The Ecumenical Movement Examined (44 min)

The Ecumenical Movement Examined (44 min)

Albert Leckie (1920-1988) examines the ecumenical movement – the attempt to link all churches together in global unity – in the light of holy Scripture. In a solidly biblical, heartfelt and searching message, Mr Leckie proves that while the ecumenical movement has no divine sanction, it has developed according to divine prediction. The Bible predicts a future “harlot church” that will ride upon a political antichrist during the tribulation period. Mr Leckie contends that the current ecumenical movement is the beginnings of this “harlot church”, a revival of the Babel of Genesis Ch 9 and an imitation, by the devil, of the true church, the body of Christ. Mr Leckie demonstrated profound insight and godly courage in the delivery of this powerful message preached in Scotland many years ago (Reading: 1 Tim 3:14-16)