The New Birth
You Must Be Born Again (25 min)
David Gilliland preaches from the Gospel of John Chapter 3 on two births in one life, two natures in one Person, two parts in one book, two destinies in one eternity, and two categories in one meeting. (Recorded in Midland Park Gospel Hall, NJ, USA, 17th Sept 2023)
What Does it Mean to be Born Again? (28 min)
The Lord Jesus told Nicodemus “You must be born again” (John 3:7). But what does it mean to be born again? Michael Penfold preaches on how to be born again, outlining the need, nature and results of the new birth. (Recorded 7th Jan 2007)
You Must Be Born Again (21 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the Bible text: “You must be born again” (John 3:7). “You” – it’s personal; “must” – it’s essential; “be” – it’s real; “born again”; it’s spiritual. (Recorded 22nd July 2018)
You Must Be Born Again (37 min)
John Rogers preaches on John chapter 3 – Nicodemus and the new birth under the headings of a night of discovery, despair, deliverance and delight (Message preached 21st Dec 2008)
You Must Be Born Again (38 min)
Murray McCandless preaches on the the Lord’s words: “You must be born again”, as well as the narrative of the serpent on the pole from Numbers Ch. 21 (Message preached April 12th 2008)
How Can I Be Born Again? (38 min)
Gene Higgins preaches on the question, “How Can I be Born Again?” from John 3. He outlines the essential need for and the Biblical nature of the salvation experience called the ‘new birth’ (Message preached 12th Nov 2007).