Sermons on Special Interest Topics - Various speakers
How God Superintended the Saga of Redemption (39 min)
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the history of redemption from creation to Calvary and traces the miraculous sovereign way in which God superintended it all. Readings: Acts 2:23-24, 1 Cor 15:3-4 (Recorded at the Helions Gospel Hall conference, 7th Apr 2023)
The Reformation in Switzerland, France and England (69 min)
Matthew Cain preaches on the 16th Century Protestant Reformation in Switzerland, France and England. He looks at the lives of Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin, as well as looking at their “Reformed theology”. He tells the story of William Tyndale and the “Oxford martyrs”, Nicholas Ridley, Hugh Latimer and Thomas Cranmer. Readings: 2 Tim 4:1-2, 1 Thess 5:20-21. (Recorded in Pope Road Gospel Hall, Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada, Oct 2017). (Photo: The Reformation Wall in Geneva, Switzerland, featuring William…
Martin Luther and the Background to the Reformation (66 min)
Matthew Cain preaches on the background to the 16th Century Protestant Reformation, looking at the politics of Europe, the condition of the Roman Catholic Church, the influence of the Renaissance, the invention of the printing press, English Bible translations. and leading early Reformers like John Wycliffe and Jan Hus. He then gives an overview of the life and influence of Martin Luther. Reading: Rom 1:16. (Recorded in Pope Road Gospel Hall, Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada, Oct 2017) (Photo: Martin…
The 4 Symbols in 1 Corinthians 11 (16 min)
David Gilliland introduces the two sections of 1 Corinthians 11, the first about the symbols of headship and the second about the symbols for remembering the Lord’s death. He outlines the analysis, approach and abuse of each section. (Recorded in Lurgan Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland, May 2012)
Spiritual Survival in a Secular Society (29 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on spiritual survival in a secular society from the epistle of Jude, where believers are urged to keep themselves in the love of God and are divinely preserved from stumbling. Reading: Jude 1:1-4, 17-25. (Recorded at the Larne Bible Conference, Northern Ireland, Aug 2024)
Why Abstain? The Christian and Alcohol (36 min)
Ian Jackson sets out a case for Christians to remain totally abstinent from alcohol. His passage is Genesis Ch 9:18-29 which records the time after the flood when Noah became drunk. (Recorded at Forres, Scotland, 8th Sept 2005) Complete series: Genesis Ch 1 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 2 – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 3 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 4a – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 4b – Jack Hay Genesis Ch 5 – Ian Jackson Genesis Ch 6a –…
The Incomparability of God (30 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on God’s repeated claim in Isaiah Ch 45, “I am the LORD and there is none else; there is no god beside Me”, a claim proved by God’s unique capabilities in creation, history, prophecy and deliverance. Set over against this is the propensity of the human heart to substitute the one true and living God for idols. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 25th Aug 2024) Also by the same speaker: The Sovereignty of God
Standing for God in a Hostile Academic Environment (32 min)
David Gilliland preaches on standing for God as a Christian in a secular educational setting. He preaches on the expression “Then Paul stood” from Acts 17:16-34. Where Paul stood, how he stood, what he stood for, and the results. (Recorded in the Ulster Hall, Belfast – Easter Conference)
Lucifer’s History from Beginning to End (55 min)
Scott MacLeod preaches on the origin, career and end of Satan, the arch-enemy of God, from Ezekiel 28 all the way to the end of the book of Revelation. (Recorded in Roseisle Gospel Hall, MB, Canada, 12th Mar 2024)
Men Should Be Men; Women Should Be Women (44 min)
Stephen Baker expounds the Bible’s teaching on the issue of gender, and refutes present attempts by some to manipulate the word of God to support what, in fact, God condemns. Reading: Gen 1:27-28. (Recorded in the UK, 25th Nov 2017)
What Happens If You Remove Genesis 3 From the Bible? (45 min)
David West preaches on one of the most important chapters in the Bible, Genesis Ch 3. This chapter is to be taken historically and literally and is shown to be foundational to the rest of Scripture. Readings: Genesis 3:1-24, 2 Corinthians 11:2-3, 1 Timothy 2:11-14. (Recorded in Northampton, 26th Aug 2006)
The Ordinances of the Universe (45 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the ordinances of the physical universe – heaven, earth and sea – and how God regulates it all by His wisdom and power. Readings: Job 38:1, 8-11, 31-35, 37, Psa 119:89-96, Jer 31:31, 35-38a, 33:20-21, 23-26. (Recorded in Ballymena, 5th Jan 2009)
Sexual Immorality (39 min)
Andrew Ussher preaches on the topic of sexual immorality. Noting that the holy standards of Scripture are opposed to the “values” of the culture of today, Andrew expounds the divine principles of holiness, preservation and restoration – and the need to flee temptation, to stay clean and useful to the Lord. Reading: 1 Thess 4:1-8. (Message preached 28th Oct 2017 in Stark Road Gospel hall, Livonia, MI, USA)
The World’s Gone Mad – Here’s Why (35 min)
It’s common nowadays to hear people exclaim “The world’s gone mad”. In recent years the religious, political, family and community narratives the older generation grew up with have all pretty much collapsed. How did this happen? What’s going on? Michael Penfold explains that the character of the present madness is nothing new. It has the same character as the madness that overwhelmed the world at the beginning of human history. Readings: Gen 3:1-6, Rom 5:12-14, 18-21. (Message preached in Chalfont…
The Question of Rahab’s Lie (35 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the issue raised by Rahab’s words in Josh 2:4-5, where she says the spies have left Jericho, when actually they were hiding on her roof. Was she right to tell a lie? How does her choice sit with the 9th commandment? What does this incident mean for us today? Readings: Josh 2:1-24, 6:23-25, Matt 1:5-6, 16, Heb 11:31, Jas 2:25, 4:17. (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter, 23rd Apr 2023) (Photo: the ruins of Jericho)
The Voices of D.L. Moody, Ira Sankey, Harry Ironside and others (12 min)
This is a recording with a difference! Anecdotes about the hymns, writings and experiences of the likes of Moody, Sankey, Ironside and Spurgeon are occasionally heard in sermons on this site. A handful of very old recordings of these men have been preserved. They make for interesting listening. This recording includes the following: 0.01-0.49 min D.L. Moody (1837-1899), quoting the beatitudes from Matthew’s gospel. 0.50-2.58 min Ira Sankey (1840-1908), singing “God be with you till we meet again”, in a…
How Did We Get Here? (61 min)
David Vallance asks “How did we get here?” in reference to the morally corrupt state of affairs in Western culture. He traces history from pre-modern, through modern, to the postmodern/woke era, examining the lives and philosophies of Rousseau, Marx, Darwin, Nietzsche and Freud along the way. He covers issues such as tolerance, identity politics, intersectionality, gender dysphoria, homosexuality and transgenderism, bringing biblical teaching to bear on each. Reading: Gen 1:26-28 (Message given 13th July 2022 in Stark Road Gospel Hall,…
Is It Right? (42 min)
Is it right to dance? Is it right to play cards? Is it right to watch movies, to smoke, or to drink socially? These questions come up repeatedly. So, how do we answer from the Bible? In this message Michael Penfold outlines a 3-part filter through which to run tricky questions: 1. biblical precepts, 2. biblical practices and 3. biblical principles. He then outlines 6 principles by which to come to a decision on such matters before the Lord. A…
Should Christians Keep the Sabbath? (44 min)
After listing 6 reasons why God gave the Sabbath, Michael Penfold proves that the Saturday Sabbath was a ceremonial, not a moral law, and that it was not instituted until Sinai. It was a “shadow” that gave way to the “substance” at the coming of Christ. He also looks at why believers meet on Sundays today, which the Bible calls “the Lord’s Day” (Recorded 13th May 2018)
“I’m a sister. What can I do?” (44 min)
What is a sister’s ministry and what role can sisters play in the service of the Lord? Living, as we do, in a culture that promotes feminism and much else that is contrary to Scripture, it is vital for us to understand exactly what the Bible says on this issue and why. Michael Penfold outlines 5 particular avenues of service that are open to and designed for Christian women and seeks to strengthen and encourage sisters in fulfilling their potential…
Is Speaking in Tongues for Today? (32 min)
Albert Leckie (1920-1988) preaches on the topic of “speaking in tongues”. He asks what tongues were for. The Bible says they were a sign. In Acts 2, a sign of the resurrection and exaltation of Christ; in Acts 10, a sign of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on the Gentiles; and in Acts 19 a sign of “accomplished redemption”. With these “sign purposes” completed, the sign is no longer required, so tongues in Acts should not be taken…
How Can I Know the Will of God for My Life? (30 min)
Sandy Higgins preaches on the need, the desire and the way to know the will of God in one’s life. He discusses the discipline of delay, and says that the process of getting to know the will of God is more important than the product. Then he outlines 6 principles from Psalm 25 to guide us in knowing the will of God. First, confidence in character of God; second, a consciousness of grace as the basis for guidance; third, carefulness…
Theology 101 – Human Depravity (38 min)
PART 1 of 6 – In the first part of a 6-part series on the fundamentals of the gospel, Mr Jim Allen speaks clearly and powerfully on the little understood and oft-avoided topic of human depravity. Rarely taken up in ministry as a stand-alone subject, this is a solid, essential and wide-ranging setting forth of biblical truth. Not only for gospel preachers, but also for elders, parents, Sunday School teachers – indeed, all of us – this message will prove…
The Dangers of the Media and Entertainment Industry (44 min)
John Grant (1942-2020) preaches a fearless and powerful message on the dangers posed to the Christian by the multi-billion pound media and entertainment industry. After a brief history lesson on the origins of the industry, Mr Grant discusses the dangers to my stewardship, my separation and my service posed by films, rock music, soap operas, the internet, and computer games etc. This is a much needed and challenging message, rarely heard in our day. Readings: 1 Cor 9:24-27, Rom 12:1-2…
Gender Roles and Distinctions (43 min)
Jack Hay expounds the Bible’s teaching on the issue of gender, addressing in particular the world’s attempt to blur the distinctions between the sexes. Jack shows that the Bible expects to see a distinction between the male and female genders in appearance, dress and function. From the unisex explosion in the 1960’s to the “gender neutral” culture of the 21st century, this continues to be an issue of huge significance for believers who desire to maintain godly order in the…
Understanding Spiritual Freedom (54 min)
David Gilliland expounds the truth of spiritual freedom. What is freedom? What is legalism? Is man free? Does God’s law restrict human freedom? Are people really free if they’re allowed to do whatever they want? These and other fascinating questions are examined in this helpful message under 5 headings: 1. The origin and overthrow of liberty; 2. The obtaining and offer of liberty; 3. The opponents and obstacles to liberty; 4. The obligations and operation of liberty; and 5. The…
Can We Still Believe in Eternal Punishment? (54 min)
David Gilliland takes up a defense of the Biblical doctrine of eternal punishment. Because of the practices, philosophies, and the pluralism of modern society, belief in and proclamation of the truth of eternal punishment is weakening in many forums. It is currently denied by 4 main errors: by modernism, by postmortem evangelism, by universalism, and by annihilationism (conditional immortality). Mr Gilliland expounds the character of hell and defends it against charges that it is 1. inconsistent with the love of…
A Warning from History (54 min)
It has been said that “The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.” Looking back over the history of the last 2,000 years of Christian testimony, Ian Jackson sounds an alarm for believers and assemblies in the present day, lest we lose our way by forgetting the lessons of the past. By going back to Scripture and then tracing the providential ways of God throughout history, Ian issues a much needed and eye-opening warning…
The Ecumenical Movement Examined (44 min)
Albert Leckie (1920-1988) examines the ecumenical movement – the attempt to link all churches together in global unity – in the light of holy Scripture. In a solidly biblical, heartfelt and searching message, Mr Leckie proves that while the ecumenical movement has no divine sanction, it has developed according to divine prediction. The Bible predicts a future “harlot church” that will ride upon a political antichrist during the tribulation period. Mr Leckie contends that the current ecumenical movement is the…
The Psychology of the Bible (40 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the subject of the human mind. We are composed of two elements – the physical and the spiritual – our minds made up of intellect, will and emotion. These must be kept in balance through the Word of God and through the resources of our Lord Jesus, who is prophet, priest and King. We must guard our minds because we are not what we think we are, but what we think – we are. After dealing…
Depression – Its Causes and Its Cure (40 min)
David West speaks on some of the causes for, and also the cure for, depression. After looking at a number of relevant proverbs of Solomon, Mr West traces numerous cases of pain, loss and depression in the Bible. Gleaning helpful lessons from the experiences of others, Mr West then looks at the cure for depression as he discusses what the Bible has to say about the Christian mind, especially from Paul’s epistle to the Philippians. Readings: Prov 3:7, 4:23, 5:8-12,…
The Virgin Birth: Essential or Optional? (44 min)
Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) preaches a comprehensive and clear message on the fundamental truth of the virgin birth of Christ. In the mid-1980’s, a leading Bishop in the Church of England became well known for his denial of both the virgin birth and the resurrection of Christ. In response Mr Flanigan took up this topic at a large meeting in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, on 2nd Feb 1985. He asked 4 questions. 1. What is the virgin birth? 2. Why do we…
Should a Christian Drink Alcohol? (41 min)
Stephen Arbuthnot tackles the question of Christians and alcohol. Is it OK to drink wine? Beer? Whisky? With a meal; at a wedding; on a flight? These pressing questions demand clear answers. Stephen carefully, logically and scripturally lays out a very persuasive case for total abstinence, showing that, far from being an extreme position, this is the only correct position for a Christian in today’s society. This message will repay careful listening. Reading: John 2:1-11 (Message preached in Ballymena 28th…
Introduction to the Offerings (47 min)
David Gilliland gives a very helpful “introduction to the offerings”. He takes an overview of the topic of sacrifice in Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus before discussing how, when and where Israelites brought sacrifices. The sacrifices were costly and heavy and taught serious lessons to those who brought them. David discusses the issue of forgiveness and atonement in relation to the Old Testament sacrifices. Were Old Testament offerers really forgiven, and if so how? Finally he discusses the different types of…
How We Got Our Bible (58 min)
David Gilliland gives a 58 minute overview of how the King James Version of the Bible came to be. Starting with how God gave the original Scriptures in Hebrew and Greek, Mr Gilliland works through the centuries up until when the Bible was translated into English – first, from the Latin, by John Wycliffe, and finally from the Greek by the martyr William Tyndale. Then the fascinating story of how the King James Bible came to be produced and eventually…
3 Dangers When Leaving Home (38 min)
Elton Fairfield addresses the issue of “leaving home” and what young people will face at University and in the workplace. He preaches using 3 headings: “a lesson in immorality” (Joseph, Gen 39), “a lesson in identity” (Esther, Est 2-4), and “a lesson in idolatry” (Daniel, Dan 1:1-8). How will you cope with Fresher’s week, the internet, relationships, meeting attendance and so much more when the time comes to “leave home”? Elton gives helpful, succinct and plain advice that will benefit…
What Is Life All About? (32 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on “What is life all about?”. He answers this question with three negatives: 1. Life’s not about things, 2. Life’s not about me, and 3. Life’s not about now. Life is about living for Christ and his interests, in the light of eternity. Readings: Luke 12:13-15, 22-23, 30-31, Phil 1:1, 18-21, Luke 19:12-17 (Recorded in Hatboro, PA, 10th Nov 2019)
Christianity in the Information Age (30 min)
Dan Shutt speaks on Christianity in the information age. “Is technology good or bad?” is the wrong question: the issue is how we handle the technology that comes our way. Mr Shutt acknowledges that the internet has brought some good possibilities, but he then highlights 5 specific problems. These are: the theological issue, the time issue, the truth issue, the temptation issue, and the too-much-information issue. This is a powerful and relevant message for old and young, parents and children,…
What is “That Which Is Perfect”? (48 min)
Dan Rudge tackles the difficult question “What is ‘that which is perfect’?” from 1 Corinthians 13:10. He contends that Paul is referring to the completed canon of Scripture, rather than Christ or heaven, and gives sound biblical reasons for his view (Message preached 22nd Nov 2018)
Were There Two Falls of Angels? (46 min)
Mervyn Hall expounds the subject of God’s judgments on Satan and his angels – discussing God’s motive, manner and moment of judgment. Questions addressed include: When did Satan fall? What brought about his fall? Were there two falls of angels, or one? Who are the sons of God in Genesis 6? Readings in Gen 3, 6, John 16, 2 Pet 2 and Jude (Message preached 14th Oct 2018)
The Fashion of the World (43 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on separation from the world in connection with clothing, jewellery, cosmetics, piercing and tattoos. After establishing the fact that the Bible is concerned with the outward appearance of God’s people, Michael outlines 10 scriptural “guiding principles” by which to judge all issues of dress and appearance. Scripture readings: Prov 6:24-25, 7:10, Eze 23:40, 44, 1 Tim 2:8-10, 1 Pet 3:3-4 (Message preached 7th Jun 2018)
The Christian and Gender, Roles and Symbols (66 min)
David Vallance brings Scriptural teaching to bear on topical issues such as equality, feminism, patriarchy, homosexuality and transgenderism. Starting in Genesis 1:27 he expounds the binary nature of gender, and from 1 Tim 2 and 1 Cor 11 explains the different roles God has given men and women, based on the pattern of Christ and His Church. He also explains how the symbols of long/short hair, and covered/uncovered head are to be understood in relation to this foundational topic (Message…
Movies, Social Media and the Christian (47 min)
Should Christians watch movies? Should Christians be on social media? Michael Penfold applies the timeless principles of the Word of God to these two issues. He discusses content, worldviews, actors, acting and fiction in relation to movies. As to social media he looks at privacy, addiction, depression and narcissism. (Message preached 22nd Mar 2018)
Here I Stand – I Can Do No Other (45 min)
David Gilliland traces the life of the Reformer Martin Luther and in particular homes in on the courageous and history-making “sola scriptura” stand that he took at the Diet of Worms in April of 1521, which Mr Gilliland proposes was the pivotal moment in the Reformation (Recorded 17th Apr 2017)
The Land and the Book (44 min)
David Gilliland preaches about “the land and the book”. Borrowing the title from a book by author William Thomson, Mr Gilliland compares the land of Israel (the glory of all lands) with the Bible (the glory of all books). A most interesting and instructive message drawing out many parallels and making practical applications along the way (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 17th Apr 2017)
What are the Laws of Interpretation? (39 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the basic principles of Bible interpretation. How should the Bible be approached and studied? To rightly divide the word – to cut a straight course through Scripture – what principles should guide us? Mervyn outlines 5: the synthesis principle; the historical principle; the literal principle; the grammatical principle and the practical principle. (Recorded 6th Sept 2015)
Magna Carta 800th Anniversary (48 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the subject of Magna Carta, on its 800th Anniversary in June 2015. The rights enshrined in this historic document touch on issues of life, liberty and property. After giving the historical background, Mr Hall moves to the subject of moral freedom and explains that personal freedom from sin can only come through Christ – One who gave up “property” so that we could have an inheritance, who gave up His “liberty” so we could be free,…
Does Hebrews Ch 6 Teach a Christian Can “Fall Away”? (38 min)
Dan Rudge expounds the third warning section of the epistle to the Hebrews in three parts: an exhortation to the carnal (5:11-6:3), a warning to the natural (6:4-8) and an encouragement to the spiritual (6:9-12). He explains that the passage about “falling away” does not refer to true believers but rather to apostates – those who were never saved in the first place (Message preached 19th June 2014)
Philosophers and Psychologists (44 min)
David Castles traces the long downward road of man’s wisdom since the commencement of the ‘modern period’ in the 1600’s down to today’s postmodern era. Along the way we come across Hume, Kant, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre, Freud, Maslow and others, whose ideas culminated in the wasteland of the 20th century with its Holocaust on the one hand and pleasure seeking focus on the other. All of this is set over against the absolute truth of Scripture and the true joy…
The True Meaning of “Christian Liberty” (37 min)
Does “grace” mean a Christian is free to do as he pleases? If we are not under law, does that mean there are no rules at all? What is legalism and what is Christian freedom? David Vallance answers all these questions as he outlines the origin, location, paradox and discipline of Biblical Christian liberty. A vital message (Message preached 21st April 2014)
Music Choices (36 min)
David Vallance gives useful guidelines to help Christians make godly music and hymn singing choices. He examines CCM (“Contemporary Christian Music”), and on numerous levels – lyrics, music style, authors – finds it to be greatly inferior to that which preceded it…the “great hymns of the faith”. Despite the emotive nature of this topic, David approaches it dispassionately, intelligently and informatively (Message preached 20th April 2014)
Altar Calls and Easy-Believism (54 min)
Tom Ledger (1932-2015) examines from Scripture the “crusade-style” evangelism of the type conducted in stadiums and conference halls around the world by leading evangelical evangelists over the last 100 years or so. Mr Ledger, once an enthusiastic supporter of such events, speaks from experience as he looks at both the message preached and the methods employed, paying special attention to the appeals and altar calls, and the issue of “easy believism”. (Message given in Bicester on Boxing Day 26th Dec…
The False Religious System of Babylon (42 min)
Eric Parmenter preaches from Revelation 17 on the false religious system of Babylon. This was a powerful address and showed a keen level of discernment for what was happening in the ecumenical movement at that time (Message preached in Bicester 26th Dec 1973)