Sermons on Testimonies (Page 3)
“That’ll do for me!” (10 min)
Jim Wishart relates his story of conversion on July 1st 1950, 65 years ago. Awakened through the words of a solemn gospel hymn, Mr Wishart knew he needed a firm foundation for eternity. This he found through the words of Isaiah 53:6 – “All we, like sheep have gone astray, we have turned – every one [of us] to his own way – and the LORD hath laid on Him [Jesus Christ] the iniquity of us all” (Testimony given 7th…
A Successful Lifestyle, But No Peace (53 min)
Darius Graham had two great passions – business and hunting with horses. By age 43 he had a lifestyle many would envy, but he was living a double life. His drinking and partying belied a respectable public image that included going to church meetings and mixing with friends and family who were committed Christians. However, events in his life providentially conspired to give him a wake-up call and a moment of clarity. It was time to face reality and seek…
A Changed Life (45 min)
Robert Plant relates his life story and his conversion to Christ. Raised without religion, Robert’s main interests were Cricket (he is a Yorkshireman) and Country & Western Music. A friend at School, who was mocked and ridiculed for his Christian beliefs, spoke to Robert about salvation and gave him gospel booklets to read. Listen to the wonderful story of the grace of God to Robert as the Holy Spirit moved to open his understanding to see that Christ is the…
A Nurse Pointed Me to the Great Physician (23 min)
Wyn Williams was raised in a Calvinistic Methodist Chapel in South Wales until he was 18 years of age, but never once heard the gospel there. However, by the gracious providence of God his employment took him to Scotland where a nurse witnessed to him and brought him to gospel meetings. Wyn realised he was a sinner and trusted in Christ for salvation. (Recorded 12th Jan 2014)
Resting by Faith (21 min)
Andrew Swan tells how God saved him as a 24 year old young man in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in the Spring of 2,000. Initially thinking he was saved at the age of 13, then being in serious soul trouble aged 18 but missing salvation, Andrew was finally brought to Christ on the last night of a month of gospel meetings with evangelist Robert McIlwaine through resting by faith on the Lord Jesus, the One who “died for me!” (Recorded…
“It’s time you were saved” (17 min)
David West tells of his conversion to Christ in 1959 in Essex, England. Though greatly influenced by Sunday School teachers in his childhood, it wasn’t until his late teens that David was saved, by which time sport had become “an idol in my life”. Challenged one evening by the words, “Young man, it’s about time you were saved” David trusted Christ shortly thereafter (Testimony given 21st July 2013)
Saved as Soon as I Heard the Gospel (22 min)
Derek Lam relates how he was converted to Christ soon after emigrating to Canada as a teenager with his family. Derek has an interesting background involving Malaysia, Switzerland and the UK, but he didn’t hear the gospel until he landed in Vancouver and was invited to the Gospel Hall by a neighbour. He was saved the first week he ever heard the gospel message. (Testimony given 7th July 2013) (Photo: Vancouver)
H.A.T.H. spells “Hath” (30 min)
Robert Armstrong, from Northern Ireland, relates the touching story of his father’s conversion under the preaching of the well-known Irish evangelist Frank Knox. H-A-T-H spells “hath”, everlasting life. (Message preached 6th July 2008) (Photo: Belfast, Northern Ireland)
I Was a High Caste Brahmin (37 min)
Born into a high-caste Brahmin family in India, Mr R Raghu received a strict religious education from the best Hindu teachers, in addition to his normal education in the 3 R’s. He was told he had been born into a privileged caste because of the good karma he had built up in previous lives. He believed all the Hindu stories of the gods and goddesses of his religion and practised TM, yoga and meditation, even becoming one to whom others…
He Was Wounded for our Transgressions (40 min)
James Armstrong relates the story of his conversion to Christ as a teenager in Northern Ireland. He tells of the different ways in which God spoke to him over a period of time, convicting him of his need of salvation, and how He trusted Christ through the words of Isaiah 53:5 (Testimony given 13th Jan 2013). (Photo: Northern Ireland).
He Bore MY Sins in His Body on the Tree (21 min)
Oliver Penfold relates the story of his conversion to Christ in 2006 at the age of 12 through being awakened to his need from Psalm 51, and seeing his need met in Christ from 1 Pet 2:24. (Recorded 1st Sept 2012)
“I wanted to be a Priest” (38 min)
Terry Topley was born in 1961 in Co Down, Northern Ireland. As a child he had ambitions to become a Priest. Faithful to the Mass and Confession, Terry believed in the sacraments and all his church taught him. When “the troubles” began in 1969 his life was threatened and he had to move house. In his new location he got to know a Christian lady whose life and testimony made a deep impression on him. Listen to hear how Terry…
Saved in the RAF (44 min)
Stan Burditt tells the remarkable story of his and his wife’s conversion to Christ while in the Royal Air Force, back in the 1950’s. Stan’s is a most interesting and quite amazing story that powerfully illustrates the power of the gospel to change lives. He has lived many decades to prove the reality of the work of the Holy Spirit in his life (Testimony given 31st July 2011)
“I was a terrible man for rum and whiskey” (20 min)
Bill Dornan left Ireland in 1954. Coming to Coventry in England, he soon developed a taste for drink. He lived without God and wasted his life, until one day he committed a serious crime and faced the possibility of 20 years behind bars. But, at the age of 60, on 21st September 1993, he was saved through the preaching of the gospel, the night before he was due to be sentenced. Bill lived to prove the reality of God’s salvation…
“Should not perish” (25 min)
Frank Sona didn’t grow up in a Christian family. Being born and raised in a Jewish area of the state of New Jersey, USA, Frank developed a childhood fascination with Judaism and sometimes attended the local synagogue. Frank’s parents decided to take him to Sunday School where he finally heard about the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time. During a special week of children’s meetings Frank discovered his need of salvation – “my sin became real to me” –…
Religious But Lost (34 min)
Marvin Derksen relates the story of his religious upbringing in the Mennonite church and how he was saved after a long struggle with self-righteousness. Born in Ontario, Canada, Marvin grew up to go to church, read the Bible at home, and give thanks for his food. He made a commitment, got baptised, joined his church, took communion, sang in the choir, and engaged in “church work”, but he knew nothing of God’s salvation. Then in 1967, Marvin’s brother got saved.…
Converted and Called to Serve (42 min)
John Dennison (Phoenix, USA), relates the story of his conversion to Christ. As a child he attended the Stark Road Gospel Hall in Livonia, Michigan (pictured above) where he heard the gospel and was born again. Baptised there and received into fellowship, the way opened up for service in the gospel as a young man and John was eventually called by the Lord into full-time service for the Lord, a call that took him and his family to Mexico to…
A Long Journey to Salvation (18 min)
John Hurley tells how he was saved in 2008 in his fifties after a long journey from Sunday School, to Marxism, heavy metal music, through a number of churches to eventual salvation in Christ (Message preached 5th April 2009)
I Was a Hindu Guru (34 min)
Dr. Mahesh Bandarupalli, a former Hindu guru from India, relates the amazing story of how the Lord saved him from the darkness of idolatry and brought him to real peace and forgiveness through Christ (Message preached 18th Jan 2009)
How God Awakened Me To Think of Eternity (21 min)
Robin Steele recounts the story of how he came to Christ in 1975 at the age of 17. He had known the gospel from a child but certain events were used of God to awaken him as a worldly teenager to think of eternity. (Message preached 26th October 2008)
“The person who puts off God’s salvation never gets it” (15 min)
Mr. Wade Jollymore from Nova Scotia, Canada, tells how the Lord saved him at the age of 23 after he had procrastinated for a good number of years, knowing all the time that he needed to be saved (Message preached Oct 5th 2008) (Photo: Nova Scotia)
How One Salvation Led to Another (22 min)
Scott Dunn relates how he was saved in Brisbane, Australia, at the age of 15 and how the very same night another soul was saved after hearing of Scott’s salvation. (Recorded 22nd June 2008) (Photo: Brisbane)
A Royal Marine Commando Finds Christ (36 min)
Growing up in a slum in Bristol during WW2 in a drunkard’s home, Michael Browne (1930-2016) joined the British Army and became a Royal Marine Commando. A careless and self confident young man, he saw action in the jungles of Malaya in the Far East. To Michael Browne, a Friday night was the chance to watch a film, get drunk and have a fight. On one such night in Hong Kong in 1951, Michael Browne had an encounter with the…
Saved as a Boy – 11 Years Old (20 min)
Peter Glenn from Ballyclare in Co Antrim, Northern Ireland, tells the story of his conversion to Christ at the age of 11. (Message preached 18th May 2008) (Photo: Antrim Castle grounds)
“Give me one good reason why you are not saved” (17 min)
Ken Fillis was a policeman in the RUC during the troubles in Northern Ireland in the 1970s and 80s. God preserved him through it all and finally saved him in the year 2,000, when in his 40’s, during a series of gospel meetings in Coleraine with Murray McCandless and Peter Orasuk. The question that God used to get his attention? “Kenneth, give me one good reason why you are not saved”! A touching story. (Testimony told 27th April 2008)
Saved at University (37 min)
Evangelist Dan Gillies recounts the story of his conversion while at University in Scotland and his subsequent “call to the Lord’s work”. Don’t miss his recollections of the ‘lantern slide nights’! (Message preached at Bicester, Easter 27th March 2005)
Could It Really Be That Simple? (30 min)
Paul Didcott relates his conversion in Bristol, England, as a child of 10 back in 1976 and how he struggled with the issues of the simplicity and assurance of salvation (Message preached in 2004) (Photo: Clifton suspension bridge, Bristol)
I Wanted to Become a Vicar (23 min)
In 2004, in his 90th year, Eddie Geary told old how God had saved him 70 years previously as a self-righteous young man who wanted to be a minister in the Church of England (Episcopal/Anglican) but knew nothing of the Lord’s words in John 3, “Unless a man is born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God”. Mr Geary’s accent isn’t the easiest to understand, but stick with him…this is a great story that will warm your heart! (Testimony…
It Is Finished, Yes Indeed! (21 min)
Businessman Brian Chapman, from Northern Ireland, tells how he became a Christian as a young man in 1979 through attending meetings where the gospel was preached by evangelist Mr Sam McBride. (Testimony given in 2002) (Photo: River Blackwater, Co Armagh)
“It’s not an easy thing to admit ‘I’m not saved’.” (38 min)
David Castles tells how, while at Oxford University, he realised he was not truly saved, though he had thought he was for a good number of years. His self-deception was slowly but surely uncovered and he was eventually delivered through the preaching of the gospel and the Holy Spirit’s application of the word of God to his soul (Recorded in 2002)