Sermons on Assembly Teaching - Stand Alone messages

Sermons on Assembly Teaching - Stand Alone messages

Are Sunday Schools Scriptural? (12 min)

Norman Crawford (1927-2017), who served the Lord full time in evangelism and Bible teaching for over 50 years, addresses the question of whether or not Sunday Schools can be substantiated from Scripture. (Recorded in Jackson Gospel, Hall, MI, USA, in 1985)

5 Metaphors for the Local Church (42 min)

Elton Fairfield preaches on the 5 metaphors Paul employs in 1 Corinthians for a local assembly of Christians: a field, a building, a temple, a new lump (of dough) and a body. Readings: 1 Cor 3:6-18, 5:4-8, 12:12-14, 20, 25-27. (Recorded at Orangewood Gospel Hall, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 26th Nov 2023)

A Large Upper Room Furnished (39 min)

Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the Upper Room as a picture of the local assembly, drawing pictures and lessons from the narrative in Luke 22:1-24. (Recorded at Helions Bumpstead Gospel Hall conference, 7th Apr 2023)

Divine Order in the Local Assembly (32 min)

Frank Sona preaches on the subject of divine order in the local assembly, using the bread, the table and the lampstand in the Old Testament by way of illustration. Readings: Exod 25:31, 27:20, 40:4-5, 22, Lev 24:1-4, 8, 1 Cor 11:34, 14:40, 15:23, 16:1, Col 2:5, 2 Thess 3:1, 6-7, 11. (Recorded in Canada, Thanksgiving weekend 2018)

Why I Am Not Interdenominational (18 min)

Michael Penfold looks at the 4 nouns in Acts 2:42 – the apostles’ doctrine and the fellowship, the breaking of bread and the prayers – and how they affect two issues; open table reception and interdenominational activity. (Recorded in Kells Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland, 29th Sept 2017)

Teaching, Building and Tilling (24 min)

Harold Paisley (1924-2015) explains how to teach the Word of God, how to build a New Testament assembly, and how to till God’s field. Reading: 1 Cor 3:1-2, 6-11, Isa 28:9-13, 16-17a, 23-29. (Recorded at the Toronto Easter Conference,  April 1987)

The Four Corners of Assembly Testimony (45 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the 4 corners of assembly testimony. The early believers “continued steadfastly” in the apostles’ doctrine, the fellowship, the breaking of bread and the prayers. Reading: Acts 2:41-47. (Recorded in Unionville Gospel Hall, Toronto, Canada)

Size is Not the Measure of Significance (22 min)

Dan Shutt preaches on the biblical truth of “the remnant”, and expounds the fact that size and numerical strength are not the true measure of significance. A wake up call in the present megachurch era. Readings: Ezra 9:5-15, Isa 10:20-23, Rom 11:2-5. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 23rd June 2024)

4 Metaphors for the Universal Church (59 min)

Dan Rudge preaches on 4 metaphors of the body of Christ – the universal church – employed by the apostle Paul in Ephesians: one new man, a city, a household and a building. Reading: Eph 2:11-22. (Recorded in Northampton 25th Mar 2023)  

Sound Doctrine or Smooth Words? (19 min)

Brandon Doll preaches on the need for sound words, rather than smooth words. The prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah and Amos all had audiences that told them not to prophecy bad things, only smooth things. Today there is a resistance to sound doctrine as of old, and a clamour for smooth words which ultimately accomplish nothing. Readings: 2 Tim 4:1-5, Isa 30:8-13, Jer 10:24, 11:20-22, Amos 7:10-13. (Message preached at Blue River Gospel Hall conference, Wisconsin, USA, 2023)

Pragmatism or Principle in God’s Assembly? (15 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the subject of God being a “God of order”. Whether it be creation, history, prophecy, government or family, all that God does is both governed by principle and marked by order. It is no surprise then to discover that how an assembly of God functions is also a matter of principle. Readings: 1 Cor 3:10, 14:33-40, 1 Tim 2:15. (Message preached in Oxbow, Saskatchewan, Canada, 7th Oct 2023)

The King of Persia’s Appreciation of God’s House (36 min)

Robert Plant preaches on the epistle of Artaxerxes, King of Persia, to Ezra the Jewish scribe, in which the King sets out his amazing appreciation for God’s house in Jerusalem: the preparations for the house, the place of the house, priority of the house, the privilege of the house etc. Do you share the same appreciation? Reading: Ezra 7:10-24 (Message preached at Bridgewater Conference, NS, Canada, Easter 2023) (Photo: The remains of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem)

The Reality of the Local Assembly (49 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the reality of assembly fellowship, and reminds his audience of a number of features of an assembly from 1 Corinthians Ch 14; completeness, composition, convocations, concord, contribution and consideration. Readings: 1 Cor 14:23-26, 32-34, 39-40. (Message preached at Cork Conference, Ireland)

Appreciating the House of God (38 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the revelation of the “house of God” in Scripture and the implications of the term for Christians today. Readings: Gen 28:10-22, 1 Tim 3:15. (Message preached in Hatboro, PA, USA, 28th Mar 2023)

The Simplicity of the Lord’s Supper (39 min)

Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) outlines the Bible’s teaching on the Lord’s Supper. He looks at it institutionally, historically, doctrinally and devotionally, making a plea for an understanding of the biblical simplicity of “the Lord’s Supper”. Reading: Luke 22:7-20. (Message preached in Ballymena, 24th Oct 1981)

There is a Pattern for the Local Church (50 min)

David Vallance sets out the case for a positive pattern for the local church, contending that how Christians gather corporately is set out in the Bible in a blueprint that ought to be followed by churches in all cultures and in all generations. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, Michigan, USA, in Sept 2021)

The 7 Pillars of a New Testament Assembly (31 min)

Albert Ramsay (1913-1993) preaches on the 7 pillars of a New Testament assembly and sets out, from the Word of God, his own convictions as to how Christians should gather. He mentions how he was saved, baptised and gathered into the first New Testament assembly in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Readings: Prov 9:1, Matt 16:13-18, 18:19-20, Luke 24:44-49, John 7:37-39, Acts 2:1-7, 36-43. (Message preached in the Maritimes, Canada)

Eden as a Picture of the Local Assembly (55 min)

Robert McPheat (1933-1990) preaches on the Garden of Eden as a picture of the local assembly – the planting, the provision, the refreshment, the purpose, the employment etc. Mr McPheat also takes up some of the characters who appear in early Genesis. Readings: selections from the early chapters of Genesis. (Message preached in Crowle Gospel Hall, Worcestershire, UK, April 1984).

Is the Local Assembly Unique? (41 min)

David Gilliland makes the case for the uniqueness of a New Testament local assembly. It is distinct from the pagan shrine in its theology; from the Jewish synagogue in its Christology; from Christendom in its simplicity; from denominationalism in its identity; from para-church organisations in its unity; from the body of Christ in its boundary; and from every other local assembly in its autonomy. (Message preached at the Toronto Easter Conference. 2011)

The Importance of the Local Assembly (35 min)

Dedication to the local assembly is a central teaching of the New Testament epistles. A casual approach to attendance and participation is widespread. Michael Penfold contends that a believer should be fully committed to the principles and practices of the local assembly (Recorded 8th Nov 2008)

Gathering Unto His Name (38 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the meaning of the Biblical expression “gathering in the name of the Lord” and its implication for local assembly testimony (Recorded Dec 13th 2007)

Judgment Must Begin at the House of God (35 min)

Colin Hutchison preaches on 1 Pet 4:17 – “Judgment must begin at the house of God”.  After explaining what the house of God is, Colin develops various themes in connection with it and how the Christian should conduct himself in it (Message preached 1st Oct 2021)

Examining the Lord’s Supper (32 min)

Andrew Ussher gives scriptural, helpful and practical teaching on what the Bible calls “the Lord’s Supper”. He examines its institution by the Lord Jesus in the upper room in Jerusalem, before developing its significance as a remembrance of the Lord and an expression of fellowship. Readings: Matt 26:17-20, 26-28, Luke 22:19-20, Acts 2:41-42, 20:7, 1 Cor 10:16-17, 11:17-30, Rev 3:7-8 (Message preached in Spring Creek Gospel Hall, Illinois, USA, 2018)

Learning to Teach from the Master Teacher (33 min)

John Fleck draws help and guidance from the way the Lord taught His disciples in the Upper Room, lessons that guide and help those who teach the Word of God today. Readings: John 13:1, 12-14, 34-35, 14:1, 15-17, 15:7-8, 19, 16:29-31, 17:1, 14-15 (Message preached at the Lurgan Conference 2018)

Assembly Unity (44 min)

Peter Orasuk (1948-2005) from Prince Edward Island, in Canada, preaches a powerful word on assembly unity: the means of it, the manifestation of it, the maintenance of it, the marring of it, and the ministry of it. Readings: Psa 133:1-3, Eph 2:4-6, 14-15, 1 Cor 10:16-17, Phil 2:4-13, 4:1-3. (Message preached in North America). Peter Orasuk’s Testimony – Part 1 Peter Orasuk’s Testimony – Part 2.  

Norman Crawford – On 66 Years in Assembly Fellowship (27 min)

Norman Crawford (1927-2017) stood up at the Stark Road conference (Livonia, Michigan, USA) in 2008 and spoke on the preciousness of the local assembly, after 66 years in assembly fellowship. Mr Crawford had seen a number of assemblies planted during his long life of gospel preaching and Bible teaching and held assembly truth very close to his heart. Even on a big conference occasion, and after having spoken on it for many years, Mr Crawford never missed an opportunity to…

The Place (28 min)

Jonathan Procopio preaches on the importance of the place that “God has told us of”. He’s referring to the local assembly and the need to appreciate that this “place” has been revealed in Scripture by the Lord so that we can recognise it and be faithful to it. Jonathan draws this lesson from the picture of Abraham going to the “place of God’s appointing” in Genesis 22:1-18 (Recorded at the Island Conference, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 2013).

Should Women Wear Head Coverings? (50 min)

“Should women wear head coverings?” is a hugely significant question. It involves, among other things, the great doctrine of headship, the inspiration of Scripture, the distinction between the genders of male and female, and local church order. In this helpful message, David Gilliland sets out to answer what headship is, why women should wear head coverings, and what the head covering symbolises. In the process he answers questions like “Why does Paul seem to contradict himself between 1 Cor 11:5…

Do You Have a Sectarian Spirit? (39 min)

Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) preaches on “the sin of sectarianism”. Brought up, saved and baptised in a Baptist Church, Mr Flanigan later found that he could not accept a “sectarian name” – Baptist – that divided him from other Christians. He wrote to his Pastor and resigned from the church. At Parkgate Gospel Hall in Belfast he came into local assembly fellowship, which he describes in this message as “the nameless place”. However, Mr Flanigan makes the oft-missed point that while…

The Assembly Prayer Meeting (44 min)

You will go a long way before you hear a more practical message than this! Peter Orasuk preaches on the local assembly prayer meeting under 5 headings: the conviction of it, the conditions of it, the care found in it, the consideration needed in it, and the contribution to it by the sisters. Stirring stuff! Readings: 1 Cor 1:2, 1 Tim 2:1-12 (Message given in Ontario, Canada)

The Significance of the Lord’s Supper (28 min)

Dan Shutt preaches on the importance and significance of the Lord’s Supper. In a practical message, Dan speaks on three aspects of the supper. It is 1. dispensational, 2. periodical (once a week on the Lord’s Day), and 3. Christological. Readings: Matt 26:26-29, Acts 2:41-42, 1 Cor 11:23-26 (Message preached at Toronto Easter Conference 2013)

What the Bible Teaches about Assembly Reception (43 min)

David Vallance takes up the important topic of assembly reception. In the first half of his message he explains the distinction between the local assembly and the body of Christ (“the church which is His body”). He contends that the local assembly is neither a miniature nor a microcosm of the body of Christ; nor is it even “an expression of the body of Christ”. It is a doctrinally based gathering of Christians who have been saved, baptised and brought…

The Landmark of the Gospel Meeting (30 min)

Jon Procopio follows up his message on the landmark of the prayer meeting with a message on the landmark of the gospel meeting. In another powerful sermon, Jonathan flags up the importance of preaching the gospel and urges his audience not to abandon gospel preaching, nor to add to it, nor to replace it with other methods that are not found in Scripture. Jonathan’s insightful message is based on Scripture and backed up by decades of experience in gospel work.…

The Landmark of the Prayer Meeting (18 min)

Jon Procopio preaches a rousing message about the importance of the assembly prayer meeting. In the first 8 minutes of his message he speaks about the prohibitions in Prov 22:28 and 23:10 against “removing the landmarks” and makes the point that the first landmark many Christians remove in their lives is attendance at the assembly prayer meeting. The vital part that the assembly prayer meeting plays in the life of the Christian and the local assembly is highlighted powerfully in…

Some Remove the Landmarks (44 min)

We think of a “landmark” today as a notable building that’s popular with tourists. A “landmark” in the Bible, however, was a stone or some other kind of monument used to mark the boundary of a person’s land. People who “removed the landmarks” (Job 24:2) were therefore stealing the heritage that belonged to a family or tribe from ancient times. In a powerful message given in 2013 (in Basingstoke, UK), Ian Jackson applies this idea of “landmark removal” to the…

Ask For The Old Paths (34 min)

Frank Sona preaches on the Lord’s words in Jeremiah 6:16, “Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, wherein is the good way and walk therein”. He highlights the four verbs in the verse and urges his audience to follow the path of obedience to the Word of God, not the “drive at your own risk road” (Message preached 22nd April 2019)

The Assembly Has a Definite Positive Pattern (37 min)

David Vallance sets out a robust defence of the concept that there is a definite prescribed pattern for the local assembly in the New Testament. He contrasts what is sometimes called the “regulatory principle” with the “normative principle”. While some would propose that “whatever is not prohibited is allowed”, David explains that in actual fact “what Scripture does not mention is prohibited”. He then explains what this means in practice and discusses the ramifications of the principle. (Message preached Apr…

Bible Reading in 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 (25 min)

David Gilliland opens up 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, giving the background to the passage and outlining the difference between Lordship and Headship etc. The contribution section of the Bible Reading is not included. (Bible Reading in Bicester, Easter Apr 16th 2017)

The Friends of Truth (32 min)

After a general introduction about the existence and importance of absolute truth, David Gilliland preaches on 7 things that are paired with truth in the Bible: goodness, grace, soberness, sincerity, love, peace and faithfulness. Truth must be defended, displayed and declared in assemblies of God’s people (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 15th April 2017)

Ministry at the Supper (32 min)

Mervyn Hall takes up the subject of ministry of the Word of God at the Lord’s Supper. Using the example of the Lord in the Upper Room and on the Emmaus Road (Luke 22 & 24) and that of Paul in Acts 20, he outlines the scope, style and subject of ministry suitable on such an occasion both before and after partaking of the emblems. Mervyn also gives practical hints in relation to studying for, preparing for and delivering ministry…

Singing at the Supper (37 min)

Michael Penfold takes up the subject of singing at the Lord’s Supper. Referencing verses in Matthew, Colossians, Ephesians and Corinthians, principles are outlined that give us a pattern for the use and selection of hymns when we gather each Lord’s Day to break bread and remember the Lord. Among other things, the issues of ‘musical instruments’ and ‘exclusive Psalmody’ are briefly touched on  (Message preached Sept 18th 2016)

The Meaning and Purpose of the Lord’s Supper (42 min)

Mervyn Hall speaks about “the Lord’s Supper” or “the breaking of bread”, taking up its purpose, dignity, responsibility and declarative message. He also delves into history and reveals some interesting facts as to how this central Christian privilege has been viewed over the centuries (Message preached Sept 4th 2016)

The Local Assembly Overview (38 min)

Tom Armstrong outlines the truth of the “local assembly” from 1 Corinthians. Look out for the 10 C’s from the epistle – community, construction, commemoration, care etc. This is a good introduction to the basics of assembly testimony, its character, function and purpose – vital truth for every believer (Message preached in Bicester 28th Mar 2016)

The Breaking of Bread (37 min)

Sandy Higgins gives an excellent overview of the institution, the purpose, the conduct and the meaning of the Lord’s Supper. This is an ideal message to give a broad understanding of “the breaking of bread” meeting as to how, when, why and where it should be conducted. The significance of the bread and cup are helpfully expounded (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 4th April 2015)

The Assembly and Its Gifts (30 min)

Norman Mellish preaches on spiritual gift in the local assembly (1 Cor 12, Eph 4, Rom 12). He outlines the variety and diversity of gifts and the unity that should mark their use. Gift in the local assembly is given particular attention and practical lessons are drawn from the body metaphor in 1 Corinthians Ch 12. No superiority…no inferiority! (Message preached 15th June 2014)

The Assembly and Its Gatherings (27 min)

Norman Mellish preaches on the gatherings of the local assembly from 1 Corinthians Chs 11-16. He outlines the last few chapters of that epistle as follows: Ch 11 Gatherings, Ch 12-14 Gifts, Ch 15 Gospel and Ch 16 Giving. He explains the reason why head coverings are worn in assembly gatherings and as regards the breaking of bread he outlines “not anyone, not anywhere, not any time and not anyhow” (Message preached 8th June 2014)

Contending for the Faith (41 min)

David Vallance preaches a timely message from the epistle of Jude in which he addresses many of the false teachings that abound in our day. From Jude’s key verse 11, he applies the rebellion of Cain, the greed of Balaam and the pride of Korah to today’s world and makes challenging applications for godly living (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 21st Apr 2014)

Is Matthew 18:20 really about our “Ground of Gathering”? (39 min)

David Vallance preaches on Matthew 18:20 (“For where 2 or 3 are gathered together in My name…”) and defends the view of this verse which takes it to be foundational in relation to the gathering together of the local assembly throughout the church dispensation. This message is deliberately technical in some parts and includes an in depth examination of the Greek text behind the verse (Message preached 19th Apr 2014)

What is Fellowship? (45 min)

David Vallance preaches on the vital Biblical subject of fellowship. He distinguishes between “family fellowship” on the one hand, which all believers enjoy by virtue of being saved and in the family of God, and “assembly fellowship” on the other hand, which can be enjoyed by those who have been baptised and added to a local company of believers (Message preached April 17th Apr 2014)

The Cave of Adullam (49 min)

Robert Plant preaches on the Cave of Adullam from 1 Sam 22 and likens it to the local assembly. He brings many practical and profitable truths out of the Cave narrative to enlighten and instruct his audience relative to local assembly order and practice (Message preached 23rd Jan 2014)

What is our Ground of Gathering? (25 min)

A back to basics message from Michael Penfold on what a local assembly is, how it comes to be and how it functions. From Matthew 18:20 we learn that an assembly is summoned by a divine call, submits to divine authority, and surrounds a divine person (Message given 8th Sept 2013)

Lessons for the Assembly from Philippians (41 min)

Wesley Martin preaches on lessons for the assembly from Philippians Ch. 1 “Fellowship in the gospel enjoyed”; Ch 2. “friction in the gathering exposed”; Ch 3. “focus on the goal encouraged”; and Ch. 4 “fragrance of giving exercised” (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 25th April 2011)

The Bible’s Cure for Disharmony (42 min)

The Bible’s remedy for strife is totally counter-intuitive. Ian Jackson explains how it works, in an insightful and penetrating message on the cure for disharmony in an assembly. He takes up the example of the humility of Christ in surrendering His rights as outlined in Philippians Ch. 2 (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 25th April 2011)

Pillar and Ground of the Truth (24 min)

Crawford Brown teaches the New Testament truth of the local assembly as the “pillar” and ground of the truth. He deals with it under the headings of foundation, function, firmness and fall (Message preached Sun 23rd Jan 2011)

Assembly Commitment (37 min)

Are you committed to your local assembly? That’s the subject of this important message from David Gilliland based on the ancient story of Joshua and the Gibeonites in Joshua 9. (Message preached 13th April 2009)

Distinctive Assembly Principles (38 min)

Sandy Higgins gives clear and comprehensive teaching on the distinctive principles of a New Testament assembly, outlining all of its basic essential features and functions (Ministry given in Bicester, Easter 9th April 2007)

Difficulties in Building for God (26 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on ‘difficulties in building for God’ from the book of Nehemiah. He draws parallels between the problems Nehemiah faced and those we face today in building up local assemblies (Ministry given on 7th April 2007)

That They May Be One (40 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on the meaning of the statement ‘That they may be one’ (from John 17) and gives a much-needed warning against the Ecumenical Movement, which misuses this statement of Christ (Ministry given in Bicester, Easter 7th April 2007)