Sermons on Gospel Sermons on Eternity
The Unrepentant Man in Hell (48 min)
Frank Sona preaches on three voices. The voice of creation (Rom 8:22), the voice of the law (Rom 3:19) and the voice of the blood of Christ (Heb 12:24-25), each of which have a notable message to tell us. Andrew Steele continues with a solemn look at the narrative of “the unrepentant man in hell” from Luke Ch 16 (Messages preached in Bicester 11th July 2016)
The Everlasting Burnings (48 min)
John Rogers takes up a solemn and searching text from Isaiah 33:14 – “Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?” Tom Armstrong closes by pointing to Jesus Christ, the one and only Saviour of sinners, who humbled Himself to suffer the death of the cross that we might be saved (Messages preached in Bicester 13th July 2015)
Enter in at the Strait Gate (47 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on the text – Matt 7:13 – “Enter in at the strait gate”. A searching message on eternity, and the broad and narrow way. Which road are you on? (Message preached in Ambrosden 23rd Feb 2010).
Heaven and Hell (45 min)
Wesley Martin preaches on “A Place called Heaven” and Tommy Wright closes with a message from Luke Ch 16 on “A Place Called Hell” (Messages preached in Bicester 17th Aug 2009).
The Value of your Soul (52 min)
David Gilliland preaches on the tremendous value of the soul and Albert Hull closes the meeting by speaking on “bad news”, “good news” and “sad news” (Messages preached 12th April 2009)
How Long Will Your Journey Be? (42 min)
Gene Higgins preaches on the question, “How Long Will Your Journey Be?” from Nehemiah 2, using it as a springboard to warn about the brevity of life and the sobering reality of eternity (Preached in Bicester 15th Nov 2007).
The Reality of Hell (48 min)
John McCann preaches a solemn gospel message on the subject of hell, and Elton Fairfield closes the meeting with a word on the glorious subject of salvation (Messages preached in Bicester 6th Sept 2007)