Gospel Warnings
Alarm to the Unconverted (16 min)
Jonathan Procopio preaches on “a man and his lifetime”, “a man in the flame”, and “a man and his message” from Luke Ch 16:19-31. (Recorded at Sussex Gospel Hall conference, NB, Canada, 30th Sept 2023)
The Sinner’s Vital Five (47 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches from Hebrews 9:27-28. on “the sinner’s vital five”: Man is mortal Sin is fatal The soul is immortal Judgment is unavoidable Salvation is essential (Message preached in Chalfont St Peter, 16th Apr 2023)
Why So Many People are Religious But Lost (29 min)
Michael Penfold preaches on Christ’s words about the “many” people who will, to their great surprise, be shut out of heaven despite a profession of salvation, and despite a lifetime of religious activity (Matt 7:21-23). Then from Romans 10:1-4 there’s a principle such people need to learn, a performance they need to stop, and a Person they need to trust (Recorded in Chalfont St Peter Gospel Hall, 13th Nov 2022)
Every Mouth Stopped (52 min)
In a powerful gospel meeting, Peter Orasuk opens by describing the court scene in the epistle to the Romans that culminates in “every mouth being stopped” as the sentence of condemnation rings out. Mr Murray McCandless follows with a second message in which he preaches on Christ as the door to heaven. Messages preached in Feb 2001 in Ballymena.
An Awakening and a Quickening (38 min)
Peter Orasuk preaches on “an awakening and a quickening”. How long have you known the gospel, yet you are still not saved? It is time to wake up before it is too late. Reading: Eph 5:14 (Message preached in June 2003)
3 Gospel Object Lessons from Luke 13 (33 min)
Andrew Steele preaches from Luke Ch 13 on three object lessons that illustrate gospel truth. A tower that collapsed (“Except you repent you will all likewise perish”); a door that closed (Don’t be left outside); and a hen that called (“I would…but you would not”). The Lord Jesus is seen as the “prince of preachers” in this powerful chapter of the Bible (Message preached 6th July 2019)
Where will you spend eternity? (19 min)
Andrew Steele preaches on the ultimate question: heaven or hell for eternity? In the fog of daily life, news coverage and social media feeds, it’s easy to lose sight of the greatest reality of all – where will I be 5 seconds after I die? Where will I be a billion centuries from now? Readings: Luke 16:19-31, 18:9-14 (Recorded in June 2016)
The Danger of Perishing (42 min)
David Gilliland preaches a powerful and pointed warning message on the danger of perishing and the divine rescue provided in Christ. John Grant closes with a fresh look at John 3:16, assuring sinners of a welcome for the whosoever will (Messages preached in Ambrosden 31st Mar 2013)
Run and Live, or Delay and Die (48 min)
Eugene Higgins preaches an earnest message of warning and entreaty, based on the “cities of refuge” in the Old Testament. He urges his audience to “run and live” or “delay and die” (Message preached 14th April 2011)
The Stronger than the Strong Man (38 min)
In a message about the deceptive power of the evil one to delude and damn souls, Gene Higgins preaches on Christ as the One “stronger than the strong one”. (Satan) from Luke 11:21 (Recorded 7th April 2011)
The Danger of Perishing (48 min)
Tom Armstrong preaches on 3 mentions of the word ‘perish’, followed by a word on Isaiah 53:6 from John Dennison. Two very clear presentations of the gospel (Messages preached in Bicester, Easter 4th April 2010)
Almost Persuaded (47 min)
Ian Jackson preaches a stirring message on the text Acts 26:28, “Almost persuaded to be a Christian”. He explains the tragic fact that it is possible to ‘believe’ the whole Bible yet still be lost and go to hell (Message preached in Ambrosden 4th Mar 2010).
Words of Warning (42 min)
Gene Higgins preaches a searching, solemn and powerful message on the Lord’s memorable and startling words: “Remember Lot’s wife” (Message preached in Ambrosden 12th Nov 2008).
A Matter of Eternity (43 min)
On September 15th 2008 the unthinkable happened. The famous investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed, setting off an international banking crisis that threatened the entire world financial system. There followed a stock market meltdown, a global economic downturn and the greatest world recession since the 1930’s. During this time, Ian Jackson preached a sermon that he entitled A Matter of History, a Matter of Necessity and a Matter of Eternity (based on John Ch 3:14-15). Find somewhere quiet and peaceful today…