Sermons on Tabernacle & Typology
The Sin and Trespass Offerings (50 min)
Albert Leckie (1920-1988) expounds the non-sweet savour offerings i.e. the sin and the trespass offerings, and brings out their typological significance. Readings: Lev 4:1-3, 13, 22, 27, 5:5-6, 14-15, 6:1-3. Complete series: The Burnt Offering The Meal Offering The Peace Offering The Sin and Trespass Offerings
The Peace Offering (47 min)
Albert Leckie (1920-1988) expounds the peace offering and its law, revealing the peace that comes through Christ and His cross-work. Complete series: The Burnt Offering The Meal Offering The Peace Offering The Sin and Trespass Offerings
The Meal Offering (56 min)
Albert Leckie (1920-1988) expounds the meal offering, which speaks of the perfect life and character of the Lord Jesus Christ. Complete series: The Burnt Offering The Meal Offering The Peace Offering The Sin and Trespass Offerings
The Burnt Offering (56 min)
Albert Leckie (1920-1988) expounds the burnt offering from Leviticus Ch 1 and outlines how it speaks of Christ and His work on the cross. Complete series: The Burnt Offering The Meal Offering The Peace Offering The Sin and Trespass Offerings
A Portrait of Christ in the Song of Solomon (48 min)
Jim Flanigan, who wrote a commentary on the Song of Solomon, preaches a deeply devotional sermon on the well-known “altogether lovely” section of the book (Ch 5:9-6:1). (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete Series on Types and Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament: People (Melchizedek and Aaron) Places (The Tabernacle) Pictures (The Offerings) Prophets (Isaiah) Poetry (Song of Solomon)
Pictures of Christ in Isaiah (45 min)
After explaining how Isaiah is like a miniature Bible, Jim Flanigan preaches on pictures of Christ in Isaiah under three headings: Christ the servant of Jehovah (42:1-4), the solace of his people (41:10) and the shepherd of his flock (40:11). (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete Series on Types and Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament: People (Melchizedek and Aaron) Places (The Tabernacle) Pictures (The Offerings) Prophets (Isaiah) Poetry (Song of Solomon)
The Offerings as Types of Christ (50 min)
Jim Flanigan preaches on the offerings as types of Christ, with a particular emphasis on the meal or grain offering in Leviticus Ch 2, which helps us know how to approach the other principal offerings. Reading: Lev 2:1-3, 11-13. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete Series on Types and Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament: People (Melchizedek and Aaron) Places (The Tabernacle) Pictures (The Offerings) Prophets (Isaiah) Poetry (Song of Solomon)
The Tabernacle as a Type of Christ (43 min)
Jim Flanigan preaches on the Tabernacle as a type of Christ. He starts at the altar in the court and works his way to the ark in the holy of holies, bringing out the typical teaching along the way. Reading: Exod 40:17-34. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete Series on Types and Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament: People (Melchizedek and Aaron) Places (The Tabernacle) Pictures (The Offerings) Prophets (Isaiah) Poetry (Song of Solomon)
Melchizedek and Aaron as Types of Christ (48 min)
Jim Flanigan starts a series on types of Christ in the Old Testament by looking at Melchizedek and Aaron. Christ is after “the order of Melchizedek”, and after “the pattern or Aaron”. From these types we learn about the ministry of Christ as our Great High Priest. Readings Gen 14:14-15:1, Exod 28:1-12, 29-38. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete Series on Types and Pictures of Christ in the Old Testament: People (Melchizedek and Aaron) Places (The Tabernacle) Pictures (The Offerings) Prophets…
The Law of the Offerings (60 min)
Tom Bentley (1924-2011) expounds the subject of the law of the offerings and brings out its typological significance. Reading: Leviticus Ch 6:8-7:34. (Message preached in Blue River, Wisconsin, USA, 1999) Complete series: The Burnt offering The Meal offering The Peace offering The Sin offering The Trespass offering The Law of the offerings
The Trespass Offering (54 min)
Tom Bentley (1924-2011) expounds the subject of the trespass offering and brings out its typological significance. Reading: Leviticus Ch 5:14-6:7, 7:1-10. (Message preached in Blue River, Wisconsin, USA, 1999) Complete series: The Burnt offering The Meal offering The Peace offering The Sin offering The Trespass offering The Law of the offerings
The Sin Offering (53 min)
Tom Bentley (1924-2011) expounds the subject of the sin offering and brings out its typological significance. Reading: Leviticus Ch 4:1-5:13. (Message preached in Blue River, Wisconsin, USA, 1999) Complete series: The Burnt offering The Meal offering The Peace offering The Sin offering The Trespass offering The Law of the offerings
The Peace Offering (53 min)
Tom Bentley (1924-2011) expounds the subject of the peace offering and brings out its typological significance. Reading: Leviticus Ch 3. (Message preached in Blue River, Wisconsin, USA, 1999) Complete series: The Burnt offering The Meal offering The Peace offering The Sin offering The Trespass offering The Law of the offerings
The Meal Offering (55 min)
Tom Bentley (1924-2011) expounds the subject of the meal offering and brings out its typological significance. Reading: Leviticus Ch 2. (Message preached in Blue River, Wisconsin, USA, 1999) Complete series: The Burnt offering The Meal offering The Peace offering The Sin offering The Trespass offering The Law of the offerings
The Burnt Offering (52 min)
Tom Bentley (1924-2011) expounds the subject of the burnt offering and brings out its typological significance. Reading: Leviticus Ch 1. (Message preached in Blue River, Wisconsin, USA, 1999) Complete series: The Burnt offering The Meal offering The Peace offering The Sin offering The Trespass offering The Law of the offerings
Glory in the Millennial Temple (60 min)
PART 6 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) concludes his series on the Temples of Scripture by taking a broad overview of events from the rapture, through the tribulation, to the manifestation of Christ and into the Millennial Kingdom, in which time Ezekiel’s temple will be in operation with the return of the glory of the Lord. Reading: 1 Thess 4:13-18 (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple). For a book dealing in detail with Ezekiel’s Temple, it’s construction,…
Apostasy and the Antichrist’s Temple (45 min)
PART 5 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) continues his series on the Temples of Scripture by taking a look at the temple that will be built in Jerusalem after the rapture, what he calls “antichrist’s temple”. He links the apostasy of the Jewish nation in the tribulation with events recorded in the gospels during the first coming of Christ. Reading: Matt 11:20-21, 24, 12:6, 41-42 (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple).
Apathy and the Temple of Herod (48 min)
PART 4 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) continues his series on the Temples of Scripture by taking a look at the Temple of Herod, the temple that existed when the Lord was on earth. The nation of Israel at that time was marked by apathy and had made the house of prayer into a house of merchandise. Reading: Mal 1:6-13 (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple).
Recovery and the Temple of Zerubbabel (51 min)
PART 3 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) continues his series on the Temples of Scripture by taking a look at the temple rebuilt under Zerubbabel. This is a practical message highlighting timeless principles of recovery in assembly testimony. Readings: Ezra 1:1-11 (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple).
Fervency and the Temple of Solomon – Part 2 (29 min)
PART 2 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) continues his series on the Temples of Scripture by taking a second look at Solomon’s temple. Mr Baker looks at the fervour and interest of David, Solomon and the people in the building of the temple and draws lessons therefrom. Readings: 2 Sam 7:1-3, 12-13, 1 Chron 28:1-10, 29:1-3 10-11 (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple).
Fervency and the Temple of Solomon – Part 1 (32 min)
PART 1 – Jim Baker (1934-2016) begins a series on the Temples of Scripture by looking at the concept of God dwelling among His people from Jacob’s experience in Gen 28 and from Paul’s 3rd chapter in 1 Timothy. He then speaks of Solomon’s original temple: divinely chosen, enabled, possessed and guided (Message preached in Redditch, UK). (Photo: model of Herod’s temple)
Title in Turmoil (65 min)
PART 4 – David Gilliland preaches on the “feasts of the Jews” in the Gospel of John and develops teaching from the unique perspective given on the feasts in the 4th gospel. Readings: John 2:13-17, 5:1-10, 6:4-5, 7:1-2, 10:22-24, 31-33, 11:55, 12:1-5. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, 2002) (Photo: Israel)
Feasts in Fulfillment (66 min)
PART 3 – John Grant (1942-2020) looks at the first 4 of the 7 feasts of Jehovah and explains how they were fulfilled in the New Testament. Pentecost and its unity, Passover and Unleavened bread and their purity, and firstfruits and its security. Readings: Acts 2:1-8, 38, 41-47, 1 Cor 5:1-8, 15:20-26, 1 Pet 1:14-15. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, 2002) (Photo: Israel)
Feasts in Focus (57 min)
PART 2 – Tom Bentley (1924-2011) preaches on the subject of the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly responsibilities of the children of Israel in relation to offerings and feasts, bringing out practical teaching along the way. Readings: Numbers Ch 28 and 29. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, 2002) (Photo: Israel)
Seasons in Sequence (70 min)
PART 1 – David Gilliland gives an overview of the 7 feasts of Jehovah before looking at Leviticus Ch 23 in detail. His headings include the setting of the chapter, and its subject and sections etc. This is a very comprehensive look at this pivotal topic. Readings: Lev 18:1-4, 23:1-4, 44, 26:2-4, 6, 11-13. (Message preached in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, 2002) (Photo: Israel)
Egypt to Canaan (Part 7)
PART 7 of 7 – In the final part of this series, John Grant preaches a message on the group of tribal kings that set out to try and stop Israel entering the land. The king of Edom, Sihon king of the Amorites, Og king of Bashan and others. These kings represent enemies that try to defeat us in our Christian walk and progress, enemies such as the flesh, materialism, ease and strife. Another powerful and helpful study from author…
Egypt to Canaan Part 6 (52 min)
PART 6 of 7 – John Grant takes up the story of Korah’s rebellion in Numbers 16, the only incident recorded in the 38 years between Israel’s refusal to enter the land, and their eventual recommencing of the journey to Canaan. How solemn. 38 years with nothing of value for God. Mr Grant warns of the danger of prayerless, worshipless and powerless Christians in our own day and draws numerous practical lessons from this important passage of Scripture. Reading: Num…
Egypt to Canaan – Part 5 (47 min)
PART 5 of 7 – Another mighty message from John Grant in his series dealing with the journey of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land. In this session he takes up the heart-breaking story of Israel’s refusal to go into the land, even though they saw the grapes and heard the exhortations of Caleb and Joshua. They did not go in because of fear and unbelief, more influenced by the 10 other spies. Mr Grant draws out the lessons…
Egypt to Canaan – Part 4 (58 min)
PART 4 of 7 – John Grant continues his series of sermons on the journey of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land by looking at the “preparations for the journey” that God outlined for Moses and the people in the early chapters of Numbers. God gave them a number of responsibilities as follows: Numbers Ch 1 – The responsibility for combat; Ch 2 the responsibility to camp; Chs 3-4 the responsibility to carry; Chs 5-8 the responsibility to be…
Egypt to Canaan – Part 3 (58 min)
PART 3 of 7 – John Grant continues his series on the journey of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land. On night 1 Israel doubted the promise of God. Night 2 Israel doubted the provision of God. Now on night 3, John preaches on Massah and Meribah where Israel murmured and doubted the presence of God. Says Mr Grant: “There’s nothing worse in an assembly than a bunch of murmurers”! Lessons are drawn from the smiting of the rock,…
Egypt to Canaan – Part 2 (57 min)
PART 2 of 7 – John Grant takes up the story of the “manna from heaven”, that came at the 7th of 44 stopping places on the way from Egypt to Canaan. As Israel moved through their journey, God repeatedly tested their faith. The test this time was “Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?”. When your resources dry up, and when you stand in need of help, do you believe that God can meet that need? Mr Grant…
Egypt to Canaan – Part 1 (49 min)
PART 1 of 7 – John Grant begins a series of messages on the journey of the children of Israel “from Egypt to Canaan”. After looking generally at a number of journeys in Scripture he introduces his subject. Deliverance from Egypt (the penalty of sin) was followed by the crossing of the Red Sea (the power of sin). Israel’s journey began with a song of redemption but also with an impossible situation into which God put them to prove them…
Crossing, Conquering, and Claiming (44 min)
Egypt to Canaan (Part 6) – Eugene Higgins closes the series of messages on Egypt to Canaan with a look at crossing the Jordan (and what that event typifies); conquering the land (overcoming intimidation, temptation, deception ad amalgamation); and claiming the land (with examples from Caleb, Achsah, the daughters of Zelophehad and Levi). Readings: Josh 3:14-17, 4:6-9, 5:10-6:2, 13:14, 33, 14:6-12, 17:3-4 (Message preached 6th Oct 2019) Here’s a photo of the chart Mr Higgins used during this series:
Faithfulness and Failure in the Wilderness (46 min)
Egypt to Canaan (Part 5) – Eugene Higgins preaches on 4 stand-out instances of Israel’s failure in the wilderness, each of which sees some individuals marked by faithfulness instead. A failure in obedience (the spies), a failure in submission (Korah), a failure in separation (Baal-Peor), and a failure in wholeheartedness (the 2.5 tribes who stayed east of Jordan). Some challenging lessons lie in these things that were “written for our learning”. Readings: Num 13:33, 14:1-9, 16:1-7, 25:1-5, 26:9-11, 32:1-8 (Message…
How to Live Until He Returns (42 min)
Egypt to Canaan (Part 4) – Eugene Higgins looks at the incident of the golden calf at Horeb, and the building of the Tabernacle – the twin issues of worship and work. Moses is a picture of an absent Saviour, and a preserved believer, and a consecrated leader, all at the same time. Mr Higgins draws out powerful lessons from this part of Israel’s journey to the promised land. Readings: Exod 19:24-25, 25:1, 32:108, 17-19a, 30-35, 35:20-29, 39:42-43 (Message preached…
Provision for the Desert Pathway (42 min)
Egypt to Canaan (Part 3) – Eugene Higgins preaches on the “manna from heaven” which was God’s provision for Israel in the wilderness. The manna is a “double type”: it typifies both the incarnate Word (the Lord Jesus) and the inspired Word (the Bible). Mr Higgins brings out many lessons about our daily need for the Word of God from the history of the manna. He closes by looking at Israel’s enemy Amalek, which is a picture of the flesh.…
Redemption from Egypt and Its Implications (41 min)
Egypt to Canaan (Part 2) – Eugene Higgins preaches on stage 1 of Israel’s journey, when they left Egypt, crossed the Red Sea, and started following the cloud. He emphasises separation from the world and draws lessons from Pharoah’s 4 attempts to persuade Israel not to leave. He distinguishes between crossing the Red Sea and crossing the Jordan. Finally he applies the spiritual lessons to be seen in the cloud that guided them through the wilderness. Readings: Exod 5:1-2, 13:1-3,…
Egypt to Canaan Introduction (39 min)
Egypt to Canaan (Part 1) – Introduction – Eugene Higgins introduces the subject of typology and how to approach it properly so as to avoid misinterpretation and misapplication, but while still benefitting from it. Mr Higgins explains the difference between a picture, a symbol and a type and then outlines 3 reasons why God uses these Old Testament features. Finally he lists numerous themes that will be encountered as this series of messages proceeds – themes full of practical import…
On the Calendar (34 min)
PART 4 – Elton Fairfield preaches on the annual festal calendar of the nation of Israel from Leviticus Ch 23 – otherwise known as “the seven feasts of Jehovah”. He expounds the spiritual significance of the passover, the feast of unleavened bread, firstfruits, Pentecost, trumpets, atonement and tabernacles (Message preached 11th Feb 2018)
Beyond the Curtain (42 min)
PART 3 – Elton Fairfield preaches on the significance of the holy of holies, the room that lay behind the veil in the Tabernacle. There stood the ark of the covenant and its mercy seat, or lid of atonement. Elton spends some time in Leviticus Ch 16 looking at the ‘day of atonement’, the only day on which the High Priest entered beyond the veil and sprinkled blood on and before the mercy seat. The typological significance of these themes…
Within the Chamber (42 min)
PART 2 – Elton Fairfield preaches on what it was like “within the chamber” (the holy place) with its table, lampstand and altar of incense, and the typological significance of all of these things. He explains why the door had 5 pillars, while the gate had only 4, even though they had the same square footage in surface area. Listen for his explanation as to why the lampstand had 22 buds, 22 flowers and 22 almonds (Message preached 10th Feb…
Through the Courtyard (53 min)
PART 1 – Elton Fairfield preaches on the significance of the Tabernacle’s gate, and the first two items of furniture – the brazen altar and the laver – a person would meet as they stepped into the “courtyard” of the Tabernacle. The altar’s design, dimensions, dominance and designation are all outlined as is its typological significance. The need and function of the laver is also expounded with particular reference to John Ch 13 (Message preached 9th Feb 2018)
The Mercy Seat (40 min)
Gary Woods preaches about the Mercy Seat, the golden lid that covered the ark of the covenant. He outlines the piece of furniture, its place in the Tabernacle, its purpose, the part it played on the day of atonement, and finally, the person of whom it speaks. He outlines the concept of atonement and propitiation and explains how the work of Christ at the Cross and his current position in heaven is the fulfilment of the type of the day…
The Ark of the Covenant (39 min)
Ian Jackson preaches about the Ark of the Covenant that stood in the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle of Moses. He sees it as a picture of the risen exalted Christ presently “sitting where only God can sit” in the throne in heaven. The Ark of the Covenant, with its acacia wood overlaid with gold, is a clear and powerful picture of the humanity and deity of Christ – two whole and perfect natures in One glorious Person (Message…
The Golden Altar (37 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches about the Golden Altar that stood in the holy place in the Tabernacle, which typifies the High Priestly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ now in heaven on behalf of His people. From the details of the construction, shape, position and use of the altar, Mervyn highlights features of Christ’s succouring, sympathising and supplicating work as our Great High Priest (Message preached Dec 11th 2016)
The Golden Lampstand (34 min)
Michael Penfold preaches about the Tabernacle’s “golden lampstand”. This glorious item in the Tabernacle helps us to appreciate the glory of Christ’s person, His position, His people and His Spirit. Details are given concerning its location, composition, construction, composition and function. This ornate, expensive and weighty piece of Tabernacle furniture contains much precious typology for our meditation (Message preached Nov 13th 2016)
The Table of Showbread (58 min)
Tom Bentley preaches about the Tabernacle’s “table of showbread”. He sets out the details of its construction and positioning, and gives the practical and typical lessons that can be learnt from it. Readings: Exod 25:23-30, 26:34-35, Lev 24:5-9.
The Laver (40 min)
Mervyn Hall takes up the subject of the Laver and underlines its typological meaning for the Christian today. He refers to its use in the once-off washing of the Priests at their consecration and likens that to the “washing of regeneration” in Titus 3:5. He then looks at the continual daily washing at the Laver prior to priestly service and highlights the need for us to be continually clean, by the “washing of the water of the word” mentioned in…
The Brazen Altar (41 min)
Michael Penfold preaches about the largest piece of furniture in the Tabernacle of Moses – the brazen altar. He explains the significance of the picture of the altar, its position in the Tabernacle, its properties and its parts. Numerous lessons are drawn out about the person and work of Christ from this glorious type outlined in Exodus 27 (Message given Oct 9th 2016)
The Day of Atonement (38 min)
PART 5 – John Stubbs preaches on the High Priest’s attire, attitude and actions on the annual Day of Atonement in Israel. He draws 7 contrasts between Aaron and Christ, while explaining the significance of the removal of sin, remorse for sin and rest from sin seen in Leviticus Ch 16.(Message preached 9th Mar 2014)
The Mitre and the Crown (41 min)
PART 4 – John Stubbs preaches on the High Priest’s mitre and crown. “Holiness unto the LORD” was engraved on the crown, and from it Mr Stubbs teaches many precious truths about the holiness of Christ and our acceptance in Him who appears for us in the presence of God. “As He is, so are we in this world” (Message preached 8th Mar 2014)
The Ephod and Breastplate (49 min)
PART 3 – John Stubbs preaches on the ephod and the breastplate. In the ephod is seen the suitability of our High Priest – in His perfect manhood – and in the breastplate are seen the subjects of our High Priest, His people near His heart and under His care. Mr Stubbs examines the stones – their rarity, representation, radiance and resting places (Message preached 8th Mar 2014)
The Robe of Blue (49 min)
PART 2 – John Stubbs preaches on the robe of blue, called the “robe of [connected with] the ephod”. He speaks of the “symbol of the blue”, the “strength of the binding”, the “shape of the border” and the “sound of the bells”. This garment spells out the sphere of our Great High Priest’s ministry in heaven (Message preached 7th Mar 2014)
The Linen Coat (60 min)
PART 1 – John Stubbs introduces the subject of the High Priest’s garments – garments that were holy, harmonious, hereditary and hand-made, and which contain much precious typological teaching on the person of Christ. The white linen coat speaks of His sinlessness, and the unseen linen girdle of His service (Message preached 6th Mar 2014)
The Feast of Tabernacles (49 min)
PART 7 – Dan Rudge preaches on Israel’s seventh and last annual feast, “The Feast of Tabernacles”. He explains that it is a type of the Millennial “age to come” and looks at what that will mean politically, environmentally, socially, economically and physically for the world and for Israel as a restored nation (Message preached 13th Dec 2012)
The Day of Atonement (38 min)
PART 6 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches on Israel’s sixth annual feast, “The Day of Atonement”. He helpfully outlines the historical and dispensational aspects of this feast, particularly drawing attention to the reality of the nation of Israel’s future in a literal Kingdom after being physically and spiritually saved at Christ’s second advent (Message preached 6th Dec 2012)
The Feast of Trumpets (48 min)
PART 5 – John Stubbs preaches on Israel’s fifth annual feast, “The Feast of Trumpets”. This is the first of the last 3 feasts which all have a future fufillment. The feast points to the coming of the Lord and the regathering of the nation of Israel. Readings: Lev 23:22-25, Num 10:1-10.
The Feast of Pentecost (33 min)
PART 4 – Simon Hall preaches on Israel’s fourth annual feast, “The Feast of Pentecost”. He outlines the 3 harvests connected with the feasts and explains the significance of “the feast of weeks” as it is also called, in relation to the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 when Jew and Gentile were united in one body (Message preached 15th Nov 2012)
The Feast of Firstfruits (43 min)
PART 3 – Marcus Hall preaches on Israel’s third annual feast, “The Feast of Firstfruits”. He expounds Lev 23:9-14 and points out that this feast has its fulfillment in the resurrection of Christ. In the words of 1 Cor 15:23 “Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at His coming (Message preached 8th Nov 2012)
The Feast of Unleavened Bread (37 min)
PART 2 – Michael Penfold preaches on Israel’s second annual feast, “The Feast of Unleavened Bread”, known in scripture as “the bread of affliction”. He explains its close link with the Passover and draws practical lessons from its features; no servile work, daily offerings, purging out leaven, and feeding on unleavened bread (Message preached 1st Nov 2012)
The Feast of Passover (42 min)
PART 1 – Gordon Stewart introduces the 7 Feasts of Jehovah and then deals with the first one, the Passover. From Exodus 12 and Leviticus 23, he expounds the purpose, meaning, contents and characteristics of the first of Israel’s annual feasts which commemorated their deliverance from Egypt and is a type of the sacrifice of Christ, the lamb of God (Message preached 25th Oct 2012)
Trespass Offering (45 min)
Bob Berry preaches on the trespass offering. He helpfully points out that the trespass offering’s leading distinguishing feature concerns a “debt” created by a failure in responsibility, obligation or trust. Christ is portrayed as the One who at the cross not only “paid the debt we owed” but “added a 5th part”, so that through the sacrifice of Christ we actually receive more than was originally lost through Adam’s sin. (Message preached 11th Oct 2012)
The Sin Offering (45 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the sin offering. He looks at it historically, theologically, dispensationally and personally. He draws lessons from the Levitical details about the blood, the fat and the body of the offering. He draws particular attention to the vital fact that Christ was “made sin” on the cross and explains what this means (Message preached 4th Oct 2012)
The Peace Offering (46 min)
John Salisbury preaches on the peace offering. He presents a detailed look at this offering under the following headings; the reason for the offering, its rituals, its results, its foreshadowing of Christ and its practical implications. Teaching on the precious subject of the wave breast and the heave shoulder is included. (Message preached 27th Sept 2012)
The Meal Offering (50 min)
David Dalton preaches on the meal offering as a type of the sinless, perfect humanity of Christ. He explains the significance of the fine flour, the oil, the frankincense, the cakes, the oven, the leaven, the salt and other features of this offering. Christ exalting ministry. (Message preached 20th Sept 2012)
The Burnt Offering (49 min)
Norman Mellish introduces the offerings, and then deals with the first of them, the “burnt offering”. He emphasises that God desires worship above all, and brings out many delightful thoughts about the person of Christ from this Leviticus Ch 1. (Message preached 13th Sept 2012)
Aaron as a Type of Christ (47 min)
TYPES OF CHRIST Part 4 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches on Aaron and the office of Israel’s High Priest as a type of Christ. He combines doctrinal content with practical exhortations and encouragements from this fascinating subject (Message preached 2nd Feb 2012)
David as a Type of Christ (43 min)
TYPES OF CHRIST Part 3 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches very helpfully on David – from shepherd boy to King over all Israel – as a choice Old Testament type of Christ, great David’s greater Son (Message preached 26th Jan 2012)
The Ark of the Covenant as a Type of Christ (43 min)
TYPES OF CHRIST Part 2 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the ark of the covenant – its construction, purpose, contents and movements. He expounds the ark’s rich typology and explains various lessons to be learnt from it in connection with worship and service (Message preached 19th Jan 2012)
The Manna as a Type of Christ (43 min)
TYPES OF CHRIST Part 1 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the Manna that fell in the wilderness during the journey of the Israelites to Canaan. He draws Christ-exalting and practical teaching and lessons from this beautiful Old Testament type (Message preached 12th Jan 2012)
The Occupations of the Priests in the Tabernacle (59 min)
PART 8 – John Stubbs takes up the various functions and occupations of the sons of Aaron – the priests – in the Tabernacle of Moses, and draws instructive lessons therefrom relative to worship and service for the Christian today (Message preached 4th Dec 2009)
The Omissions of Note in the Tabernacle (56 min)
PART 7 – John Stubbs preaches on a number of things that are omitted in the Bible’s description of the Tabernacle. The reason why the Holy Spirit omits each of these items is helpfully brought out by Mr Stubbs to profit (no seats for the priests etc.) (Message preached 3rd Dec 2009)
The Order of Truth in the Tabernacle (56 min)
PART 6 – John Stubbs preaches on the ‘order’ of the Tabernacle – in the approach to the Tabernacle, in the arrangement of the Tabernacle and in the advancement of the Tabernacle (Message preached 2nd Dec 2009)
The Object in View in the Tabernacle (54 min)
PART 5 – John Stubbs preaches on how that every particular of the Tabernacle speaks of “the glorious person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Message preached 1st Dec 2009)
The Occupant in the Tabernacle (51 min)
PART 4 – John Stubbs expounds numerous powerful and practical lessons from the fact that the Lord’s presence was known inside the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle of Moses (Message preached 30th Nov 2009)
Gospel – The Door to the Tabernacle (40 min)
PART 3 – John Stubbs preaches the gospel from the picture of “the door of the Tabernacle” (Message preached 29th Nov 2009)
The Gospels and the Tabernacle (24 min)
PART 2 – John Stubbs preaches on 4 passages about the Tabernacle from the book of Exodus and links them with each of the 4 gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Precious typological teaching about the person of Christ is highlighted (Message preached 29th Nov 2009)
The Offerings for the Tabernacle (51 min)
PART 1 – John Stubbs introduces a series of teaching meetings on the subject of “the Tabernacle of Moses”. He explains its importance: its making in Exodus, its ministry in Leviticus, its movements in Numbers and its meaning in Hebrews. In this opening message, Mr Stubbs brings out typical teaching in connection with the materials that the people brought to facilitate the construction of the Tabernacle (Message preached 28th Nov 2009)
Egypt to Canaan Part 5 (44 min)
John Stubbs preaches on the “parables of Balaam” and draws practical teaching for the Christian from these typical passages of the Old Testament (Message preached on 29th Nov 2006)
Egypt to Canaan Part 4 (40 min)
John Stubbs preaches on the “bread from heaven”, know as “Manna” in the Old Testament book of Numbers. From the Manna Mr Stubbs draws pictures of Christ and lessons for the Christian relative to feeding on Him (Message preached on 28th Nov 2006)
Egypt to Canaan Part 3 (47 min)
John Stubbs preaches on the incident of the crossing of the Red Sea by the children of Israel as they escaped from Egypt. He applies numerous pertinent lessons from this very instructive narrative (Message preached on 27th Nov 2006)
Egypt to Canaan Part 2 (34 min)
John Stubbs preaches the gospel from the incident of the “serpent on the pole” from Number Ch 21. This is a striking message drawn from a pivotal narrative recorded during the journey of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan (Message preached on 26th Nov 2006)
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