Sermons by Scott Dunn
An Overview of the Book of Isaiah (47 min)
Scott Dunn gives an overview of the book of Isaiah. He outlines Isaiah’s great theme of salvation in its near aspect and its future aspect. He looks at King Ahaz and King Hezekiah’s different reactions to enemy attack and highlights Israel/Judah’s perpetual problem of relying on other nations instead of on the Lord. Finally he introduces “God’s perfect Servant”, the Messiah, who submissively trusted in His God, unlike Israel. Through Him, the Lord Jesus, God will yet bring national and…
The Apostle Peter (46 min)
From Peter’s 2nd epistle, Scott Dunn highlights four lessons that the author wants us to remember; the reality of our salvation; the resources in the Spirit; our responsibility; and the reward for our service. He makes the challenging point that, although Peter is often remembered for his failures, he was quickly restored and didn’t repeat his mistakes (Message preached 28th May 2015)
The Discipline of Bible Study (48 min)
Scott Dunn preaches on the discipline of Bible study. He asks three questions: why, when and how one should study the Bible. He uses Hebrews chapter 7 as an illustration and traces back to Psalm 110 and Genesis 14 (Message preached 12th May 2011)
The Holiness of God (40 min)
THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD – Working from Hebrews 10, Scott Dunn preaches on God’s holiness. He defines his subject and traces how God has revealed His holiness to His people and the world (Message preached 14th Jan 2010)
How One Salvation Led to Another (22 min)
Scott Dunn relates how he was saved in Brisbane, Australia, at the age of 15 and how the very same night another soul was saved after hearing of Scott’s salvation. (Recorded 22nd June 2008) (Photo: Brisbane)
The Life and Times of Moses (44 min)
Scott Dunn preaches on the life and times of Moses, concentrating on how he endured discouragement and hardship by “seeing Him who is invisible”, as he glimpsed the glory of God (Recorded on 13th Mar 2008)
What is Regeneration? (40 min)
REGENERATION – Scott Dunn teaches on the subject of regeneration and expounds on the meaning of the new birth by the instrumentality of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God (Message preached 3rd May 2007)