A selection of hymns from “Hymns for the Little Flock” hymn book, sung at Curzon St Meeting Room, Derby, conferences, 2008-09: Let saints on earth their anthems raise Awake each soul, awake each tongue! What was it blessed God? O blessed God what hast Thou done? Jesus that name is love Guide us O Thou gracious Saviour And is it so I shall be like Thy Son? Lord Jesus are we one with Thee? O Jesus Lord ’tis joy to…
The Great Tribulation (55 min)
PART 2 – Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on the subject of “the great tribulation”, the period of time between the rapture of the church and Christ’s appearing in glory to set up His kingdom. Mr Hunter outlines the unveiling of the seals in Revelation Ch 6 and the events of the period from Matthew Ch 24. Reading: Luke 13:22-30 (Preached in Ayr, Scotland, in 1982)
The Morning After the Rapture (33 min)
PART 1 – Jack Hunter (1916-1994) preaches on what it will be like the morning after the rapture, when millions will be missing and you might be left behind. Are you ready for the Lord to return? Reading: Luke 13:22-30 (Preached in Ayr, Scotland, in 1982)
Women’s Ministry (28 min)
Andrew Ussher speaks on the “ministry of women” from the Pastoral Epistles. He takes up various topics such as adornment, learning, acceptance of one’s role, character, excelling for God and mentoring the next generation. Readings: 1 Tim 2:9-15, 3:11, 5:9-10, 14, Titus 2:1-5. (Preached in North America, 29th Sept 2019)
Title in Turmoil (65 min)
PART 4 – David Gilliland preaches on the “feasts of the Jews” in the Gospel of John and develops teaching from the unique perspective given on the feasts in the 4th gospel. Readings: John 2:13-17, 5:1-10, 6:4-5, 7:1-2, 10:22-24, 31-33, 11:55, 12:1-5. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, 2002) (Photo: Israel)
Feasts in Fulfillment (66 min)
PART 3 – John Grant (1942-2020) looks at the first 4 of the 7 feasts of Jehovah and explains how they were fulfilled in the New Testament. Pentecost and its unity, Passover and Unleavened bread and their purity, and firstfruits and its security. Readings: Acts 2:1-8, 38, 41-47, 1 Cor 5:1-8, 15:20-26, 1 Pet 1:14-15. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, 2002) (Photo: Israel)
Feasts in Focus (57 min)
PART 2 – Tom Bentley (1924-2011) preaches on the subject of the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly responsibilities of the children of Israel in relation to offerings and feasts, bringing out practical teaching along the way. Readings: Numbers Ch 28 and 29. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, 2002) (Photo: Israel)
Seasons in Sequence (70 min)
PART 1 – David Gilliland gives an overview of the 7 feasts of Jehovah before looking at Leviticus Ch 23 in detail. His headings include the setting of the chapter, and its subject and sections etc. This is a very comprehensive look at this pivotal topic. Readings: Lev 18:1-4, 23:1-4, 44, 26:2-4, 6, 11-13. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, 2002) (Photo: Israel)
The Church and Its Functioning (42 min)
The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 5 – John Riddle preaches on the functioning of the local church from 1 Corinthians Ch 12, as he highlights issues the use of gift and the priority of edification. Reading: 1 Cor 12:1-11:19-27 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010)
The Church and Its Continuation (36 min)
The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 4 – John Riddle preaches on the continuation of the church from the book of Acts, highlighting the local assembly at Antioch as an example of the pattern of how God has worked through the ages: gospel preaching, exhortation, teaching and fellowship. Reading: Acts 11:19-30 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010)
The Church and Its Composition (30 min)
The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 3 – John Riddle preaches on the composition of the church from the pivotal passage in Ephesians 2, which shows it to be made up of Jews and Gentiles in one new body, something entirely new and distinct from the composition of God’s people in the Old Testament. Readings: Eph 2:11-21, 3:8-11 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010)
The Church and Its Commencement (44 min)
The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 2 – John Riddle preaches on the commencement of the church on the Day of Pentecost. He explains that the church did not exist prior to Acts 2 and expounds the dispensational purpose of the church. The coming of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues are discussed. Readings: John 20:21-22, Acts 2:1-4 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010) (Photo: Jerusalem) Rest of this series of sermons by John Riddle
You Are Not Your Own (31 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on “You are not your own”, and the implications of this Bible statement on the Christian’s life. If Christ has bought me with a price, He owns me. He’s sovereign over me. I cannot just do as I like with my body and my life. Everything is now no longer about me but about Him. Reading: 1 Cor 6:19-20. (Recorded in Nov 2018 at Stark Road Gospel Hall Conference, USA)
The Church and Its Construction (45 min)
The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 1 – John Riddle preaches on the construction of the church from the well-known passage in Matthew 16 which is the first mention of the church in the New Testament. The church is built upon “this rock”, but what is the rock? Reading: Matt 16:13-20 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010)
“I could no longer bear the guilt of my sin” (6 min)
Wesley Pickett heard the gospel often in his youth, but he got so used to it that any concern for his soul seemed to have left him. However, God worked through the preaching of the gospel to bring him to the place where he could no longer live with the burden and guilt of his sin…and then God saved him. (Testimony given in Blue River, Wisconsin, 2021)
“For the first time in my life I couldn’t argue with God” (4 min)
Jon Novak grew up on a farm and knew the gospel from his earliest days. He resisted the gospel until his mid teen when under the preaching of the gospel he reached the place where he “couldn’t argue with God” any more. Listen to hear how he found peace with God. (Preached in Blue River, Wisconsin, 2019)
A Character Study in Genesis – Joseph (51 min)
PART 4 – Dan Rudge gives a “character study” of Joseph from the last few chapters of Genesis. (Message preached in Bracknell, 18th Jun 2022). Notes: A Character Study: Joseph [Gen. 37] Your study should be… Scriptural [Survey]. More than 10 different Josephs. Three other major NT passages: • Psa. 105. Feet shackled. Neck in iron collar. Divine providence. “He sent a man before them, even Joseph”. • Acts 7. “And the patriarchs, moved with envy, sold Joseph into Egypt:…
A Chapter Study in Genesis – Ch 24 (47 min)
PART 3 – Ian Jackson gives a “chapter study” of Genesis Ch 24, looking at the chapter contextually, historically, morally, practically, illustratively and dispensationally. Readings: Gen. 1.1, 26-27; 2.4; 3.15; 5.1; 12.1-3. (Message preached in Bracknell, 18th Jun 2022).
A Subject Study in Genesis – “Who were the Sons of God?” (53 min)
PART 2 – Ian Jackson delivers a “subject study” from Genesis Chapter 6, and provides an answer to the difficult question “Who are the Sons of God?”. Readings: 2 Pet 2:4-9, Jude 1:5-7, Gen 6:1-13. (Message preached in Bracknell, 18th Jun 2022).
A Book Study of Genesis (+ chart) (41 min)
PART 1 – Dan Rudge gives a “book study” of the whole of Genesis, outlining the story, structure, subjects and seven individuals highlighted in the book. Readings: Gen. 1.1, 26-27; 2.4; 3.15; 5.1; 12.1-3. (Message preached in Bracknell, 18th Jun 2022). Click here for Dan Rudge’s chart of Genesis Notes: A Book Study: An Overview of Genesis The Story [Context] of the Book • Hebrew name = Bĕrēʾšît, “in the beginning”. Greek name = Geneseos, ‘origin’ or ‘generation’. Origin of…
“Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re saved. You get it for yourself.” (11 min)
David Yoder grew up in the home of parents who had been saved from an Amish background, but his wholesome upbringing wasn’t enough to save him. Noticing the attention that was paid to people who profess to be saved, David too made a profession – but it wasn’t real. Listen to find out how he discovered his need and trusted in Christ. Readings: Psa 37:4, Isa 53:5-6 (Testimony given in Blue River, Wisconsin, 2021) (Photo: Farm in Wisconsin)
What is more valuable than anything else in the world? (10 min)
John Fitzpatrick grew up in Yonkers, New York. He had a traditional upbringing, was christened as a child and went to church. In 1959, a neighbour brought him to children’s meetings where John learned the truth of the gospel and his need of the most valuable thing in the world. (Testimony given in Blue River, Wisconsin, 2021)
VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 7 (36 min)
PART 7 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the subject of the Lord Jesus Christ’s present interaction with local assemblies from the record of John in Revelation Chs 1, 2 and 3. The Lord is in the midst and is actively observing what is going on in each assembly. Andrew lifts 8 lessons from these chapters. Readings: Rev 1:10-18, 2:1-2, 5, 8-9, 12-13, 16, 18-19, 3:1, 7-8, 14-15, 20. (Series given in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)
VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 6 (46 min)
PART 6 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the issue of leadership in assembly life – elders, overseers and shepherds. Andrew outlines the desire for the work of overseership, its qualifications and characteristics. Readings: John 21:15-17, Acts 20:17-18, 27-35, 1 Tim 3:1, Titus 1:5, Heb 13:7, 17, 24, 1 Pet 5:1-4 (Series given preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)
VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 5 (59 min)
PART 5 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the issue of relationships between believers in an assembly. In contrast to envy, strife and gossip, Andrew outlines 6 attitudes or actions that we can take to foster good relationships with one another. Readings: Gal 5:13-15, 26, Phil 2:3-4, Rom 12:10, 1 Pet 1:22, Eph 4:1-2, 32, Heb 10:25, Rom 12:13, 1 Pet 4:8-9 (Series given preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)
VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 4 (37 min)
PART 4 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the body character of the local assembly and the need for believers to understand and appreciate their place and their gift, have the right attitude, and not to complete with other believers or feel unhappy with their God-given role. Readings: 1 Cor 12:12-17 (Series given preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)
VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 3 (56 min)
PART 3 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the subject of “headship” from 1 Cor 11, He also takes up the subject of “worship” especially in relation to the gathering of the Lord’s Supper. Readings: 1 Cor 11:1-16. (Series given in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)
VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 2 (57 min)
PART 2 – Andrew Ussher preaches on the vital topic of “stewardship of doctrine” in relation to the New Testament assembly, making the key point that “doctrine matters”. He then take up the biblical concept of “fellowship” in a local assembly. Readings: Acts 2:14-15, 1 Tim 3:14-15. (Series given in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)
VIDEO Assembly Principles Part 1 (53 min)
PART 1 – Andrew Ussher opens a 7-part series on New Testament assembly principles by looking at the meaning of the word “church”, by examining what the Bible means by “house of God”, by calling out the intent of relevant NT passages, and by highlighting the priority of Christ in relation to the local assembly. Readings: Exod 25:8, Matt 16:13-18. 18:15-20, 1 Cor 1:1-2, 3:9-17, 1 Tim 3:15. (Series given in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, Jan 2022)
The King of Love My Shepherd Is – Acapella Hymn (2 min)
The hymn “The King of Love My Shepherd Is” sung by young people from Roseisle Gospel Hall, Manitoba Canada. The King of love my Shepherd is, Whose goodness faileth never; I nothing lack if I am His And He is mine for ever. Where streams of living water flow My ransomed soul He leadeth, And where the verdant pastures grow With food celestial feedeth. Perverse and foolish oft I strayed, But yet in love He sought me, And on His…
What a Gathering – Harry McClelland and Sammy Campbell (37 min)
“What a Gathering” is a collection of hymns sung by Harry McClelland, accompanied on the keyboard by Sammy Campbell, recorded in 1987 in Belfast: 00.00 I’ve Found a Friend O Such a Friend 02.19 The Sands of Time are Sinking 05.10 And Is It So I Shall Be Like Thy Son 07.43 O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go 09.51 Glory To Thee Thou Son of God Most High 12.56 Face to Face With Christ My Saviour 16.01 What…
The Shepherd of Psalm 23 (39 min)
Robert McIlwaine (1925-2021) preaches an encouraging and practical word of exhortation on the Shepherd of Psalm 23 (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, Feb 28, 1997)
Following in the Footsteps of the Saviour (33 min)
Andrew Ussher preaches on “following in the footsteps of the Saviour”. The life of Christ is the example (for people who are saved) of how to live on earth before their God. A challenging message highlighting three resources we need in living for God. Readings: 1 Pet 2:20-23, Heb 12:1-3. (Message preached at the Vancouver Thanksgiving Conference, 2018)
“I tried all the world had to offer” (30 min)
James Logan grew up in a Christian family and knew the gospel from his earliest days, but he decided to try all the world had to offer him. Through the tragic death of a friend James was awakened to his need of salvation and went to hear Willie Fenton and Matthew McKillen preaching the gospel. Through “verse 3 of number 36” (“Adore Him, the glorious work is done”) James was saved by the grace of God at the age of…
The Gospel in Brazil – Wilfred Glenn (30 min)
Wilfred Glenn was a missionary from Northern Ireland who served the Lord in Brazil from 1970 to his unexpected sudden homecall to heaven in 1987. During his 17 years of labour in Brazil, Wilfred and his wife Kathleen left their mark on the work, in particular in a place called San Gabriel in the Rio Grande do Sul. Very small beginnings had been made in the work there, and our brother and his wife moved there to press on with…
Fairest Lord Jesus – Hymn (4 min)
The hymn “Fairest Lord Jesus” sung by young people from Roseisle Gospel Hall, Manitoba Canada. Lyrics: Fairest Lord Jesus, ruler of all nature O thou of God and man the Son Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honour Thou, my soul’s glory, joy, and crown. All fairest beauty, heavenly and earthly, Wondrously, Jesus, is found in Thee, None can be nearer, fairer or dearer, Than Thou My Saviour art to me. Beautiful Saviour! Lord of all the nations, Son…
Atonement – “Received” not “Achieved” (25 min)
David Gilliland preaches the gospel on the subject of “the atonement” – its meaning, cost, reception, effect and urgency of atonement. The blessings from Christ’s atonement are received not achieved: obtained not attained. Reading Rom 5:6-11 (Preached in Northern Ireland).
Apologetics 101: The Uniqueness of Christianity (58 min)
Apologetics 101 – PART 5 of 5 Consciously or not, every human being has a worldview; it’s the way they view themselves, the world and all of reality. That worldview has consequences, for what a person believes determines how they live. So what is the correct worldview and how can it be verified? Michael Penfold tests 5 common worldviews against three questions: “Where do we come from?”, “What’s wrong with the world?”, and “How do we solve the problem?”. After…
Apologetics 101: The Rock of Scripture (63 min)
Apologetics 101 – PART 4 of 5 In 1890, British Prime Minister, William Gladstone, wrote a book about the Bible entitled “The Impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture”. Battering this rock over recent centuries has been Higher Criticism, one of the off-shoots of the Enlightenment. In an Enlightenment world, where the universe is a self-propelled machine, man is the measure of all things, and reason has replaced revelation, there is no room for miracles, nor for a book about miracles. How…
Apologetics 101: The Lie of Evolution (65 min)
Apologetics 101 – PART 3 of 5 The foundation upon which the secular and naturalistic worldview of the mainstream media, the mainstream political parties and the academic establishment rests, is Darwinism. While the Enlightenment got rid of Scripture and turned theists into deists, it was Darwin who got rid of God and turned deists into atheists. Richard Dawkins has famously remarked that Darwin’s theory of evolution “made it possible to become an intellectually fulfilled atheist”. But what if evolution is…
Apologetics 101: The Folly of Atheism (57 min)
Apologetics 101 – PART 2 of 5 The Bible doesn’t beat about the bush. Twice over it says “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’.” In this presentation, Michael Penfold expounds this biblical conclusion, as he examines the folly of a system of thought that posits “everything came from nothing by chance”. Rather than acknowledge the existence of God, atheism throws up endless arguments trying to get round the obvious. Why? Not because atheists cannot believe in God,…
Apologetics 101: The Existence of Truth (51 min)
Apologetics 101 – PART 1 of 5 Pilate’s question is still the most fundamental of all: “What is truth?”. In this audio presentation, follow the trail of truth from the pre-modern era, through the modern era to the post-modern era of today. Learn how truth was fractured during the Enlightenment through the radical ideas of Descartes, Locke, Hume and Kant. Trace the West’s 400 year descent into madness as it ‘progressed’ from rationalism, to empiricism, to agnosticism, to nihilism, to…
When 40 Were Baptised in Gander Bay (23 min)
In the 1970’s Marvin Derksen left Ontario and went east to help in the work in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. He entered into the labours of men like Albert Joyce, Herb Harris and George Campbell. Marvin tells of the early days, but also of his own labours in various places, especially in Gander Bay where, after a year of work, 40 believers were baptised and an assembly was formed. Reading: John 4:31-38. (Preached at the Belfast Easter Conference, Northern Ireland…
Former Drug Addict Returns to the Streets of Toronto a Transformed Man (11 min)
In his youth, Steven Faviere used drugs on the streets of Toronto. Now he’s back on those same streets a changed man, with a story to tell – a story of redemption through Jesus Christ. To hear an audio version of Steven’s full length story of transformation, go to https://gospelhallaudio.org/sermons/i-hate-the-way-i-am-why-is-everything-so-empty-29-min/
Exposition of Genesis Ch 4 (39 min)
Sandy Higgins expounds Genesis chapter 4, which outlines the beginning of the world’s cities and its culture, as mankind tries to make itself comfortable outside of Eden’s garden, but without God. Reading: Genesis 4. (Message preached in North America) Complete series: Exposition of Genesis 1 Exposition of Genesis 2 Exposition of Genesis 3 Exposition of Genesis 4 Exposition of Genesis 5