Sermons by Gary Woods

Sermons by Gary Woods

The Mercy Seat (40 min)

Gary Woods preaches about the Mercy Seat, the golden lid that covered the ark of the covenant. He outlines the piece of furniture, its place in the Tabernacle, its purpose, the part it played on the day of atonement, and finally, the person of whom it speaks. He outlines the concept of atonement and propitiation and explains how the work of Christ at the Cross and his current position in heaven is the fulfilment of the type of the day…

The Glory of God – His Salvation (41 min)

PART 5 – Gary Woods preaches on the glory of God in His salvation. He outlines various aspects of the broad subject of salvation before homing in on the vital doctrine of justification, which he deals with under three headings: the acquittal, the standing and the imputation. He explains that justification is by grace as to its source, by blood as to its basis, by faith as to its means, by God as to its assurance, and by power as…

Fatherhood – A Leader in the Home (38 min)

Gary Woods speaks on the role of a father as outlined in various Bible passages, notably 1 Timothy Ch 3. Much profitable and practical teaching is given relative to leadership, love and the challenge of balancing home, assembly and work life. Wisdom is needed in rearing a family for God especially with the financial, social and technological pressures of the 21st Century Western world (Message preached 14th Feb 2016)

An Overview of the Book of Zechariah (49 min)

Gary Woods gives an overview of the book of Zechariah. He gives the setting and context of the book, outlines the main characters of the time period (Haggai, Zechariah, Zerubbabel and Joshua) and touches on the 8 visions in the prophecy. The Christological references in the “branch” prophecies of 3:8 and 6:12 are developed, as well as the important prophetic passages in Chs 12-14 which are looked at from a dispensational viewpoint (Message preached 11th Feb 2016)