Sermons by James Armstrong

Sermons by James Armstrong

Aspects of the Ministry of Christ as High Priest (24 min)

James Armstrong speaks on 4 things that Christ does for us as our Great High Priest. He bears four burdens: Ex 28:12 “their names on his shoulders” (our security), 28:29 “their names on his heart” (our sympathy) 28:30 “the urim and thummim” (our guidance), and 28:38 “the holy mitre” (our acceptance) (Message preached 13th Jan 2013)

He Was Wounded for our Transgressions (40 min)

James Armstrong relates the story of his conversion to Christ as a teenager in Northern Ireland. He tells of the different ways in which God spoke to him over a period of time, convicting him of his need of salvation, and how He trusted Christ through the words of Isaiah 53:5 (Testimony given 13th Jan 2013). (Photo: Northern Ireland).

When God Calls He Makes a Way (67 min)

James Armstrong recounts the providential dealings of the Lord in his call to leave the UK and go and serve the Lord and preach the gospel in Brazil. When God calls, He makes a way. He opens and no man can shut; he shuts and no man can open. What is impossible with men is possible with God! (Recorded 17th Jan 2012) (Photo above: Porto Alegre, Brazil)