Sermons on Hebrews

Sermons on Hebrews

Who Has Fallen Away and Can’t be Saved in Hebrews 6? (36 min)

Michael Penfold addresses the vexed question of who the people are in Hebrews 6 who have “fallen away” and cannot be saved. Is this a chapter that proves Christians can lose their salvation? If not, exactly who are these people? Reading: Heb 5:11-6:8. (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel, Hall, 18th Aug 2024)

The Ark of the Covenant (44 min)

Colin Hutchison preaches on the topic of the ark of the covenant. He brings out the significance of the materials from which the ark was constructed, the fragrance that burned in the censer, and the golden pot of manna, Aaron’s rod and the two tables of stone on which were inscribed the 10 commandments. Reading: Heb 9:1-5. (Recorded in Arnot Gospel Hall, Fife, Scotland, 7th Dec 2024)

But We See Jesus (38 min)

Colin Lacey preaches on the profound words of Hebrews 2:9, “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that He by the grace of God should taste death for every man.” (Recorded in Helions Gospel Hall, 25th Mar 2018).

The Man in the Glory (53 min)

Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) preaches on Christ as our representative Great High Priest. He highlights 7 features of Christ as our priestly “Man in the glory” from Hebrews Ch 5 and Ch 7. (Recorded in Scotland) Complete series on “Titles of the Lord Jesus”: Son – 10 Aspects of Christ’s Sonship Servant – 7 Features of Christ as Servant Man of Sorrows – 15 Hours, 15 Words Great High Priest – The Man in the Glory Morning Star – 7 Features…

The Three Appearings of Christ (51 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on the three appearings of Christ mentioned in Hebrews Ch 9. Christ appeared to put away sin, He now appears in heaven, and He will yet appear again “unto salvation”. Reading: Heb 9:24-28. (Recorded at the Helions Bumpstead Gospel Hall Conference, 19th April 2019)

Overview of the 7 Vessels of the Tabernacle (48 min)

Michael Penfold preaches about the 7 vessels of the Tabernacle. The map, the materials, the measurements and the meaning of the seven items of furniture in the Tabernacle of Moses. Readings: Heb 9:1-12, 10:11-14, 19-22. (Recorded at Winchester Gospel Hall, 10th May 2024) Pair of Sermons: Overview of the 7 Feasts of the Lord Overview of the 7 Vessels of the Tabernacle

Christ My Great High Priest (31 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on Christ as the Great High Priest of His people. What does this office of Christ involve? What does He do for us as our Great High Priest? Learn the basics of this vast topic. Readings: Heb 2:14-18, 4:14-16, 5:1-2, 7-10, 7:23-27, 9:11-12, 24-28, 10:19-24. (Message preached at the Tampa Gospel Hall conference, 13th Jan 2024) Complete series: Christ my Saviour Christ my advocate Christ my Great High Priest Christ my Lord

Christ in Hebrews (54 min)

Jim Flanigan preaches on the presentation of Christ in the epistle to the Hebrews, which is “Christ supreme”. There are 8 mentions of “Jesus” in Hebrews, and Mr Flanigan takes up the christological content of Chs 1 and 2 in this expository message. Readings: Heb 1:1-4, 2:8b-9, 13:10-14. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The Presentation of Christ in the Gospels The Presentation of Christ in the Acts of the Apostles The Presentation of Christ in Romans The Presentation…

The Virgin Birth of Christ (38 min)

After some introductory information about the deity and eternal sonship of Christ from Hebrews 1, Colossians 1 etc., David Vallance preaches about the virgin birth and the humanity of Christ. Reading: Heb 1:1-4. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 28th Feb 2015) Complete series: The deity of Christ The virgin birth and humanity of Christ The impeccability of Christ The atonement of Christ Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension Christ at the right hand of God and returning Christ in the garden…

7-Fold Old Testament Proof of the Superiority of the Son of God (50 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the 7 Old Testament quotations in Hebrews 1 that prove the supremacy of the Son of God and His superiority over angels. 1. “Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten Thee.” 2. “I will be to Him a Father, and He shall be to me a Son.” 3. “Let all the angels of God worship Him.” 4. “Who maketh His angels spirits, and His ministers a flame of fire.” 5. “Thy throne, O God,…

7-Fold Statement of the Deity of the Son of God (42 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the seven-fold statement of the deity of the Son of God in Hebrews 1:1-4. The Son is the established heir, the creator of the universe, the effulgence of glory, the image of God, the upholder of all things, the sin-purger, and the seated one. Reading: Hebrews 1. (Message preached in the Gospel Hall, Osborne Road, Northampton, UK, 15th Oct 2019) Complete series: The 7-Fold Statement of the Deity of the Son of God in Hebrews 1…

The Greatness of Christ (51 min)

Phil Coulson preaches on the greatness of Christ from the beginning of the Bible to the end. Reading: Heb 7:1-4. (Recorded in River Road Gospel Hall, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada, June 2023) Complete series: The sinlessness of Christ The high priesthood of Christ The greatness of Christ The future of Christ

The High Priesthood of Christ (54 min)

Phil Coulson preaches on the high priesthood of the Lord Jesus Christ. What is priesthood? Why do we need Christ to be our great high priest? In what was are believers priests? Reading: Heb 5:1-14. (Message preached in Roseisle, Manitoba, Canada, June 2023) Complete series: The sinlessness of Christ The high priesthood of Christ The greatness of Christ The future of Christ

Christ Supreme (32 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on “Christ supreme” from Hebrews Chapter 1. This glorious chapter sets out Christ’s unique relationship, His unbroken relationship, and His undisputed relationship. Then follows details of the power, permanence and pre-eminence of Christ’s kingdom. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2011)

Run Well (27 min)

John Grant (1942-2020) preaches on running the Christian race well, highlighting the contest of the race, chastening in the race, the course of the race and the climax of the race in Hebrews Ch 12. (Message preached at the Stark Road Gospel Hall conference, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2011)

The Manhood of Christ Doctrinally (57 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the manhood of Christ doctrinally, from Hebrews chapter 2, a passage that brings before the reader the three anointed offices of Christ, prophet, priest and king, all of which are tied to His humanity. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The manhood of Christ historically (Luke 2) The manhood of Christ practically (Phil 2) The manhood of Christ doctrinally (Heb 2) The manhood of Christ pictorially (Ruth 2) The manhood of Christ typically (Lev 2)

The Drama of Redemption (24 min)

Phil Coulson preaches on the great “drama of redemption” whereby God purposes to undo the works of Satan (in causing the fall through the first Adam’s sin in Eden), by bringing in redemption and restoration through the last Adam, the Man Christ Jesus. Reading: Heb 2:1-4. (Message preached at the Garnavillo Conference, Iowa, USA, 2022)

The Person of Christ (43 min)

Mark Sweetnam expounds Hebrews 1:1-4, the profound Christological opening sentence of the New Testament book that has so much to tell us about the high priesthood of the Man at God’s right hand (Message preached 2nd Oct 2021)

Overview of Hebrews (51 min)

Mervyn Hall gives an overview of the epistle to the Hebrews. He outlines the epistle’s genre, title, audience, author, date, subject and contents. The theme of Christ’s supremacy and superiority and how the epistle’s author presents it (construction, progression and conclusion) is laid out chapter by chapter. Hebrews is a vital New Testament book – a working knowledge of its contents will greatly edify and benefit the Bible student (Message preached 17th Mar 2016)

Bible Reading in Hebrews 11:1-14 (1 hour 33 min)

Sandy Higgins opens up Hebrews Ch 11:1-14 and leads the company through the first section of this great “Chapter of faith”. He divides the verses into sections: faith and our worldview, worship, walk, work, way, His Word and waiting on Him. An informative and challenging study (Recorded April 5th 2015)

Does Hebrews Ch 6 Teach a Christian Can “Fall Away”? (38 min)

Dan Rudge expounds the third warning section of the epistle to the Hebrews in three parts: an exhortation to the carnal (5:11-6:3), a warning to the natural (6:4-8) and an encouragement to the spiritual (6:9-12). He explains that the passage about “falling away” does not refer to true believers but rather to apostates – those who were never saved in the first place (Message preached 19th June 2014)

Bible Reading in Hebrews Ch 2 (1 hour 33 min)

Ian Jackson opens up Hebrews Ch 2 and leads the company through a study of this glorious passage which portrays the Son of man as greater than angels in both rule and redemption. A profitable and helpful session of teaching and discussion (Recorded April 20th 2014)

He Endured! (36 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on the endurance of Christ in the face of the “contradiction of sinners against Himself” and urges his audience to likewise endure, looking to Him and considering Him (Recorded 19th Apr 2014)

The Patience and Endurance of Christ (29 min)

Mervyn Hall speaks on the patience and endurance of Christ – He Who endured the contradiction of sinners against Himself (Heb 12:3). That contradiction involved a questioning of the Lord’s purpose, parentage, principles and power, yet He responded with patience and grace – ever the perfect Saviour! (Message preached 8th Dec 2013)

Bible Reading in Hebrews Ch 1 (1 hour 42 min)

David Gilliland opens up Hebrews Ch 1, expounds its content and then works through the whole chapter verse by verse. He outlines the unique structure of the chapter and elaborates on what God has to say “in Son”, “to His Son” and “about His Son”. A helpful and instructive study (Recorded Mar 31st 2013)

Backsliding vs Apostasy (23 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the difference between “backsliding” and “apostasy”. Though strictly an Old Testament term, backsliding is a self-centred condition of heart that can be experienced by genuine believers. Apostasy however, is a deliberate, wilful turning away from the understood truth of Christ and His gospel, and is a sin only ever committed by unbelievers – people who were never truly saved (e.g. Heb 6:4-6, 2 Pet 2:22). (Message preached 10th Mar 2013)

The Discipline of Bible Study (48 min)

Scott Dunn preaches on the discipline of Bible study. He asks three questions: why, when and how one should study the Bible. He uses Hebrews chapter 7 as an illustration and traces back to Psalm 110 and Genesis 14 (Message preached 12th May 2011)

The Holiness of God (40 min)

THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD – Working from Hebrews 10, Scott Dunn preaches on God’s holiness. He defines his subject and traces how God has revealed His holiness to His people and the world (Message preached 14th Jan 2010)

Bernard Fell – The Christian Race (45 min)

A rare recording of Bernard Fell, author of Verities in Verse, speaking on various aspects of ‘the Christian Race’ from Hebrews 12 and exhorting the saints to press on toward the mark (Message preached in Bicester, 26th Dec 1973)