Sermons on Testimonies - Various speakers
My Salvation Was More Important Than My Job (5 min)
Ken Netti grew up in Massachusetts, USA, and heard powerful gospel preaching in his youth from men like Albert Hull and Bill Bingham. His “Uncle Pat” had a keen interest in Ken’s salvation and would often ask him “Are you saved?” Moving to Ohio, Ken found work at a Country Club during his high School years. But when he finally faced his need to get right with God, salvation had to come first. Reading: John 3.16. (Recorded in Stark Road…
From the Confessional to Christ (21 min)
Denis LaVallee grew up in a devoutly religious family. The rosary was said daily in his home, and he was expected to go to confession regularly. He always believed he was in the only right religion, but in a remarkable turn of events in his life, in his mid-thirties, Dennis was brought face to face with his sin and his need for salvation through Christ alone, not through a priest or a church. Watch to find out how he came…
I Never Drank or Smoked or Swore But… (17 min)
Dan Kember grew up in a Christian family and knew the Bible well. He never drank or smoked or swore…but he still had to learn his need of forgiveness and salvation. In this testimony, 60 years on, he tells how he discovered the truth that “there is no difference for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”, and how he was saved. (Recorded in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Summer 2024)
I Thought I Was My Own God (29 min)
Amid the posters of numerous heavy metal heroes on his bedroom wall, one poster stood out: “I am my own god”. John See was a Christian-mocking atheist with a passion for the rock lifestyle. Yet every now and then he would wonder to himself, “What is life all about?”. Watch to find out how his life was transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Recorded in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, 6th Oct 2024)
It Says It Right Here (24 min)
Dana Starratt grew up In Nova Scotia, Canada, a good-living church-going young man who knew nothing about being “saved”. A friend got his attention with some straight talking, but he had a hard time accepting he was a sinner in need of salvation. When Dana finally got saved he struggled with assurance, until he discovered “It says it right here in the Bible”. Reading: Matt 1:23, John 3:15, 2 Cor 4:3-5. (Recorded in Parkview Gospel Hall, Abbotsford, BC, Canada 5th…
I Spent 44 Years in the Darkness of Sin (23 min)
Scott Smith had a troubled childhood, marked by confusion and violence. He never felt like he belonged. As he hit the party scene in adulthood, he soon found himself lost and empty. He tried to find answers on an online forum, only to receive death threats! Then a Gospel Tent – featuring preaching from the Bible – came to his neighbourhood, and he and his wife Jenn plucked up the courage to attend. That’s when the light of the gospel…
I Sincerely Thought I Was Saved (27 min)
Jason Wahls thought he was a Christian. But while he said he was a follower of Jesus Christ, his life didn’t match his claim. Watch to hear how the Lord got his attention and brought him to true faith at the age of 24. (Recorded in Marion, Iowa, USA, 17th June 2024)
I Had a Pagan Altar in My Bedroom (26 min)
As a teenager, Ken Biddington got into heavy darkness. He was a drummer in a heavy metal band, lived a drugs-and-party lifestyle and even had an altar in his bedroom. But in 1993 God intervened in his life. The transformation shook his entire neighbourhood. Listen to find out how it happened. Reading: Acts 26:17-18, John 3:16. (Recorded in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, Vancouver, BC, Canada, on 5th May 2024)
There’s Something Very Wrong with This Place: What Am I Doing Here? (14 min)
Steve Faviere started taking drugs at the tender age of 12. He soon became a party-loving young man with a fast lifestyle. Every now and then he was given pause for thought, by the premature death of a friend, or by people sharing the gospel with him. Watch to find out how Steve finally became saved. Readings: Rom 3:19, John 3:16, Rev 20:11-15. (Recorded in Newmarket Gospel Hall, Ontario, Canada, on 21st April 2024) To listen to Steve preaching in…
I Don’t Like Your Rules Dad. See You Later. (20 min)
Jim McCandless relates the story of the grace of God in his life after he rebelled against his Christian upbringing and headed off on his motorbike to experience what the world had to offer. But God always goes after prodigals. 2,000 miles away in Mexico, the gospel crossed Jim’s path. Then his girlfriend got saved. Watch to find out the rest of the story. (Recorded in Jackson, MI, USA, 7th April 2024)
What I Discovered at My Lowest Point (20 min)
Isaiah Frazier relates the story of his conversion to Christ. Isaiah’s family were first impacted by the gospel in Blue River, Wisconsin, USA, in his great-grandfather’s time. His own parents influenced him in two different directions. He says he could easily have ended up an alcoholic, but by the grace of God he was spared that tragedy and came to know the Lord Jesus through the preaching of the gospel, but only after discovering he was “helpless but not helpless”.…
In The Church I Grew Up In, Everything Had to be Earned (18 min)
J.R. Andujar grew up going to church, but he didn’t understand biblical salvation. All he was hearing was that acceptance with God is something that has to be earned; it was something HE had to do. Then he finally heard the truth: though he was a lost sinner, he could be saved by grace, through faith in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Readings: Eph 2:8-9, Rom 5:6, 8. (Recorded in Barrington Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, 6th…
Two Vietnamese Brothers Make the Same Discovery (44 min)
Kenny Lam and Steven Hua are brothers. Kenny was born in Vietnam into a Buddhist family and culture. Steven was born in Canada after the family emigrated there. In Canada, the boys were enrolled in a Sunday School in a Gospel Hall in Vancouver. There they made the same discovery from the Word of God, the Bible, that Jesus Christ is God’s Son and that He died and rose again to save Kenny and Steven from their sins and give…
A Family of 5, Saved In 8 Months (32 min)
The miraculous story of how God saved all 5 members of the Labbe family in 8 months. As Don Labbe relates how it happened, your hope and faith in the power of God will be revived and your prayers for your own family and friends will be filled with fresh hope. Reading: John 10:27-28. (Recorded in Barrington Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, on 28th Jan 2024)
I Was a Proud Teenager Who Knew All The Verses (9 min)
Graham McKinley was very familiar with John 3:16 and many other of the Bible’s “salvation verses”. He had grown up hearing them and memorising them. Yet in his late teens, having decided he wanted to get saved, as he tried to logically think it all through and make it happen, he was shocked to discover he wasn’t in control of his own salvation. He was lost! Only then did he understand that Christ had done for him what he could…
I Prayed Countless Sinner’s Prayers (10 min)
Samuel McKinley struggled for a long time with assurance of salvation. Every time he had a doubt, he prayed another sinner’s prayer hoping to get peace. But no matter how many time he prayed, he never felt sure he was saved. Is that you? Listen to find out how he finally found true peace. (Testimony given in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, Vancouver, Canada, 8th Jan 2024) Contact us:
They Never Told Us There Was a God (18 min)
Harry Chen was born the year the cultural revolution started in China. He grew up chanting “Long live the Communist Party” and “Long live Chairman Mao”. He had zero knowledge of the Bible or God. Here is the incredible story of how he heard about eternal life and how he found it in the Lord Jesus Christ through the Bible. (Testimony given in Victoria Drive Gospel Hall, Vancouver, Canada, 8th Jan 2024)
I Don’t Believe in Being Born Again (42 min)
Bert Snippe didn’t like being told he needed to be born again. An ambitious businessman who liked to have a good time, Bert had grown up going to church and saying his prayers. He was a good person, and was definitely not going to hell, so he thought. But at 25 years of age the unthinkable happened – Bert became born again by the grace of God. Listen or watch to find out how. (Recorded in Windsor Gospel Hall, Ontario,…
My Life Was a Broken Mess (32 min)
Dave Chisolm grew up going to church, but as a young man he got into drink, drugs and fighting. By the age of 33 his life was a broken mess, living daily on the edge of suicide. He kept crying out to God for help, and God answered his prayer through the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ. Dave was saved by the grace and power of God on 16th Jan 1983. 40 years later, he told his life story in…
How Would YOU Answer This Question? (25 min)
John Tolsma was born into a religious home in the Netherlands in 1947. Emigrating as a young lad to British Columbia, Canada, John continued his respectable ‘Christian’ lifestyle. Then one day a preacher by the name of Lou Swaan asked him if he had ever been born again. John said “Yes”, and related a story from his life where God had healed him in answer to prayer. Lou Swaan followed up with a devastating question that completely stunned good-living Mr…
I Hit Absolute Rock Bottom (41 min)
Born in Iraq, Bachar Mouchi’s persecuted family fled to Lebanon and finally ended up in Canada. There young Bachar became involved in drugs and crime, hitting rock bottom in prison. Out on parole and working in a metal factory, Bachar’s boss invited him to the Gospel Hall in Richmond, British Columbia, where he heard a message that transformed his life. (Recorded in Parkview Gospel Hall, Abbotsford, BC, Canada, 11th June 2023)
I Thought I Had it All (14 min)
Born in Ireland, William “Bill” Lavery (1932-2024) turned his back on God as a teenager. He thought he “had it all”, as drinking, gambling and ballroom dancing filled his spare time. After marriage, he emigrated to the USA (in 1961), settling in Michigan. He secured a good job in Detroit and enjoyed a “cocktail party” lifestyle into his early thirties. But God began to work in his life, eventually bringing him and his wife to repentance and faith in Christ.…
“I wanted to be saved more than anything else in the world” (10 min)
Alexander H. Joyce (1926-2006) grew up in a preacher’s home. His father was the evangelist Albert Joyce (1897-1982). As a boy, young Alec attended many many gospel meetings, and developed a great longing to be saved. After a lengthy period of soul trouble, Alec’s mother was used of the Lord to direct her 13 year old son to read and be blessed through the words of John 5:24, the same year that World War 2 started in 1939. (Message preached…
“I’m sure of heaven, no matter what!” (10 min)
John Selesnic grew up going to church and trusting in his religion to get him to heaven. But he never felt sure he would make it. What if he got hit in a traffic accident and died before the priest arrived to give him the last rites? Listen to find out how John discovered he could be “sure of heaven no matter what”. (Story told in Brampton Gospel Hall, Ontario, Canada 2022)
“A time when, a place where and a manner how” (21 min)
Ashley Milne relates his story of conversion as a young man growing up, the son of missionaries in Venezuela, South America. “Everyone who is saved has a time when, a place where and a manner how they were saved”. Do you? (Message given in Fleetwood, Vancouver, 2022)
Former Drug Addict Returns to the Streets of Toronto a Transformed Man (11 min)
In his youth, Steven Faviere used drugs on the streets of Toronto. Now he’s back on those same streets a changed man, with a story to tell – a story of redemption through Jesus Christ. To hear an audio version of Steven’s full length story of transformation, go to
VIDEO – Albert’s Hull’s Testimony of Salvation (34 min)
In November 2000, Albert Hull (1936-2015) told the story of his conversion, during a gospel message he preached at the Stark Road Gospel hall annual conference in Livonia, Michigan U.SA. Saved in 1957, listening to the Word preached through the open windows of a small and struggling series of gospel meetings, Albert ever after revelled in the grace of God, and rarely missed an opportunity to tell of it with enthusiasm and joy.
“You’ll either end in jail or on the gallows” (41 min)
Jeffrey Harrison (1909-1990) grew up in a strict home in a slum area of north west England. Shoplifting, fighting, gambling and mischief of all kinds marked the teenage years of young Harrison. Said his mother, “You’ll either end up in jail or on the gallows.” But the Holy Spirit worked in his life, convicting him of his sin and of his danger of perishing in hell. When he got a job on the railways, a godly Christian colleague took him…
One word exploded in my mind: “Eternity!” (37 min)
Ben Sutton (1922-2007) grew up in a drunkard’s home. Hardship turned to tragedy when his mother died while he was still a boy. When Ben left school he became a coal miner and then, during WW2, served in the Merchant Navy. He saw the horrors of war close-up, as German U-boats targetted the British and US ship convoys. With the War over, Ben returned home to South Shields in the north east of England, where his favourite places were the…
From Drugs to Christ | Peter Orasuk’s Testimony (55 min)
Raised in a strict home and taught traditional values as a child, Peter Orasuk (1948-2005) got in with a rough crowd in his youth and ended up a drug addict and dealer, and eventually behind bars. His was the party lifestyle, constantly flirting with danger, always knowing his next fix could be his last. But, in 1976, by a remarkable series of events, light came into Peter’s darkness. Through the gospel message in the Bible he was completely and miraculously…
“I Chose Never To Attend Another Gospel meeting” (38 min)
Albert Hull (1936-2015) tells the thrilling and heart-warming story of how God saved him “on the roadside” in 1957 listening to the gospel through the open window of a gospel meeting. As a preacher’s son, Albert knew the gospel well, but a point came in his teens when he made a choice never to attend another gospel meeting. Off he went to enjoy the pleasures of the world. Yet, even when he was drunk, he was still able to preach…
“Pleasure was putting myself right out of my mind” (26 min)
Mark Thomas was born and bred in “the West country”, a few yards from the scenic Cheddar Gorge and just half an hour from the epicentre of the UK’s festival scene in Glastonbury. So, when Mark got into the drug and rave lifestyle as a young man, he had every opportunity right on his doorstep to dive into the ‘ecstasy culture’ where pleasure was defined as “putting yourself right out of your mind”. Despite a couple of close shaves with…
“I thought the gospel was a big joke” (37 min)
Born in Canada in 1933, Max McLean grew up on a small farm in a house with no electricity. He moved to the “big town” of Oil Springs in Dec 1945 where his shrewd father bought a business. Sadly Max’s father had a fondness for drinking and gambling, ruinous habits he passed to his son. At age 18, Max moved to Sarnia to work in the Polysar rubber plant. There he met a man called Dave Kember. Dave was known…
A Wild Night on Mount Rushmore (36 min)
Mr Ward, an alcoholic purple heart WW2 veteran, used to beat his wife and get his 8 year old son Art (pictured right) drunk, much to the amusement of the men at the tavern. Small wonder that Art’s tragic childhood turned into a wild adulthood filled with drink, drugs, violence and fast motorbikes. Art heard the gospel message as a young man, but it made little impact on him. Then God intervened in his life. On a bike trip to…
If there’s a God, why is there all the suffering in the world? (19 min)
Born in 1948 in “industrial Scotland” (Govan, Glasgow), Matt Reid left School at 15 to become an apprentice in the Glasgow shipyards. His Presbyterian upbringing quickly fell away as Matt got into drink and drugs and soon became a hardened foul-mouthed cynic, very bitter against God. His reasoning? – “If there’s a God why is there all the suffering in the world?” He had a strong antipathy towards organised religion. That was his “pet peeve”. Emigrating to Canada, Matt ended…
Beaten, bitter and bruised…then Jesus came” (19 min)
Norman Mellish grew up in the slums of Moss Side, in Manchester, England, during the 1930’s and 40’s. His description of those nightmarish childhood days is heart-breaking; but, by the grace of God, Norman was sent to Sunday School at the local Gospel Hall, where he heard the way of salvation. The bitterness of life turned him towards atheism as he grew into adulthood and moved into employment, but a Christian gentleman at his place of work was used by…
Harold Paisley’s Testimony and Call to the Work (83 min)
In Toronto, Canada, in 1956, on the final night of 5 weeks of gospel meetings, Harold Paisley (1924-2015) related how, when and where he was saved by the grace of God. At the outbreak of World War 2, at age 15, running from his godly upbringing, he joined the RAF, afterwards joining the Mercantile Navy. Then, coming home, he joined the Police in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, but was dismissed due to a lifestyle of drunk and disorderly behaviour. About to…
A Royal Marine Commando Finds Christ (36 min)
Growing up in a slum in Bristol during WW2 in a drunkard’s home, Michael Browne (1930-2016) joined the British Army and became a Royal Marine Commando. A careless and self confident young man, he saw action in the jungles of Malaya in the Far East. To Michael Browne, a Friday night was the chance to watch a film, get drunk and have a fight. On one such night in Hong Kong in 1951, Michael Browne had an encounter with the…