Sermons on Biographies
Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant (68 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the life and service of Epaphroditus, the dedicated servant of the Lord and companion of Paul. Readings: Phil 2:19-30, 4:18. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant
Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator (55 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the life and service of Joseph of Arimathea, who was an “honourable counsellor” and who lent his own new tomb to the Lord Jesus for 3 days. Reading: Matt 27:57-61, Mark 15:42-47, Luke 23:50-54, John 19:38-42. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant
Samuel – The Honourable Seer (61 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the life and times of the man of God, Samuel, of whom it says in the Bible, “He is an honourable man”. This sermon contains biblical advice for leaders. Reading: 1 Sam 9:1-10. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant
Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman (59 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the life and times of the honoured Mordecai and the extraordinary events recorded in the book of Esther that demonstrate the providence and sovereignty of God in remarkable ways. Readings: Est 2:5-7, 21-23, 3:1-4, 4:12-14, 6:1, 3-10, 8:2, 15 9:1, 23, 10:1-3. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus…
Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant (43 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the first of 5 “honourable men” in the Bible. Jabez – most well known for his prayer: his brethren, his birth, his burden and his blessing. Reading: 1 Chron 4:9-10. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant
Aquila and Priscilla’s Finest Hour (57 min)
John Fleck preaches on the lives of a married couple in the New Testament called Aquila and Priscilla. Their mentions, merchandise, movements, marriage and ministry. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland). (Photo above: Ancient Corinth) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
Peter’s Finest Hour (54 min)
John Fleck preaches on the events of Acts 2, when Peter preached the gospel on the Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem and 3,000 people were saved. The Spirit, the speaker, the sermon and the sequel. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
David’s Finest Hour (53 min)
John Fleck preaches on the biblical record of the day when David took up the challenge of Goliath the Philistine and overcame him in the name of the God of Israel. Readings: 1 Sam 16:11-17:58. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
Ruth’s Finest Hour (55 min)
John Fleck preaches on the choice Ruth made to trust in Naomi’s God and take shelter under the wings of the God of Israel. Reading: Ruth 1. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
Abraham’s Finest Hour (52 min)
John Fleck preaches on the experience of Abraham as he ascended Mount Moriah to offer Isaac on the altar. Reading: Gen 22. (Recorded in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series: Abraham’s finest hour Ruth’s finest hour David’s finest hour Peter’s finest hour Aquila and Priscilla’s finest hour
The Saviour’s Friends (49 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the words of Christ about His friends and friendship in His teaching and parables. Then he homes in on the expression of Christ to His disciples “You are My friends”. Reading: John 15:12-27. (Message preached in Newtownbreda Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series “The Bible Society of Friends”: The Stranger’s Friend The Shepherd’s Friend The Student’s Friends The Sufferer’s Friends The Saviour’s Friends
The Sufferer’s Friends (37 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the interaction Job had with his three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar, who tried to comfort Job and explain his suffering. How do we react to the suffering of others? Readings: Job 2:11-3:1, 6:14-17, 19:1-3, 17-27, 32:2-10, 42:7-12. (Message preached in Newtownbreda Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series “The Bible Society of Friends”: The Stranger’s Friend The Shepherd’s Friend The Student’s Friends The Sufferer’s Friends The Saviour’s Friends
The Student’s Friends (54 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the advice of Solomon to his son Rehoboam about the subject of friends. Good lasting friendships are scarce, and one needs to understand biblical principles to realise and enjoy them. Readings: Various verses in Proverbs and Song of Solomon about friends. (Message preached in Newtownbreda Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series “The Bible Society of Friends”: The Stranger’s Friend The Shepherd’s Friend The Student’s Friends The Sufferer’s Friends The Saviour’s Friends
The Shepherd’s Friend (52 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the covenant friendship between David and Jonathan. It was a surprising friendship, a strong friendship etc. Readings: 1 Sam 18:1-5, 19:1-2, 4-7, 20:1-2, 8-9, 11-17, 41-42, 23:14-18, 2 Sam 1:25-27, 9:1-3. (Message preached in Newtownbreda Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series “The Bible Society of Friends”: The Stranger’s Friend The Shepherd’s Friend The Student’s Friends The Sufferer’s Friends The Saviour’s Friends
The Stranger’s Friend (52 min)
David Gilliland preaches on Abraham, the friend of God. The commencement, the comfort, the communication and the commitment of the friendship. Readings: James 2:20-24, Gen 18:1-9, 17-19, 22-23, 33. (Message preached in Newtownbreda Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland) Complete series “The Bible Society of Friends”: The Stranger’s Friend The Shepherd’s Friend The Student’s Friends The Sufferer’s Friends The Saviour’s Friends
Philemon and Apphia (56 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the life and character of a married couple who made their home in Colossae and were friends of the apostle Paul – Philemon and Apphia. He looks at the family in their home, the features of the home, the focus of the home, the fugitive from the home (Onesimus) etc. Readings: Philemon, Col 4:15-18. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series of “Couples that Count in Christianity”: Zacharias and Elizabeth Zebedee and Salome Ananias and Sapphira…
Aquila and Priscilla (54 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the life and character of Aquila and Priscilla, a godly New Testament couple who were friends of the apostle Paul. He follows their history from Corinth, to Ephesus, to Rome and back to Ephesus again. Readings: Acts 18:1-6, 18-21, 24-28, Rom 16:3-4, 1 Cor 16:19-20, 2 Tim 4:19-21a. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) (Photo: Corinth canal) Complete series of “Couples that Count in Christianity”: Zacharias and Elizabeth Zebedee and Salome Ananias and Sapphira Aquila and Priscilla…
Ananias and Sapphira (53 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the story of a couple in the book of Acts called Ananias and Sapphira. He looks at them in relation to their names, the church in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit, the devil and the young men who buried them. Reading: Acts 4:31-5:14. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series of “Couples that Count in Christianity”: Zacharias and Elizabeth Zebedee and Salome Ananias and Sapphira Aquila and Priscilla Philemon and Apphia
Zebedee and Salome (48 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the life and character of Zebedee and Salome, the parents of James and John. He highlights Salome’s husband, her sons, her sister (Mary the Lord’s mother) and her Lord. Readings: Matt 4:18-22, 20:17-28, 27:55-56, Mark 15:40-41, John 19:25-27. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) (Photo: Sea of Galilee) Complete series of “Couples that Count in Christianity”: Zacharias and Elizabeth Zebedee and Salome Ananias and Sapphira Aquila and Priscilla Philemon and Apphia
Zacharias and Elizabeth (52 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the life and character of Zacharias and Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist. He highlights their piety, their patience and their poetry. Readings: Luke 1:5-13, 39-45, 67-80. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series of “Couples that Count in Christianity”: Zacharias and Elizabeth Zebedee and Salome Ananias and Sapphira Aquila and Priscilla Philemon and Apphia
David’s Loyal Friends (43 min)
Stephen Gilfillan preaches on David’s loyal friends who came to his aid during the time of the rebellion of Absalom, like Ittai the Gittite, Barzillai the Gileadite and Mephibosheth, the son of Saul. Readings: 2 Sam 2:1, 3-4, 5:3-5, 15:1-2, 4, 6, 13-14, 18-22, 30, 17:24, 27-29, 19:10, 14-15, 24-30. (Message preached in Ballymena, 9th Mar 2019) Complete series: David in the School of God David as a type of Christ David in the cave David’s loyal friends
David in the Cave (44 min)
Stephen Gilfillan preaches on the experiences of David during the time of his preservation in the Cave of Adullam – his preservation, separation and probation. Readings: 1 Sam 22:1-5, 7, 20-23, 2 Sam 23:8, 13-17, 20, 23, Psa 57:1-3, 7-11 (Message preached in Ballymena, 2nd Mar 2019) Complete series: David in the School of God David as a type of Christ David in the cave David’s loyal friends
David as a Type of Christ (40 min)
Stephen Gilfillan preaches on the life and experiences of David and draws out many ways in which he is a type of the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. Readings: 1 Sam 13:13-14, 15:28-29, 16:1, 10-13, 18, 17:49, 51, 54, 57, 18:1, 3-4, 16, 30, 2 Sam 15:23, 26, 30-31, 19:10, 14-15. (Message preached in Ballymena, 23rd Feb 2019) Complete series: David in the School of God David as a type of Christ David in the cave David’s loyal friends
David in the School of God (48 min)
Stephen Gilfillan preaches on three schools that God put David through in his lifetime: the school of obscurity, the school of adversity, and the school of prosperity. The last school proved to be the hardest. Readings: 2 Sam 7:8, 11:1-5, 27, 12:5-7, 10, Psa 142:1-7. (Message preached in Ballymena, 13th Oct 2018) Complete series: David in the School of God David as a type of Christ David in the cave David’s loyal friends
PROVERBS: The Scornful Man and His Insolence (44 min)
PART 4 – Walter Boyd preaches on another major character in the book of Proverbs – the “scornful” man who lacks the fear of God and acts accordingly. Beware the scornful attitude of the scorner. Readings: Prov 1:22, 22:15. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands Conference, Malaysia 2004) Full series: The senseless man and his ignorance (David Gilliland) The slothful man and his indolence (Tom Bentley) The simple man and his innocence (John Grant) The scornful man and his impudence (Walter…
PROVERBS: The Simple Man and His Innocence (53 min)
PART 3 – John Grant preaches on another major character in the book of Proverbs – the “simple” man who lacks discernment and wanders into by path meadow. Beware the “innocence” of the simple man. Readings: Prov 1:22, 32, 7:7-23, 8:1, 5-7, 9:4-6, 13-18, 14:15, 18, 19:25-26, 27:12. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands Conference, Malaysia 2004) Full series: The senseless man and his ignorance (David Gilliland) The slothful man and his indolence (Tom Bentley) The simple man and his innocence…
PROVERBS: The Slothful Man and His Indolence (59 min)
PART 2 – Tom Bentley preaches on a major character in the book of Proverbs – the lazy man, called the slothful man in the KJV. He is marked by indolence, neglect and carelessness. Beware the slothful habits of the flesh. Readings: Prov 12:24, 18:9, 21:25, 24:30-34. 26:13-16. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands Conference, Malaysia 2004) Full series: The senseless man and his ignorance (David Gilliland) The slothful man and his indolence (Tom Bentley) The simple man and his innocence…
PROVERBS: The Senseless Man and His Ignorance (47 min)
PART 1 – David Gilliland introduces the book of Proverbs (nature, name, need, nobility and navigation). He then looks at Proverbs Chapter 9 and takes up the theme of “the senseless man and his ignorance”. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands Conference, Malaysia 2004) Full series: The senseless man and his ignorance (David Gilliland) The slothful man and his indolence (Tom Bentley) The simple man and his innocence (John Grant) The scornful man and his impudence (Walter Boyd)
Joseph in God’s House (49 min)
PART 6 of 6 – In the final installment of the series, Sandy Higgins preaches on “Joseph in God’s house” under 5 headings: 1. Joseph and the birthright, 2. the blessing, 3. his bones, 4. his bonds and 5. his bequest. Mr Higgins applies many practical lessons from these aspects of the life of one who is a beautiful picture of the Lord Jesus Christ. In a significant part of the message – about Joseph’s bones – Mr Higgins speaks…
Joseph in His Personal House (45 min)
PART 5 of 6 – Sandy Higgins preaches on “Joseph in his personal house” in Egypt. Joseph’s personal house was marked by heavenly character in 4 respects. In his house 1. headship was acknowledged; 2. hospitality was experienced; 3. holiness was evident and 4. harmony was found at his table. Mr Higgins makes practical application of all of this for the edification of the listener. Readings: Gen 43:16-17, 43:24-34, 44:14-17, 44:30-45:5, 45:9-11, 14-24 (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, 2007).
Joseph in Pharoah’s House (42 min)
PART 4 of 6 – Sandy Higgins preaches “Joseph in the Pharoah’s house” under 4 headings. Joseph the skilful administrator, Joseph the scrupulous steward, Joseph the spiritual brother, and Joseph the sorrowing son. Joseph proved to be a leader with perception, faithfulness and godliness as he rose from the dungeon to a position of great authority in Egypt, in fulfillment of the dreams God gave him as a youth. Reading: Gen 41:40-45, 43:50-57, 43:19-23, 45:1-2, 16, 21-24, 46:31-34, 47:2, 5-6,…
Joseph in the Prison House (39 min)
PART 3 of 6 – Sandy Higgins preaches on “Joseph in the prison house”. This was a difficult time for Joseph. Knowing that he didn’t deserve the terrible events that came his way, the prison period raised the question of why believers suffer? Mr Higgins gives 5 reasons why believers suffer: 1. Occasionally it’s punitive, because of transgression; 2. Then preparative, for future usefulness and service; 3. Often preventative, against pride and disqualification; 4. Always to proclaim or reveal God’s…
Joseph in Potiphar’s House (37 min)
PART 2 of 6 – Sandy Higgins speaks on “House No 2” in the life of Joseph – namely, Potiphar’s house. Sandy uses 4 headings: the Christian and his employment: the Christian and enticement: the Christian and evil doers; and the Christian at his extremity. A practical message that develops several much-needed themes concerning God’s providence in our lives, in our trials and in our temptations. Reading: Gen Ch 39 (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, 2007)
Joseph in his Parents’ House (49 min)
PART 1 of 6 – Sandy Higgins takes up the life of Joseph in 6 messages, built around the various houses in his life, starting with “Joseph in his parent’s house”. Reading the whole of Genesis 37, Mr Higgins then looks at the teen years of Joseph as he dealt with peer pressure and envy and assorted other challenges in his home. A practical helpful message to start this useful series of sermons. (Message preached in Waterloo, Iowa, 2007)
Daniel – A Lifetime of Consistently Standing for God (39 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on Daniel who repeatedly, throughout his long life in exile, took a stand for God and truth despite overwhelming pressure from the dangerous and godless culture of Babylon. He refused Babylon’s way of living (Dan 1), its worldview (Dan 2) and its worship (Dan 3). Each victory took shape from the previous one as he formed godly habits of spiritual discipline in a far off land. Mervyn applies these lessons to the challenging times in which we…
Esther – A Queen who Understood the Times (42 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on Queen Esther, who “came to the Kingdom for such a time as this“. How well do we understand the uniquely difficult times in which we live? Ours is the age of “Richard Dawkins, Lady Gaga and”. In other words, for us, “Persian culture” is the inescapable all-pervasive influence of the enlightenment, the sexual revolution and consumerism, both in the world around us and in our pocket. Before we can effectively live for Christ, we need…
David – Making a Mark in Difficult Days (41 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the young David – the shepherd, the Psalmist and the armour-bearer. God prepared David as a youth for later public service and leadership in the nation of Israel; but first David had to learn to be alone, to be obscure and to rely up on his God. The test of the battle with Goliath in the valley of Elah would prove the value all that David had learned in private in his walk with God: and…
Samuel – Serving God in a Difficult Climate (42 min)
Dan Rudge preaches on the young seer named Samuel, a young man who grew up in a climate that was corrupt and dangerous politically, morally and spiritually. In contrast to the other young men around him, the child Samuel stood out as a faithful devoted servant of the Lord. It’s not easy or popular, especially as a teenager with peer pressure all around, to stand against the spirit of the age – but Samuel’s example encourages us. Readings from 1…
Joseph – A Young Man in a Difficult Situation (36 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on Joseph (from Genesis 37 & 39), a young man who stood for God in difficult circumstances. He overcame the bad influence of older siblings, the unwise favouritism of his father, the betrayal of his brothers and the vice and lies his master’s wife. But perhaps even greater than all of this was his victory over victimhood. He didn’t see himself as a victim. He didn’t fall into self-pity. He trusted in a sovereign God and thereby,…
Standing For God in a Difficult Age (39 min)
Opening a series of biographical studies on young people in the Bible who stood for God in difficult times, Mervyn Hall explains the features of the uniquely difficult “present evil age” in which we now live. He outlines from Scripture 1. the corruption of this age, 2. the charm of this age, and 3. the challenge of this age and gives practical Biblical guidance as to how to walk for God and stand for God at such a time. Readings:…
Mary Magdalene (40 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on Mary Magdalene. After introducing the subject by listing and briefly commenting on a number of different women who followed Christ and ministered to Him, he speaks of Mary Magdalene in detail. She exemplified the power of regeneration; she identified with Christ in His crucifixion; she testified of Christ in His resurrection (Message preached 12th Nov 2017)
Mary, Martha (and Lazarus) (48 min)
Dan Rudge preaches on Mary the worshipper, Martha the worker and Lazarus the witness. He draws numerous lessons from the home in Bethany, which he portrays as a picture of the local assembly. (Recorded 23rd Apr 2015)
Mary the Mother of Jesus (42 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus; her service, song, Son and sorrow. He closes by highlighting a number of widely held errors about Mary; titles such as “Mother of God”, “Queen of heaven” and “Mediatrix”, and other issues such as her supposed “assumption to heaven”, “immaculate conception”, “perpetual virginity” and her “apparitions”. Rome’s idolatry makes the ecumenical movement a “table of demons” from which to remain separate (Message preached 22nd Oct 2017)
Hannah and Peninnah (40 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on Hannah, the mother of Samuel. Out of her tragic circumstances – the nation in chaos, its priesthood corrupted, her own barrenness, and her domestic grief – comes a “man-child” who became Israel’s mighty prophet, kingmaker and nation restorer, Samuel. Peninnah seemed, at the start, to have it all going for her…but the long view shows that God honours those who honour Him (Message preached 8th Oct 2017)
Ruth the Moabitess (41 min)
Alan Barber preaches on the godly character of Ruth the Moabite, who came to know and trust in the God of Israel. Alan takes up numerous practical lessons from the events recorded in Ruth Chs 1 and 2, especially the move of Elimelech and Naomi to Moab, the disaster that ensued, and the gracious recovery granted by the Lord which then brought Ruth into such blessing (Message preached 23rd Oct 2014)
Rahab, Deborah and Jael (34 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on Rahab, Deborah and Jael. Each of these three women lived counter-culturally in times of difficulty and danger – because they were “women of conviction”. The days of the “judges” were dark days in which “everyone did that which was right in their own eyes”. The lives of these godly women contain many lessons for us today (Message preached 24th Sept 2017)
Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah (43 min)
Norman Mellish preaches on the wives of the patriarchs and draws out practical lessons from each one. Sarah a woman of faith; Rebekah a woman of hope; Rachel a woman of love; Leah a woman of grace. Sarah – “taught by God”; Rebekah “sought by the servant”; Rachel “wrought for by Jacob”; Leah “fought for her family”. Mr Mellish lays emphasis on seeking the mind of God and becoming a child of destiny, as well as longing to produce children…
Eve – The First Woman (40 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the first women in the Bible – Eve, the wife of Adam. A number of basic issues are covered in this message, including the Bible’s teaching on gender (male and female), the divinely designed different roles for men and women in the home, in society and in the assembly, and the Biblical reasons why women are not allowed to teach or pray publicly in assembly gatherings. Readings from Gen Chs 2-3, 1 Cor 11:1-16, 1 Tim…
Here I Stand – I Can Do No Other (45 min)
David Gilliland traces the life of the Reformer Martin Luther and in particular homes in on the courageous and history-making “sola scriptura” stand that he took at the Diet of Worms in April of 1521, which Mr Gilliland proposes was the pivotal moment in the Reformation (Recorded 17th Apr 2017)
Learning from Gideon’s Days of Failure (47 min)
PART 5 – John Dennison preaches on Gideon’s days of failure and looks at the various ways in which he was tested and failed. Tested in days of prosperity, days of adversity and days of monotony. Warnings are given about the ease with which any of us could fail, yet encouragement is given that God looks at the whole of one’s life as He evaluates our service for Him (Message preached 30th Oct 2016)
Learning from Gideon’s Days of Frustration (46 min)
PART 4 – John Dennison preaches on Gideon’s days of frustration, as he had to deal with a number of frustrating situations in Judges Ch 8 after the major victory over the Midianite host. Learn the spiritual lessons that can be gleaned from how Gideon dealt with the Ephraimites, the men of Succoth, the men of Penuel and Zebah and Zalmunna, the kings of Midian (Message preached 29th Oct 2016)
Learning from Gideon’s Days of Fighting (46 min)
PART 3 – John Dennison preaches on Gideon’s days of fighting and draws multiple lessons from his battle with the Midianites. Listen as insights are given into the spiritual truths God is teaching us through the divinely guided reduction of Gideon’s army from 32,000 to 300 soldiers. The smallness, emptiness and brokenness of the weapons with which Gideon’s army overcame the enemy are challenging issues for us to face (Message preached 29th Oct 2016)
Learning from Gideon’s Days of Fear (54 min)
PART 2 – John Dennison preaches on Gideon’s days of fear (Judges 6:19-40). God separated Gideon unto Himself from his father’s gods and called him to be His servant, despite his fears. Listen as Mr Dennison outlines Gideon’s concern, his condition, his comprehension, his communication and his circumstances. Included are some helpful insights into the issue of “putting out a fleece” (Message preached Oct 28th 2016)
Learning from Gideon’s Days of Famine (54 min)
PART 1 – John Dennison preaches an introductory message on the life of Gideon drawing practical Biblical lessons from the narrative in Judges 6:1-24. After introducing the book of Judges and outlining the background of the chapter, John speaks on “the crisis of strife” (Midian), “the conviction of sin” (by the prophet’s message), and “the consecration of Gideon the servant” (Message preached Oct 27th 2016)
The Oxford Martyrs (53 min)
[Photos below] Tom West tells the story of the martyrdom of Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley and Thomas Cranmer (in 1555 and 1556). This stirring account of the courage of those who suffered through faithfulness to the Word of God, serves as a powerful reminder both of the cost of religious freedom in the UK and of the need for our own generation to hold firmly to the truth of the Word of God (Message preached 4th Oct 2015) (Photo: in…
John and Charles Wesley (42 min)
David Castles speaks on the lives and influence of the “Wesley brothers” – John and Charles – the great 18th century preacher and hymn writer. Although deeply religious in their youth, neither John nor Charles Wesley were saved until later in life when they understood that salvation was by grace alone. (Recorded 27th Sept 2015)
The Hymn Writers – John Newton and William Cowper (45 min)
Peter Scarsbrook speaks on the lives and hymns of John Newton (1725-1807) and William Cowper (1731-1800) who lived and wrote together in Olney, England. The remarkable conversion story of John Newton is recounted in detail, leading as it did to the writing of one of the most well known hymns of all time – “Amazing Grace”. This is a fascinating and engaging look at a momentous illustration of “the grace of God in action”. (Recorded 20th Sept 2015) (Photo above:…
The Life and Legacy of William Tyndale (56 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the life and work of William Tyndale (1494-1536). Martyred for his faith at the age of 42, Tyndale was the first person in history to translate the New Testament into English from the Greek and his contribution to the Reformation, to the people of God in general, to the history of the world, not to mention to the development of the English language, in incalculable. (Recorded 13th Sept 2015)
The Apostle Peter (46 min)
From Peter’s 2nd epistle, Scott Dunn highlights four lessons that the author wants us to remember; the reality of our salvation; the resources in the Spirit; our responsibility; and the reward for our service. He makes the challenging point that, although Peter is often remembered for his failures, he was quickly restored and didn’t repeat his mistakes (Message preached 28th May 2015)
The Apostle Paul (38 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the apostle Paul – his character, his conversion, his career and his coronation. Paul’s authority as an apostle, his ministry as a preacher, his energy in gospel labour, his responsibility in caring for all the churches, his adversity in suffering for Christ and his loyalty to the truth of God, are all commented on and applied (Message preached 14th May 2015)
The Apostle John (42 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the apostle John – as a disciple, servant, brother and elder. Highlighting various incidents in the life of “the disciple whom Jesus loved”, Mervyn draws out lessons in connection with John’s separation, suffering and service. John’s life and ministry teach us that truth without love is brutal, while love without truth is fatal (Message preached 7th May 2015)
John Mark (42 min)
David Castles preaches on John Mark, the writer of the gospel of Mark, and the companion of Paul. Converted through the preaching of Peter, with a godly mother in Mary, John Mark went from failure to fruitfulness as a servant of God. He then wrote a gospel about the “perfect servant”, the Lord Jesus Christ! The unique features of Mark’s gospel are also helpfully spelt out in this message (Message preached 30th Apr 2015)
Joseph and Mary (31 min)
Tom West preaches on Joseph and Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus. He outlines the lineage, the leading and the legacy of this godly couple in whose home the Lord of glory was raised. The Lord’s links to King David through the two genealogies – Matthew Ch 1 and Luke Ch 3 – are traced and explained. Mary is given her proper place as a privileged woman, but nevertheless one who was a sinner in need of a Saviour…
John The Baptist (38 min)
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the character of John the Baptist; an unusual man, with a unique ministry and an uncompromising message. Peter draws numerous insightful and pertinent lessons for his audience from various aspects of the life and labours of this faithful forerunner of Christ (Message preached 9th Apr 2015)
Moses – His Last Words (29 min)
Merv Hall preaches on final days of Moses’s life – highlighting his song (Deut 32), his blessing (Deut 33) and his death (Deut 34). In particular this message dwells on the song of Moses in Deut 32 and highlights 5 references to God as His people’s “rock”. God is a “faithful” rock, but due to His people’s waywardness became a “forsaken” and “forgotten” rock, as they sought after “false” rocks. (Message preached 1st Feb 2015)
Moses – Rebellious Relatives (26 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on the plots against Moses from his sister and brother (Numbers Ch 12) and his cousin (Ch 16). The two passages are compared and similarities noted. Marked by jealousy, discontentment and hunger for power, Miriam and Korah took on the leadership of Israel with disastrous results. (Message preached 11th Jan 2015)
Moses – Through The Wilderness (29 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the wilderness journey of Israel. Working his way through 1 Cor 10:1-12, which states that the wilderness events were examples or types, written for our admonition, he highlights five events: the disobedience at Taberah, the insubordination at Sinai, the sedition at Shittim, the apostasy in the wilderness and the mutiny at Paran and brings practical exhortation to bear from each (Message preached 14th Dec 2014)
Moses – Confrontation with Pharoah (27 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on Moses’s confrontation with Pharoah. What would Moses do? Accept Pharoah’s compromises or obey the Lord’s commandment? Would Moses meet Pharoah halfway and find an accommodation with him, or would he “hold the line” and obey the Lord? (Message preached 30th Nov 2014)
Moses – Education and Exile (29 min)
Mervyn Hall speaks on the two major transitions in Moses’s life. Moses’s life is in three parts of 40 years each. 40 formative years in Egypt ; 40 “forgotten” years in Midian; and 40 “famous” years leading Israel through the desert. The transitions between these defined periods of his life hold many pertinent lessons in connection with discerning the calling and leading of God in our own lives as we seek His will for service and usefulness (Message preached 23rd…
King Solomon (40 min)
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on Israel’s third King – Solomon. His wisdom, his workmanship, his worship and his worldliness. Solomon’s life has left many powerful lessons for us to learn, and this message presses them home (Message preached 13th Feb 2014)
King David (40 min)
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on Israel’s second King – the Lord’s anointed – David. In a wide ranging message he brings out many great truths, interesting insights and refreshing thoughts to instruct, encourage and challenge God’s people. (Message preached 6th Feb 2014)
King Saul (40 min)
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on Israel’s first King – the people’s choice – Saul. He draws pertinent lessons from the life of the man who was head and shoulders above all the people, but who ultimately left behind a legacy of failure (Message preached 30th Jan 2014).
Kings Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoachin and Zedekiah (44 min)
KINGS OF JUDAH Part 8 – Mervyn Hall preaches on the last 4 kings of Judah. He draws helpful lessons from a king who rejected the heritage of God; another who refused the discipline of God; another who ruined the house of God and a final one who rebelled against the servant of God (Message preached 18th July 2013)
King Josiah (38 min)
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on “good King Josiah” and draws lessons from the last great revival King of Judah. Though set a poor example by his father, and though young when he ascended to the throne, God mightily used the “boy King” to bring revival to God’s people (Message given 20th Apr 2017) (Photo: Megiddo)
King Hezekiah (44 min)
KINGS OF JUDAH Part 6 – David Dalton preaches on the 13th King of Judah – good King Hezekiah. He exhorts his audience to follow this revival king in his noble restoration of the nation and in his zeal and courage in facing and defeating the enemies of God’s people (Message preached July 4th 2013)
Kings Abijam and Asa (35 min)
KINGS OF JUDAH Part 2 – Michael Penfold preaches on the 2nd and 3rd Kings of Judah, Abijam and Asa. Asa was a “revival King” and challenging lessons are drawn from the foundation that underpinned the revival, the faith the accompanied the revival and the folly that wrecked the revival (Message preached May 30th 2013)
Kings Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham and Ahaz (40 min)
KINGS OF JUDAH Part 5 – Gordon Stewart preaches on the 9th-12th Kings of Judah, namely Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham and Ahaz. The first two, both marked by pride, tried to unite what God had separated. Amaziah tried to unite Israel and Judah; Uzziah, the office of priest and King. Helpful lessons are drawn from these and other incidents (Message preached June 20th 2013)
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