2025 (Page 3)
King Saul…If Only (33 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on three chapters about Saul, the disappointing disobedient King in 1st Samuel: signs from the Lord (Ch 10), triumph in the battle (Ch 11) and blessing despite disobedience (Ch 12). Reading: 1 Sam 10:1-12:25. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped…
Make Us A King Like the Other Nations (34 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the request of Israel for a King to judge them, lead them and fight their battles, so that they could be like the Gentile nations around them. Reading: 1 Sam 8:1-9:27. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1…
Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us (35 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the return of the ark to Israel from the land of the Philistines and the subsequent spiritual revival of the nation under Samuel the prophet. Reading: 1 Sam 6:1-7:13. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1 Sam 8-9…
Ichabod: The Glory is Departed (36 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the defeat of Israel by the Philistines (and the loss of the ark) under three headings: the delusion under which Israel laboured, the death which they endured, and the departure which they suffered. Reading: 1 Sam 4:1-5:12. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto…
The Call of Samuel (34 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on the early years of the life of Samuel the prophet. Conditions in Shiloh, the character of Samuel, and Samuel’s call. Readings: 1 Sam 2:11-21, 3:1-21. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1 Sam 8-9 – Make Us A…
The Home of Samuel – Character, Crisis and Consecration (38 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) introduces a series of sermons on 1st and 2nd Samuel, and expounds events in 1 Samuel Ch 1, dealing with the character, crisis and consecration in Samuel’s childhood home. Reading: 1 Sam 1:1-28. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete sermon series on Saul, David and Samuel: 1 Sam 1 – Samuel’s Home 1 Sam 2-3 – Samuel’s Call 1 Sam 4-5 – Ichabod: The Glory is Departed 1 Sam 6-7 – Ebenezer: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us 1…
Leviticus: A Quick Overview (25 min)
David Vallance gives a quick overview of the Bible book of Leviticus, with special emphasis on the 5 major offerings in the early chapters, and including a discussion of what “atonement” means. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Summer 2023)
Why is Jesus the Only Way? (17 min)
Joseph Baker preaches the exclusive way to God. Why does there need to be a way at all? Why is Jesus the only way? How can I get on the way? Reading: John 14:5-6. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 9th June 2024)
How a Zealous Hutterite Man Found Peace in Christ (36 min)
Cody Waldner grew up on a Hutterite colony in Manitoba, Canada. He kept all the rules, went to church regularly, got sprinkled, took communion, and even studied the Bible in German – but he could find no peace. His sins troubled him and his efforts to make himself acceptable to God weren’t working. At one point he even turned to alcohol just to soothe his pain. Listen to find out how Cody finally found true and lasting peace in Jesus…
The Greatest Love, Loss, Lament and Longing (36 min)
Willie Fenton preaches the gospel and highlights four “greatest things” in the Bible – the greatest love of all, the greatest loss of all, the greatest lament of all and the greatest longing of all. Readings: John 3:14-16, Mark 8:36, Jer 8:20, Luke 16:19-31. (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference, 2002)
Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant (68 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the life and service of Epaphroditus, the dedicated servant of the Lord and companion of Paul. Readings: Phil 2:19-30, 4:18. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant
Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator (55 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the life and service of Joseph of Arimathea, who was an “honourable counsellor” and who lent his own new tomb to the Lord Jesus for 3 days. Reading: Matt 27:57-61, Mark 15:42-47, Luke 23:50-54, John 19:38-42. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant
Samuel – The Honourable Seer (61 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the life and times of the man of God, Samuel, of whom it says in the Bible, “He is an honourable man”. This sermon contains biblical advice for leaders. Reading: 1 Sam 9:1-10. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant
Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman (59 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the life and times of the honoured Mordecai and the extraordinary events recorded in the book of Esther that demonstrate the providence and sovereignty of God in remarkable ways. Readings: Est 2:5-7, 21-23, 3:1-4, 4:12-14, 6:1, 3-10, 8:2, 15 9:1, 23, 10:1-3. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus…
Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant (43 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the first of 5 “honourable men” in the Bible. Jabez – most well known for his prayer: his brethren, his birth, his burden and his blessing. Reading: 1 Chron 4:9-10. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant
God is in Control (32 min)
John Dennison preaches on the 7 times “the Scripture was fulfilled” in John’s Gospel, which encourages us to understand that “God is in control” of the details of our lives. Readings: John 7:40-42. (Recorded in North America, 27th Oct 2019)
What is the Glory of God? (25 min)
Dan Shutt preaches on the majestic topic of the glory of God, setting out what the Bible teaches on the subject, while acknowledging the impossibility of “defining the undefinable”. Readings: Psa 115:1-3, 1 Cor 10:31. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 10th Mar 2024)
4 Men God Used In Rebuilding (29 min)
Colin Hutchison preaches on the 4 men God used to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem after the return from Babylon. Readings: Ezra 4:1-5, 24, 5:1. (Recorded in Northampton, 23rd Oct 2005)
I Lived Like The Devil (6 min)
Ted Larson relates how God saved him as a Policeman in Wisconsin, USA, who had grown up knowing the gospel but got away from its influence in his life. (Recorded at Cedar Falls Gospel Hall Conference, Iowa, USA, April 2024).
God Wants Your Heart (41 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on “God wants your heart”, based on the direct and powerful challenge of God to the people of Israel in Isaiah 66:1-5. (Recorded in Sarnia Gospel Hall, 27th May 2018) Get in touch: contact@gospelhallaudio.org
Behaving Yourself Wisely in Difficult Circumstances (21 min)
Murray McCandless preaches on David’s wise behaviour when one jealous man detained, despised, discredited, dreaded, and demoted him. Readings: 1 Sam 18:1-18, 27-30. (Recorded in North America)
7 Things That Are Better Than Other Things (39 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the 7 counterintuitive comparisons outlined by Solomon in Ecclesiastes 7:1-13, dealing with reputation, reward, reality, reflection, rebuke, resolution and restraint. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 26th May 2024)
James McClelland – Three Musts in John Ch 3 (20 min)
James McClelland (1949-2016) was born in Northern Ireland and saved as a boy of 11 in 1960. Later in life, he went into the furniture and carpet business with his two brothers. However, his interest in the preaching of the gospel eventually led him into full time service for the Lord. He and his wife Amy moved to Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1981 where, from his base in Clementsvale, Mr. McClelland preached the gospel far and wide for 35 years.…
I Discovered Clean Living Wasn’t Enough to Get me to Heaven (21 min)
Ian Anderson relates the story of his religious upbringing and how through the conversion of a friend, who shared the gospel with him, he discovered that good living wasn’t enough to get him to heaven. Readings: Acts 26:4-5, 13-15, 19-23. (Recorded in Ballykeel Gospel Hall, 7th Apr 2024)
Aquila and Priscilla’s Finest Hour (57 min)
John Fleck preaches on the lives of a married couple in the New Testament called Aquila and Priscilla. Their mentions, merchandise, movements, marriage and ministry. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland). (Photo above: Ancient Corinth) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
Peter’s Finest Hour (54 min)
John Fleck preaches on the events of Acts 2, when Peter preached the gospel on the Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem and 3,000 people were saved. The Spirit, the speaker, the sermon and the sequel. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
David’s Finest Hour (53 min)
John Fleck preaches on the biblical record of the day when David took up the challenge of Goliath the Philistine and overcame him in the name of the God of Israel. Readings: 1 Sam 16:11-17:58. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
Ruth’s Finest Hour (55 min)
John Fleck preaches on the choice Ruth made to trust in Naomi’s God and take shelter under the wings of the God of Israel. Reading: Ruth 1. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
Abraham’s Finest Hour (52 min)
John Fleck preaches on the experience of Abraham as he ascended Mount Moriah to offer Isaac on the altar. Reading: Gen 22. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
I Had a Pagan Altar in My Bedroom (26 min)
As a teenager, Ken Biddington got into heavy darkness. He was a drummer in a heavy metal band, lived a drugs-and-party lifestyle and even had an altar in his bedroom. But in 1993 God intervened in his life. The transformation shook his entire neighbourhood. Listen to find out how it happened. Reading: Acts 26:17-18, John 3:16. (Recorded in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, Vancouver, BC, Canada, on 5th May 2024)
The Importance of A Good Foundation for Life (27 min)
Jonathan Procopio preaches on the need to dig deep and build a solid foundation for your Christian life. Reading: Luke 6:46-49. (Recorded at Sussex Gospel Hall conference, Canada, 1st Oct 2023)
It’s Not My Body, It’s The Lord’s (34 min)
John Dennison preaches on the biblical view of the nature and purpose of the believer’s body. Reading: 1 Cor 6:9-20. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2013)
There’s Something Very Wrong with This Place: What Am I Doing Here? (14 min)
Steve Faviere started taking drugs at the tender age of 12. He soon became a party-loving young man with a fast lifestyle. Every now and then he was given pause for thought, by the premature death of a friend, or by people sharing the gospel with him. Watch to find out how Steve finally became saved. Readings: Rom 3:19, John 3:16, Rev 20:11-15. (Recorded in Newmarket Gospel Hall, Ontario, Canada, on 21st April 2024) To listen to Steve preaching in…
Be Still and Know That I Am God (27 min)
Phil Coulson preaches on peace in the soul, peace in the sanctuary and peace in the storm. “Be silent before the Lord Thy God, and let Him mould thee.” Reading: Psalm 46. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Nov 2007)
Questions and Answers on the Family (24 min)
Sandy Higgins answers 10 questions submitted by his audience during his 9 sessions on the family and relationships. Dr. Higgins, a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Readings: Rom 12:9-16, Col 3:13, 17. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 19th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for a Spouse Understanding Roles in Marriage Overcoming Problems in Marriage Child Rearing – the…
Four Keys to Happy Fellowship (35 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on 4 keys to living in harmony with other Christians. 1. Focussing on the worth of others, 2. Fostering the welfare of others, 3. Forbearing with the weakness of others, and 4. Forgiving the wounds of others. Dr. Higgins, a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Readings: Rom 12:9-16, Col 3:13, 17. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 19th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance…
Interpersonal Relationships Between Believers (22 min)
Having dealt with the husband and wife relationship, and the parent child relationship, Sandy Higgins preaches on interpersonal relationships between believers in general. Dr. Higgins, a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Reading: Col 3:9-17. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 19th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for a Spouse Understanding Roles in Marriage Overcoming Problems in Marriage Child Rearing…
Equipping Parents to Handle Three Present Dangers (41 min)
Society is self-obsessed, sex-saturated, and screen-orientated. Dr. Higgins, a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA, advises parents how to raise a family in the middle of such a culture. Readings: 1 Cor 6:13-20, Eph 4:25, 29-32, 5:8-12, 14-17, Phil 2:3-5. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for a Spouse Understanding Roles in Marriage Overcoming…
Child Rearing – The Teen Years (39 min)
Dr. Sandy Higgins gives a history of how “teen culture” emerged and provides much needed advice for parents to help them maintain a good relationship with their teenagers as they raise them in the fear of God. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Readings: Eph 3:14, 6:4, Col 3:21. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the…
Child Rearing – the Early Years (33 min)
Dr. Sandy Higgins gives biblical advice about raising children in their early years, from the story of Hannah and Samuel. Setting an example, how to discipline etc. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Reading: 1 Sam Chs 1-3. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for a Spouse Understanding Roles in…
Overcoming Problems in Marriage (36 min)
Dr. Sandy Higgins gives counsel for handling problems in a marriage – problems from within, from outside, from beneath, problems allowed from above, and problems that need to be faced. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Readings: Gen 3:16, 1 Cor 7:28, Luke 8:15. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search…
Understanding Roles in Marriage (38 min)
Dr. Sandy Higgins outlines the role of a wife, the role of a husband and their united work to leave, cleave, weave and believe together, resulting in a union that glorifies the Lord. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Reading: 1 Pet 3:1-7. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for…
Courtship and the Search for a Spouse (28 min)
Dr. Sandy Higgins gives biblical advice on courtship and dating. Where to look for a spouse, what to look for in a spouse, and how to be guided by God in the process. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Reading: Genesis Ch 24. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall, Windsor, ON, Canada, 18th Nov 2023) Complete series: The Importance of the Family Courtship and the Search for…
The Importance of The Family (46 min)
Dr. Sandy Higgins delivers the opening message in a series on “Marriage and the Family”. His introduction focusses on the importance of family to society, its influence on the local assembly, its implication for children, its insights for believers, and its invasion by Satan. Dr. Higgins is a retired physician who practised for over 40 years in family medicine in New Jersey, USA. Readings: 2 Tim 1:5, 16, 1 Tim 2:9-10, 15, 3:4-5, 12-13. (Recorded in Malden Road Gospel Hall,…
I Don’t Like Your Rules Dad. See You Later. (20 min)
Jim McCandless relates the story of the grace of God in his life after he rebelled against his Christian upbringing and headed off on his motorbike to experience what the world had to offer. But God always goes after prodigals. 2,000 miles away in Mexico, the gospel crossed Jim’s path. Then his girlfriend got saved. Watch to find out the rest of the story. (Recorded in Jackson, MI, USA, 7th April 2024)
God’s Great Salvation (33 min)
John Fleck preaches on God’s great salvation. Why do I need salvation? Why can I have salvation? How can I receive salvation? Can I really know I have salvation? When can I have salvation? Readings: Rom 4:24-25, 5:1, 6-9. (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference, 3rd April 2013)
Christ “The Word” in John’s Gospel (49 min)
Eric Parmenter preaches on the Lord Jesus Christ as “the Word” in the Gospel of John. The Word was God, but wonder of wonders, the Word became flesh. (Recorded at Helions Bumpstead Gospel Hall, Essex, UK, 31st May 2016)
The Entrance Hallway to the Gospel of John (25 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the first 18 verses of John Chapter 1, which he calls the “entrance hallway” to the 21 rooms of the Gospel of John. He outlines the designations, the divisions, the diction, the distinctions, the doctrine and the denials of this pivotal section of Holy Scripture. (Recorded at the Belfast Christmas Conference)
3 Great Reasons To Rejoice (10 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on three reasons every Christian can rejoice: your name is in heaven, your reward is in heaven, and your Saviour is in heaven. Readings: Luke 10:17-20, John 14:25-26, Matt 5:11-12. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 14th Apr 2024)
Lessons from Bible Axes (18 min)
David Kane (1922-2015) preaches on three axes in the Bible: the boasting axe (Isa 10:12-15), the borrowed axe (2 Kings 6:5-7) and the blunt axe (Ecc 10:10) and draws out lessons in Christian service. (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference)
Hymns of Praise from Helions (40 min)
A rousing selection of hymns from the Helions Bumpstead (Essex, UK) Easter conference hymn sings (2016-2023). Hymns included: O what a wonderful wonderful day Because He lives He lives He lives God is still on the throne When peace like a river In God’s green pastures feeding The old rugged cross No one ever cared for me like Jesus I stand amazed in the presence The Bible stands I cannot tell why He whom angels worship Great is Thy faithfulness…
Am I in the Place of God? (47 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the contrasting lives of Jacob and Joseph. Jacob constantly tried to manipulate his life’s circumstances and was always scrambling for control, whereas Joseph left everything in the hands of the Lord. In Joseph’s own words, “Am I in the place of God?” Readings: Gen 32:22-23, 50:15-21. (Recorded at Welcome Gospel Hall, Winchester, 1st April 2024)
Guidance on Taking Public Part in Meetings (55 min)
John Fleck preaches on the topic of taking public part in assembly gatherings. The problems of taking part, the principles of taking part, and pointers in relation to taking part. Readings: Rom 12:3-6, 1 Thess 5:16-21, 1 Pet 4:10-11, 1 Cor 14:1, 3-4, 7-9, 14, 16-20, 23-27, 33-34, 39-40. (Recorded in Ballymena on 3rd Feb 2024)
Our Generation Has a Unique Opportunity (24 min)
Our present era of mass migration provides an opportunity like never before to fulfil the Lord’s command to take the gospel to every nation. We just need to open our eyes and our hearts. People you could previously never have dreamt of reaching with the gospel have now come to you! Readings: Matt 28.18-20, Mark 16.15-16, 20, Luke 4.46-48. (Recorded in Jackson, MI, USA, 17th Feb 2024)
Hindrances to Spiritual Growth (34 min)
Colin Hutchison preaches on 4 men who were growing spiritually but were hindered in their progress and wasted their potential. Reuben, hindered by defilement; Saul, by disobedience; the “man of God” by deceit; and Demas by desertion. Readings: Gen 49.1-4, 1 Sam 15:1-9, 1 Kings 13:1-2, 7-24, 2 Tim 4:9-11. (Recorded in Northampton, 26th Aug 2007) Complete series: He shall grow up before Him The concept of spiritual growth Spiritual development Hindrances to spiritual growth
Spiritual Development (36 min)
Colin Hutchison preaches on Paul’s words to Timothy in his second epistle and develops the theme of how to develop spiritually. Readings: 2 Tim 1:1-13, 2:1-15. (Recorded in Northampton, 25th Aug 2007) Complete series: He shall grow up before Him The concept of spiritual growth Spiritual development Hindrances to spiritual growth
The Concept of Spiritual Growth (47 min)
Colin Hutchison takes up a number of plants in the Bible to illustrate the concept of spiritual growth. Joseph the fruitful bough, the cut down tree in Job 14, the plant of Psalm 92, the noble vine in Jeremiah 2, and the grapes in the wilderness in Hosea 9. Readings: Gen 49:22, Job 14:7, Psa 92:12-15, Jer 2:21, Hos 9:10. (Recorded in Northampton, 25th Aug 2007) Complete series: He shall grow up before Him The concept of spiritual growth Spiritual…
He Shall Grow Up Before Him (20 min)
Colin Hutchison opens up a series of messages on the subject of spiritual growth by looking at Christ in Isaiah 53, the One who “grew up before Him, as a tender plant”. (Recorded in Northampton, 24th Aug 2007) Complete series: He shall grow up before Him The concept of spiritual growth Spiritual development Hindrances to spiritual growth
Hymns of Worship from the Believer’s Hymn Book (18 min)
Young people, attending the Gospel Hall Toronto Bible conference in 2024, get together to sing hymns from the Believer’s Hymn Book. Hymn list: To Calvary Lord in Spirit Now (Edward Denny) Saviour We Remember Thee (S. Trevor Francis) Behold a Spotless Victim Dies (Anonymous) Gazing on Thee Lord in Glory (Miss Centra Thompson) O Blessed Lord What Hast Thou Done (Mary Bowly Peters) O Wondrous Hour When Jesus Thou (Edward Denny) Praise God From Whom All Blessing Flow (Thomas Ken)…
You’re Only A Christian Because Your Family is Christian (30 min)
Dan Shutt relates the story of his father and mother’s conversion to Christ, which happened just before he was born. The gospel transformed the Shutt home. Listen to hear how Dan, one of 9 children, also came to trust in Christ for salvation. Reading: Eph 2:8-9. (Recorded in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, on 9th Feb 2024)
Away, Apart and Alone (43 min)
David Gilliland preaches on “away”, “apart” and “alone” from Matthew 14:23 as a pattern set by Christ for believers to find a deeper spiritual life in Him. Readings: Matt 14:1, 10-14, 19-20, 22-24. (Recorded in Midland Park Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, 17th Sept 2023)
Living for God Now (42 min)
Tom Armstrong preaches on living for God “now”. Looking back, and looking forward, helps us to live for God in the present moment. Readings; Eph 2:1-8, 11-13a, Isa 42:23, 2 Cor 5:-14-16, Gal 2:19-21, 1 Tim 4:7-8. (Recorded in Ballymena, 2nd Mar 2024)
The Finish of a Faithful Man (31 min)
Dan Shutt preaches on the last day of the life of Moses and challenges his audience to finish their Christian journey well. Readings: Deut 31:1-2, 14, 32:48-50, 33:1, 26-29a, 34:1-10. (Recorded at Jackson Conference, Michigan, USA, 3rd Mar 2024)
What I Discovered at My Lowest Point (20 min)
Isaiah Frazier relates the story of his conversion to Christ. Isaiah’s family were first impacted by the gospel in Blue River, Wisconsin, USA, in his great-grandfather’s time. His own parents influenced him in two different directions. He says he could easily have ended up an alcoholic, but by the grace of God he was spared that tragedy and came to know the Lord Jesus through the preaching of the gospel, but only after discovering he was “helpless but not helpless”.…
Good Christian Habits (44 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on good Christian habits from the Apostle John’s first epistle. The habits of our actions, our attitudes, our appetites and our affections. Readings: 1 John 2:14-17, 24-25, 28-29, 3:4-10, 13-14, 4:1-4. (Recorded at Helions Gospel Hall, 25th Oct 2014)
The Ordinances of the Universe (45 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the ordinances of the physical universe – heaven, earth and sea – and how God regulates it all by His wisdom and power. Readings: Job 38:1, 8-11, 31-35, 37, Psa 119:89-96, Jer 31:31, 35-38a, 33:20-21, 23-26. (Recorded in Ballymena, 5th Jan 2009)
Are You a “Hero” or a Helper? (32 min)
Murray McCandless preaches on helpers in the time of David and the time of Paul. Some would like to be a “hero” but God is looking for helpers. Readings: 1 Chron 11:1-2, 10-12, 17-18, 20, 22-23, 12:1, 3, 8, 17-18, 21-22, 1 Cor 1:11-13, 12:25-31, Rom 16:1-4, 9. (Recorded at Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2017)
Surrendering to the Lord (25 min)
John Dennison preaches on an illustration of, a quotation about and an instruction to total surrender to the Lord in our lives and service. Readings: Exod 21:2-6, Psa 40:6-8, Heb 10:4-10. (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference, 2012)
Alarm to the Unconverted (16 min)
Jonathan Procopio preaches on “a man and his lifetime”, “a man in the flame”, and “a man and his message” from Luke Ch 16:19-31. (Recorded at Sussex Gospel Hall conference, NB, Canada, 30th Sept 2023)
In The Church I Grew Up In, Everything Had to be Earned (18 min)
J.R. Andujar grew up going to church, but he didn’t understand biblical salvation. All he was hearing was that acceptance with God is something that has to be earned; it was something HE had to do. Then he finally heard the truth: though he was a lost sinner, he could be saved by grace, through faith in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Readings: Eph 2:8-9, Rom 5:6, 8. (Recorded in Barrington Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, 6th…
Bible Calves (20 min)
Bill Lavery (1932-2024) preaches on the golden calf, the calves of our lips and the fatted calf and draws lessons from each for Christian service. Readings: Exod 32:1-4, 17-18, 33:7-8, Hos 14:1-2, Luke 15:3-8, 11-12, 20-29. (Recorded at Roseisle Conference, Manitoba, Canada in 2019)
God is Close in the Storm (23 min)
Kory Crawford preaches on the affliction Jonah endured in the storm when he was swallowed by the whale. God sympathises with the afflicted, He supports those who are drowning, and He saves those who are overwhelmed. Reading: Jonah 2. (Recorded at Alkeny, Iowa, USA, Sept 2023) Two part sermon series: God is in Control of the Storm God is Close in the Storm
God is in Control of the Storm (30 min)
Kory Crawford preaches on the storm experience of Jonah, a man who refused to deliver the message of God, but saw a manifestation of God and knew the mercy of God in the storm. Reading: Jonah 1. (Recorded at Alkeny, Iowa, USA, Sept 2023) Two part sermon series: God is in Control of the Storm God is Close in the Storm
6 Good-Looking Young Men Who Said “No” (36 min)
David West preaches on a number of young men in the Bible who wisely and courageously said “No” in situations of temptation to sin or to compromise. Joseph was tested morally, Daniel socially, Moses politically and Daniel’s three companions religiously. Readings: Gen 39:1-15, Dan 1:8-15, 3:16-18, Heb 11:24-26. (Recorded in Northampton, UK, on 23rd Oct 1999)
When the Lord Tests Us (16 min)
Brandon Doll preaches on three tests in Scripture. When Philip was tested on the Lord’s presence, Israel on the Lord’s promises, and Abraham on the Lord’s purposes. Readings: John 6:5-6, Deut 8:2-3, Gen 22:1-3. (Recorded in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, USA, 2015)
There is a God, He Is Alive – Hymn (3 min)
The hymn “There is a God He Is Alive”, joyfully sung by young people from Roseisle Gospel Hall in Manitoba, Canada. Lyrics: There is, beyond the azure blue, A God, concealed from human sight, He tinted skies with heav’nly hue And framed the worlds with His great might. There is a God, He is alive In Him we live, and we survive From dust our God, created man He is our God, the great I am. There was a long,…