Sermons on Historical Gospel Sermons
God is Working a Work in Your Day (17 min)
Albert Ramsay (1913-1993) preaches on “your day” from Acts 13:41. God is doing a mighty work in “your day”, but will you part of it by being saved by grace through faith? (Recorded at the Larne Conference, Northern Ireland, in Sept 1985)
Many Sorrows Shall Be to the Wicked (19 min)
Jim Martin (1925-2017) preaches on God’s warning in Psalm 32 that “many sorrows shall be to the wicked”, and points his audience to Christ the Saviour who on the cross endured sin-atoning sorrow and suffering that you might be saved. Readings: Psa 32:1-11, Lam 1:12-13. (Recorded in Northern Ireland in 2009)
James McClelland – Three Musts in John Ch 3 (20 min)
James McClelland (1949-2016) was born in Northern Ireland and saved as a boy of 11 in 1960. Later in life, he went into the furniture and carpet business with his two brothers. However, his interest in the preaching of the gospel eventually led him into full time service for the Lord. He and his wife Amy moved to Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1981 where, from his base in Clementsvale, Mr. McClelland preached the gospel far and wide for 35 years.…
John Thompson – Gospel: “Salvation or Deception” (23 min)
John Thompson (1921-2008) grew up in Northern Ireland and was saved at the age of 16, on 26th Feb 1937. A Policeman, Mr Thompson was used mightily of the Lord, while stationed in Rosslea, Co Fermanagh, to see some of his colleagues saved, among whom were John Rowe, Ernest Gribben and William Nesbitt (to hear the “Rosslea story”, and Mr Thompson’s testimony, click here). In 1951 Mr Thompson turned down promotion in the Royal Ulster Constabulary and went out full…
The Love of God (5 min)
Albert Hull (1936-2015), from Northern Ireland, preached the gospel and taught the truth of God for several decades mainly in Nova Scotia and other parts of Canada and North America. He was a warm-hearted, earnest and much loved servant of the Lord, who was never happier than when he was preaching the gospel of Christ to perishing sinners. Here he is, preaching on “the love of God”, in a video produced by his family soon after his home-call. More about…
Jim Martin – “We Must Be Saved” (19 min)
Jim Martin (1925-2017) (Life story here) was a much used gospel preacher. In series after series of gospel meetings, each lasting a number of weeks, Mr Martin would preach warm, incisive and direct messages nightly, and many look back to such meetings as times when God spoke to them and they were saved. In this message from one such series, Mr Martin holds forth on the text “We must be saved” (Acts 4:12) and leaves his audience in no doubt…
David Craig – “A man shall be an hiding place” (34 min)
David Craig (1902-1977), affectionately known as “Scotch Davey”, was born and raised in Scotland. Saved in Baillieston near Glasgow as a 12 year old boy, Mr Craig began to preach at the age of 16. 10 years or so later in 1929 Mr Craig went out full time in the Lord’s work, and became a mighty evangelist and Bible teacher. Here in this powerful message given in 1971, Mr Craig speaks of a day when men will call on the…
Albert Hull – Pugwash Conference gospel message (25 min)
In 2002, in the big Tent in Pugwash Junction conference in Nova Scotia, Canada, Albert Hull (1936-2015) preached the gospel powerfully, majoring on the theme of “the precious blood of Christ”. He read 4 scriptures and heralded the gospel to those who are “without strength” (Rom 5:6), “without excuse” (Rom 1:20), who will die “without mercy” (Heb 10:28-29), unless the are saved through the precious blood of Christ, for “without the shedding of blood” is no remission of sins (Heb…
Albert Joyce – “Come unto Me or Depart from Me” (14 min)
This recording, made in 1956 at a Bible Conference gospel meeting in Vancouver, Canada, features the voice of the late esteemed evangelist Albert Joyce (1897-1982). Mr Joyce was saved in May 1905, in Portobello, near Edinburgh, Scotland. Troubled about his soul, he looked at numerous gospel verses but wondered how he could get saved. “I knew all these verses, and I always believed they were true. How could I believe any differently?” Turning to Isaiah 53:5 and 6 he said,…
Fred Whitmore – “Lost in Sight of Home” (3 min)
Fred Whitmore (1903-1980) was saved as a lad in Birmingham. He became busy in open air work in his teens, and, at the young age of 21, launched forth into full-time service in England. He was mightily used in gospel preaching in his 20’s and was instrumental in seeing a number of assemblies established, including Ossett in 1926 and Skelmanthorpe in 1927. With a godly committed wife (Dorothy), Fred laboured tirelessly for many decades. In 1948, he was one of…
Harold Paisley – What Shall I Do With Jesus? (34 min)
Harold Paisley (1924-2015) preaches on the haunting question of Pontius Pilate: “What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?” (The photo above is of The Pilate Stone, held in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem). This is a question you cannot avoid: what will you do – receive or reject the Son of God? Preaching in a Gospel Tent many years ago, this is Mr Paisley in full flow, telling out the same gospel that so radically changed his…
Not Far from the Kingdom (51 min)
In 1983, Sydney Maxwell (1919-1993) and Harold Paisley (1924-2015) shared a very large Sunday night gospel meeting in a public meeting hall in the town of Larne, Northern Ireland, during the annual conference meetings there. Their messages paralleled one another as they both spoke about being “near the kingdom” and warned their audience that it’s not enough to know all about the blessings of salvation and heaven – if you end up remaining “outside the door”. It was a solemn,…
David Craig – Christ the Only Foundation (37 min)
David Craig (1902-1977), affectionately known as “Scotch Davey”, was a gifted earnest evangelist, Bible teacher and author. He travelled the length and breadth of the UK serving the Lord, as well as making numerous trips abroad preaching the Word. During the Belfast Easter Conference in April 1969, before a large crowd in the Grosvenor Hall (Photographs below), David Craig preached the gospel. Falling ill before the conference, Mr Craig anticipated not being able to fulfill the engagement, but the Lord…
Oliver Smith – “Two Whosoevers” (6 min)
In 1957, at the age of 74, three years before his homecall, Oliver Smith (1883-1960) rose to his feet at the Manchester Conference (Iowa, USA) and preached the gospel for six and a half minutes on “two whosoevers”, from John 3:16 and Rev 20:15. Mr Smith, “unknown yet well known”, was not a flowery orator. Indeed, he was often accused of “murdering the King’s English”. Yet he was a uniquely effective and tireless labourer in the gospel who saw many…
Albert Hull – “One Unique Unrivalled Man” (22 min)
Albert Hull (1936-2015) preached the gospel and taught the truth of God for several decades mainly in Nova Scotia and other parts of Canada and North America. He was a warm-hearted, earnest and much loved servant of the Lord, who was never happier than when he was preaching the gospel of Christ to perishing sinners. Here he is, just 2 years before his homecall, preaching the gospel to a large audience at the “Island Conference” (in Prince Edward Island, Canada)…
Neil Dougal – The Face of Christ (39 min)
Scottish evangelist Neil Dougal (Mass, USA) preaches on the ‘face of Christ’. This was a weighty gospel message given during a visit to the UK in October 1973.