Video Stories

Video Stories

Rescued from Drowning at Sea (13 min)

Alex McLean (1932-2019) spent his life as a deep sea fisherman in the waters around Scotland. After retiring, he engaged in evangelism among fishermen, especially on the many Russian ships that visited Peterhead. In this recording Alex looks back at his years at sea and tells some of the most memorable stories of those decades, including the time when he was washed overboard and nearly drowned. (Recorded in Ballymena in 1998). Further recordings: Alex McLean’s conversion and life at sea…

Preaching Christ in West Virginia (43 min)

Bob Surgenor (1928-2024) tells the story of his labours in the gospel in West Virginia, USA, beginning in 1970 to the present day. He pioneered the work there and, often helped by other preachers, saw the Lord save souls and an assembly planted in the town of New Creek. Using a Gospel Tent and hiring various buildings (including the historic Pine Church  in Purgitsville), series of gospel meetings were held in Keyser, Burlington, Fairmont, Petersburg, Birch River, Whitmer, Buckhannon and…

How God Saved Me and Called Me To Venezuela (32 min)

In a recording from 1983, Mr Eddie Fairfield (1902-1994) tells a number of stories about his conversion, baptism, service and call to the mission field of Venezuela. In the group photograph, taken in Venezuela in 1957, Mr Fairfield is 4th from the left on the row of seated men. 5th from the left is William Williams, author of “It Can Be Done”, a book relating the spread of the gospel in Venezuela in the early 20th Century. The lady in…

Pioneering the Gospel in Nova Scotia (36 min)

In 1930, Lennon Knox McIlwaine (1898-1984) and his beloved wife Sarah, arrived in Nova Scotia from Northern Ireland, having been called by God to preach the gospel to the Maritime people of Canada. Robert McIlwaine (1925-2021), their son, visited the UK in 1987 and related the stirring story of the faith-filled labours of his parents, himself and others who, during the years of the great depression and through World War 2 and beyond, laboured in all weathers, against much opposition,…

Frank Knox Quoting His H.A.T.H. Poem (2 min)

The evangelist Frank Knox (1884-1975) preached annually for many years in a large Tent in Belfast to thousands of people. His labours were blessed with many souls being awakened and delivered, even when World War 2 raged on. In the 18th year of his Belfast Tent meetings, Mr Knox recounted his story of conversion. Towards the end of his testimony he quoted, likely from memory, most of his own poem H.A.T.H., which summarises how he was saved on the roof…

Your Fortune is Made for Eternity (19 min)

Evangelist Sydney Maxwell (1919-1993) preached the Word in the UK and North American for many years. He was a warm-hearted teacher and exhorter and a great story teller too. In September 1993 in Larne, Northern Ireland, he related the story of his life and labours. The stories from that message have been extracted and put along with photographs in this video.

Stories from My Life (16 min)

Bible teacher and evangelist Harold Paisley (1924-2015) served the Lord full time for well over 60 years. His many years of labour for the Lord yielded a unique store of unforgettable stories. In a message given in Larne, Northern Ireland, in 1983, Mr Paisley reminisced about the past and told a number of touching, poignant and often humorous anecdotes. The stories from that message have been extracted and put along with photographs in this video.

Revival at Rosslea – When God Saved 4 Policemen (60 min)

John Thompson (1921-2008) was saved on 22nd February 1937. He joined the Police as a young man and, on being promoted to sergeant in 1945, moved to Rosslea in Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. What happened over the next few years was nothing less than a remarkable work of the Spirit of God. Sergeant Thompson witnessed to his colleagues, resulting in four R.U.C. constables getting saved. First John Rowe, then Norman Workman, and finally, on the same night – 17th May…

The 1859 Ulster Revival (21 min)

Wilbert Crawford (1928-2018) tells the story of how the “1859 Revival” in Ulster (now Northern Ireland) led to the formation of numerous assemblies in the area where he lived (Co Antrim). He tells how the Lord gathered believers together as churches of God in Kells, Clonkeen, Crosskeys and Ballybolan in those early days of gospel blessing late in the 19th century. One of the 4 young men who met to pray in the Old Schoolhouse in Kells, Northern Ireland, where…

To God Be The Glory Great Things He Has Done (50 min)

Matthew Brescia (1938- ) from Connecticut, USA, relates the thrilling story of how God worked in his family in the first half of the 20th Century as the gospel flourished among the Italian immigrant community in New England through the preaching of men like Luigi Rosania and Cesare Patrizio. You will be gripped from the beginning to the end of this recording (made in the UK in 2009) as Matt Brescia relates the story of God’s grace in the conversion…

I Was Only a Worthless Pebble (46 min)

In 1985 Mr Albert Ramsay (1913-1993) came from Canada to preach in various parts of the UK. While there he recounted the unforgettable story of his conversion to Christ back in June 1934 at “Gambles Corner” in Prince Edward Island under the preaching of Albert Joyce and the Harris brothers (Herb and Russell). Around 30 souls were saved during that series of Tent meetings and a New Testament assembly was formed on the island. From the start Albert became a…