Sermons on Luke

Sermons on Luke

Three Couples Who Were Waiting for Christ (25 min)

Colin Hutchison preaches on three ‘couples’ who were anticipating the arrival of the Messiah: Zacharias and Elisabeth who were marked by righteousness of life; Mary and Joseph who were marked by submissiveness of spirit; and Simeon and Anna who were marked by patience of hope. Readings: Luke 1:5-16, 26-38, 2:25, 36, 3:5. (Recorded in Spencer Bridge Road Gospel Hall, Northampton, on 28th Sept 2013)

Christ in the Gospels (52 min)

Jim Flanigan preaches on how the 4 Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – present the Lord Jesus Christ. He links each gospel to a different aspect of of the person of Christ, and links the authors of each Gospel to their particular Gospel in fascinating ways. Reading: John 20:30-31, 21:25. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The Presentation of Christ in the Gospels The Presentation of Christ in the Acts of the Apostles The Presentation of Christ…

The Impeccability of Christ (46 min)

David Vallance preaches on the childhood development of Christ, and then takes up the subjection of His temptations in the wilderness and Christ’s impeccability. Could Christ have sinned? If not, how were His temptations real, and how can He truly sympathise with Christians? Reading: Luke 2:39-52. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 28th Feb 2015) Complete series: The deity of Christ The virgin birth and humanity of Christ The impeccability of Christ The atonement of Christ Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension…

The Call of Christ – “Follow Me” (16 min)

David Herlihy preaches on the challenging call of Christ – “Follow Me”. David highlights the call, the cross and the cost of discipleship from Luke 9.23-25, 57-62 and 14.25-35. (Message preached 30th Sept 2023 in Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada, at the annual Sussex Gospel Hall conference).

Bethany as the Local Assembly (20 min)

Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preaches on the village of Bethany as a picture of the local assembly. Bethany was the place of His person, His precepts and His sympathy. Readings: Luke 9:51-56, 10:38-39, 24:50-51, John 11:33-36, 12:2-3, Acts 1:10-11. (Message preached at Stark Road Gospel Hall conference in Livonia, MI, USA).

Zacharias and Elizabeth (52 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the life and character of Zacharias and Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist. He highlights their piety, their patience and their poetry. Readings: Luke 1:5-13, 39-45, 67-80. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series of “Couples that Count in Christianity”: Zacharias and Elizabeth Zebedee and Salome Ananias and Sapphira Aquila and Priscilla Philemon and Apphia

Jesus Himself (46 min)

In the second of a 3 part series on “Resources in the Trinity”, David Gilliland preaches on “Jesus Himself”. From Luke’s Gospel he links “Jesus Himself” with 1. the dignity of His person, 2. the dependence of His prayer life, 3. the drawing near of His presence and 4. the declaration of His peace. Readings: Luke 3:21-23, 38, 5:15-17, 24:13-17, 30-48. (Message preached in Ontario, Canada) Complete series: The Father Himself Jesus Himself The Spirit Himself

The Old Testament in Luke (60 min)

David Gilliland preaches on how the Lord Jesus expounds the Old Testament Scripture in the Gospel of Luke. He who fulfils Scripture in Matthew, and applies it in Mark, expounds it in Luke. Readings: Luke 4:3-4, 16-21, 5:1, 5-6, 6:47-48, 7:2, 6-7, 8:11, 15, 9:35, 10:38-39, 24:25-27, 44-49 (Message preached in North America) Complete series: How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Matthew How the Lord uses the Old Testament in Mark How the Lord uses the Old Testament…

How Are You Waiting for the Lord? (22 min)

Brandon Doll preaches on 4 people in the gospel of Luke who were waiting for the Kingdom – Simeon, Anna, John the Baptist and Joseph of Arimathea. They were waiting justly, patiently, reverently etc. How are you waiting for the Lord? Readings: Luke 2:25-32, 36-38, 7:20-23, 23:50-54. (Message preached in Highland, WI, USA, 2022)

The Tests of Teenagers (37 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the tests faced by John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus in the early chapters of Luke’s gospel. Life is a series of tests: the test of loneliness, expectations, being different, submission, rejection and patience. Readings: Luke 1:32-33, 38, 66, 76-80, 2:19, 39-40, 46-52, 3:21.23. (Message preached in Tampa, Florida, USA, Jan 2023) Complete series: Learning from Luke Chapters 1 and 2 The Wonder of the Word: Prophecies Fulfilled – John Dennison The Supremacy of the…

The Worth of Women (37 min)

John Dennison preaches on “the worth of women” from the lives of Mary, Elizabeth and Anna in the gospel of Luke. Their situation, their status, their specialness, their spirituality, their speech and their spirit. Readings: 1 Cor 7:7, Luke 1:5-7, 24-27, 34-36, 38, 41-43, 46, 60, 2:19, 36-37, 51. (Recorded in Tampa, Florida, USA, in Jan 2023) Complete series: Learning from Luke Chapters 1 and 2 The Wonder of the Word: Prophecies Fulfilled – John Dennison The Supremacy of the…

The Wisdom of Worship (32 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the topic of worship. “Intelligent worship is occupation with Christ.” The occasions of worship, the object of worship, the occupation of worship, and the outcome of worship. Readings: Luke 1:39-56, 67-69, 76-79, 2:20, 25-38, 41. (Message preached in Tampa, Florida, USA, Jan 2023) Complete series: Learning from Luke Chapters 1 and 2 The Wonder of the Word: Prophecies Fulfilled – John Dennison The Supremacy of the Sovereign: Divine Control of Circumstances – Sandy Higgins The Design…

The Principles of Parenting (38 min)

John Dennison preaches on the biblical principles of parenting from Zacharias and Elizabeth, and Joseph and Mary, from Luke’s gospel. The challenge of the parents’ circumstances, the commentary on their character, the health of their habits, the objectives for their offspring, the duty of their development and the management of their miscues. Readings: Luke 1:5-7, 13-17, 24-27, 30-31, 41, 67, 80, 2:7-12, 21, 40-42, 52. (Message preached in Tampa, Florida, USA, Jan 2023) Complete series: Learning from Luke Chapters 1…

The Model for Marriage (32 min)

Dr. A.J. Higgins preaches on “the model for marriage” from the story of Zacharias and Elizabeth in Luke’s gospel. Theirs was a “model marriage” marked by piety, unity, consistency, permanency, ministry, difficulty, adversity and prosperity. Readings: Luke 1:5-9, 11-14, 18-20, 23-25, 57-64, 76-79. (Message preached in Tampa, Florida, USA, Jan 2023) Complete series: Learning from Luke Chapters 1 and 2 The Wonder of the Word: Prophecies Fulfilled – John Dennison The Supremacy of the Sovereign: Divine Control of Circumstances –…

The Design for Dating (41 min)

John Dennison preaches on the Bible’s “design for dating”. Looking at Joseph and Mary, he takes up the making of their relationship (guidance from the Lord), the matching of their relationship (commonality, communion, companionship and convictions), the maturity of their relationship, the morals in their relationship and the money in their relationship. Readings: Mark 6:3a, Matt 1:18-24, 2:13-15, 19, Luke 1:26-31, 34-35, 38, 46, 56, 2:4-5, 22, 41. (Message preached in Tampa, Florida, USA, Jan 2023) Complete series: Learning from…

The Supremacy of the Sovereign (34 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the sovereignty of God in the circumstances of life, as illustrated in the incredible providential details recorded in Luke 2:1-7 in connection with the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Message preached in Tampa, Florida, USA, Jan 2023) (Photo: Bethlehem at night) Complete series: Learning from Luke Chapters 1 and 2 The Wonder of the Word: Prophecies Fulfilled – John Dennison The Supremacy of the Sovereign: Divine Control of Circumstances – Sandy Higgins The Design for…

The Wonder of the Word (38 min)

John Dennison preaches on the wonder and value of the Word of God, the Bible. The making of the Bible, the marvel of the Bible and the mandate of the Bible. Readings: Luke 1:1-4, 37, 70-73, 2:22-24. (Message preached in Tampa, Florida, USA, Jan 2023) Complete series: Learning from Luke Chapters 1 and 2 The Wonder of the Word: Prophecies Fulfilled – John Dennison The Supremacy of the Sovereign: Divine Control of Circumstances – Sandy Higgins The Design for Dating:…

The Manhood of Christ Historically (54 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the manhood of Christ historically from Luke Ch 2. The chapter outlines the place, purpose, programme and perfection of Christ’s manhood. Topics covered include the virgin birth, the incarnation, and the meaning of the ‘inn’ and the ‘manger’. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The manhood of Christ historically (Luke 2) The manhood of Christ practically (Phil 2) The manhood of Christ doctrinally (Heb 2) The manhood of Christ pictorially (Ruth 2) The manhood of…

Jimmy Paton – Lessons on Prayer (37 min)

Jimmy Paton (1914-1999) from Ayrshire, Scotland, was converted to Christ at the age of 15. A slater and plasterer by trade, Jimmy was a big man with a soft heart who had a unique gift in the ministry of the Word. Encouraged and greatly helped by men like John Douglas and Willie Trew, Jimmy was much used in instructing the Lord’s people through devotional and practical Bible teaching. When he spoke on the person of Christ, he was especially choice,…

The Lord’s Prayer (45 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on “the Lord’s prayer” under 6 headings. Its scope, setting, shortness (66 words), simplicity, structure and substance. His examination of the Lord’s prayer reveals essential features for all prayer: adoration, submission, petition and confession (Readings: Matt 6:1-8 and Luke 11:2-4) (Message preached 14th July 2019)

The Practical Kingdom Parables (37 min)

PART 5 – David Gilliland considers the parable of the nobleman from Luke 19:11-27. This key parable reveals that though the kingdom was not restored to Israel at the time of Christ’s first coming, it most certainly will be at His second. In the mean time, believers are to “occupy” until He returns. Faithfulness in little things during the time of the King’s rejection and absence will lead to larger responsibilities being given when the kingdom is inaugurated. What kingdom…

Christ in the Gospel of Luke (48 min)

Scott Dunn preaches on “Christ in the Gospel of Luke”. Acknowledging that most expositors see Luke as emphasising the humanity of Christ, Scott contends that Luke’s main emphasis is on Christ as “Saviour”. He traces this theme, and the theme of “the plan of salvation”, through the early chapters of Luke in particular (Message preached 21st Sept 2017)

Ministry at the Supper (32 min)

Mervyn Hall takes up the subject of ministry of the Word of God at the Lord’s Supper. Using the example of the Lord in the Upper Room and on the Emmaus Road (Luke 22 & 24) and that of Paul in Acts 20, he outlines the scope, style and subject of ministry suitable on such an occasion both before and after partaking of the emblems. Mervyn also gives practical hints in relation to studying for, preparing for and delivering ministry…

Stewardship and the Local Assembly (44 min)

Leslie Craig preaches on the responsibilities, requirements and the review of the stewardship given to Christians. From Luke 16, 1 Cor 4, Titus 1 and 1 Peter 3, Mr Craig shows that all Christians are stewards – of time, of love, of property and of gift – and will answer to God one day for how we handled the responsibility He put into our hands (Message preached June 2016)

Joseph and Mary (31 min)

Tom West preaches on Joseph and Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus. He outlines the lineage, the leading and the legacy of this godly couple in whose home the Lord of glory was raised. The Lord’s links to King David through the two genealogies – Matthew Ch 1 and Luke Ch 3 – are traced and explained. Mary is given her proper place as a privileged woman, but nevertheless one who was a sinner in need of a Saviour…

Zacharias, Elizabeth and John the Baptist (34 min)

Alan Barber preaches on the lives and testimonies of Zacharias and Elizabeth, and their son John the Baptist. He challenges his audience with various features of their godly lives and draws lessons from incidents connected with these three characters in the gospels of Luke and John (Message preached 2nd May 2013)

Lessons from the Road to Emmaus (38 min)

Alan Barber preaches on the “Road to Emmaus” journey recorded in Luke 24. Likening this walk to the Christian’s “daily walk with the Lord”, Alan draws numerous challenging practical lessons for his audience (Message preached 10th Nov 2011).

Peter and Christ (23 min)

Speaking from Luke Ch. 5, Malcolm Radcliffe preaches on how Peter lent to Christ, limited Christ, learned of Christ and left all for Christ. He contrasted the letting down of the net with that of the paralyzed man (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 3rd April 2010)