Sermons on Romans

Sermons on Romans

How Bright That Blessed Hope (36 min)

Dan Gillies preaches on the subject of “hope” from Romans Ch 8. First, the hope of creation, and then second, the hope of the church. Reading: Rom 8:18-25 (Recorded at the Belfast Easter Conference, April 2022)

Christ in Romans (49 min)

Jim Flanigan preaches on Paul’s portrayal of Christ in his epistle to the Romans. Christ in relation to the world (Chs 1-8), to Israel (Chs 9-11) and to the Church (Chs 12-16). Readings: Rom 1:1-4, 8:31-39. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The Presentation of Christ in the Gospels The Presentation of Christ in the Acts of the Apostles The Presentation of Christ in Romans The Presentation of Christ in Hebrews The Presentation of Christ in the Revelation

Liberty and the Christian Conscience (37 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the topic of Christian liberty, and what to do when your own, or another’s conscience, is troubled by a particular issue, albeit not one related to fundamental doctrine. Readings: Rom 14:1-3, 10-13, 21-23, 15:1-7, Gal 5:13-15, 1 Pet 2:13-16. (Message preached in Northampton, 22nd Sept 2018)

The Spirit Himself (59 min)

In the last of a 3 part series on “Resources in the Trinity”, David Gilliland preaches on “the Spirit Himself”. From the epistle to the Romans chapter 8 he looks at seven of the ministries of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the people of God. Readings: Rom 8:1-4, 8-17, 22-23. (Message preached in Ontario, Canada) Complete series: The Father Himself Jesus Himself The Spirit Himself

Knowing You Are Dead and Risen with Christ (46 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the topic of Christian being dead and risen with Christ. Understanding this “positional truth” is transformational. Three key words in Romans 6:1-14 are highlighted: know, reckon and yield. (Message preached in Langley, BC, Canada, 11th May 2023) Complete Series – What every Christian should know Knowing for sure you are saved Knowing you are dead and risen with Christ Knowing Him

Consecration (52 min)

John Fleck preaches on the topic consecration under three headings: its motivation, its mindset and its marks. Readings: Rom 12:1-9, 13:1, 14:1-3, 10-12, 15:1-3, 19b-20, 16:1-13. (Message preached in Banbridge Gospel Hall, 28th April 2023) Complete series: Redemption Adoption Election Resurrection Consecration

The Gospel of God (60 min)

In the second of four messages entitled “Truth worth fighting for”, Mervyn Hall preaches on “the Gospel of God” and sets out the fundamentals in relation to the origin, subject and purpose of the gospel. He highlights “righteousness” as the key concept at the heart of the truth of the gospel. Reading: Romans Ch 3. (Message preached in Helions Bumpstead Gospel Hall, 8th April 2023) Complete series: The Christ of God The Gospel of God The Church of God The…

Is Your All On The Altar? (51 min)

Ian Jackson challenges his audience with Paul’s call to “present your bodies a living sacrifice to God” (Rom 12:1-2). “All this I did for thee, what hast thou done for me?” (Message preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, 18th Nov 2022)

What Does It Mean to Die with Christ? (52 min)

Ian Jackson answers the question “What does it mean to die with Christ?” in a detailed look at the subject of the mortification of the believer’s body as it relates to the past, the present and the future. Readings: Rom 6:12-14, 8:12-16, Col 3:1-11. (Message preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, 16th Nov 2022)

The Glory that Follows Justification (65 min)

PART 5 of 5 – David Gilliland preaches the last message in his series on “justification by faith”. He expounds the glorious 8th chapter of Romans – a chapter full of glory – using the following headings: the fitness for glory, the family of glory, the fulness of glory, the freedom of glory, the focus of glory, the fears for glory, and the freeness of glory. He closes by looking at 4 questions: the power question, the prosecution question, the…

The Godliness that Accompanies Justification (59 min)

PART 4 of 5 – David Gilliland preaches on justification’s twin: sanctification. Chs 5-8 of Romans explain how we should live in the light of our justification. The fact that we have been cleared of all guilt doesn’t mean we can now live as we like. Quite the reverse; godly, holy living is what follows. David expounds the 2 men (order), 2 masters (obligation), 2 marriages (occupation) and 2 minds (operation) that the apostle Paul introduces as he outlines the…

The Grace which Bestows Justification (61 min)

PART 3 of 5 – David Gilliland preaches on how a person can be justified. Christ has died and risen, but how can a condemned guilty sinner receive the blessing of justification and be declared righteous? By faith alone. This is the wonder of divine grace. And this is what Romanism calls anathema! A vital message on the central issue of how a person can be made right with God. A comprehensive message covering multiple fundamental issues. Readings: Rom 3:27-4:5,…

The Ground that Secures Justification (58 min)

PART 2 of 5 – David Gilliland expounds the pivotal passage in Romans 3:19-26 and outlines 10 points in connection with God’s plan to justify sinners on the ground of the work of Christ. He explains the crucial doctrine of propitiation, whereby God’s justice has satisfied through the appeasing of His wrath in the sacrifice of Christ. This is the ground, the basis, of justification. (Message preached in Ballywatermoy, 2005) Messages in this series: The guilt that requires justification (Audio)…

The Guilt that Demands Justification (57 min)

PART 1 of 5 – David Gilliland opens a series of messages on the fundamental and vital topic of “justification by faith” in the epistle of Paul to the Romans, with a look at the need for it brought about by human guilt. He works his way through Chs 1 and 2 and into the first half of Ch 3 tracing the scope, the seriousness, the standard, the statement, the sentence, and the silence of the guilt of humanity. This…

Theology 101 – Justification (38 min)

PART 2 of 6 – In the second part of a 6-part series on the fundamentals of the gospel, Mr Jim Allen speaks on the essential biblical topic of justification. Justification is not the ‘making’ of a person righteous: it is the ‘declaring’ of a person righteous. How can this be done? By grace. The condemned guilty sinner has nothing to plead; but God has set forth Christ as the propitiation for our sins. Every charge has been met and…

Theology 101 – Human Depravity (38 min)

PART 1 of 6 – In the first part of a 6-part series on the fundamentals of the gospel, Mr Jim Allen speaks clearly and powerfully on the little understood and oft-avoided topic of human depravity. Rarely taken up in ministry as a stand-alone subject, this is a solid, essential and wide-ranging setting forth of biblical truth. Not only for gospel preachers, but also for elders, parents, Sunday School teachers – indeed, all of us – this message will prove…

His Blood (47 min)

PART 3 – Ian Jackson preaches on “His blood”, the blood of Christ. He expounds the difference between sin and sins in Paul’s epistle to the Romans, and shows how the blood of Christ deals with the legal guilt of our sins (what we’ve done), while the death of Christ, and our identification with it, deals with “sin” (what we are by nature). He goes on to distinguish between blood-shedding and blood-sprinkling by reference to the picture of Calvary given…

His Cross and the Old Man (44 min)

PART 2 – Ian Jackson preaches on “His cross and the old man”. Having looked at the cross historically, Ian looks at “the cross” doctrinally. He develops the truth that at the cross “our old man was crucified with Christ”. Ian explains that the old man is not the same as the flesh. Rather, “the old man” is “Adamic man”. God terminated “the old man” at the cross, judicially passing sentence on “man in Adam”. The one act of the…

Bible Reading in Romans 3:19-31 (95 min)

Ian Jackson opens up Romans 3:19-31, a passage that gives the doctrinal underpinnings of the gospel and explains how God can be just, as well as the justifier of someone who believes in Christ. All Christians, and especially all gospel preachers, must get to grips with this hugely significant Bible passage. A discussion of the passage follows, verse by verse. Vital matters discussed include: the difference between the righteous character of God and “a righteousness from God”; the difference between…

The Righteousness of God (46 min)

Mervyn Hall expounds the key NT passage that explains the heart of “the gospel” – Rom 3:19-31. He distinguishes between God’s righteous character on the one hand (v24-25), and the “gift of righteousness” that God dispenses to the sinner who believes in Christ on the other (v21-22). The passage brings these two together at the end, where God, through the cross, is “righteous” while at the same time “declaring righteous” the sinner who trusts in His Son (Recorded 8th Nov…

Christ in Romans (43 min)

Dan Rudge preaches on “Christ in the epistle of Romans”. He highlights the 7 references to Christ as God’s “Son” in the epistle and develops the related themes of the person, proclamation, provision and purpose of the Son. In the second half of his message, he distinguishes between propitiation, redemption and justification and develops the theme of the believer’s death to sin in Chapter 6 (Recorded 5th Oct 2017)

An Overview of the Book of Romans (47 min)

Mervyn Hall gives and overview of Romans. Paul’s epistle to the Romans is a pivotal New Testament book and a grasp of its contents will be a major blessing to every Christian. Dividing the book into three sections, Mervyn concentrates on the two hinges of Romans at 3:21 and 12:1 as he outlines Paul’s gospel diagnosis, his gospel prescription and the outcome for those who believe the gospel…they live it! Click here for a PDF outline of Romans (Message preached…

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit (48 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the 21 gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Cor 12, Romans 12, Eph 4 and 1 Peter 4. Do all Christians have a gift? How do you know what your gift is? What is the relationship, if any, between natural ability and spiritual gift? Are all 21 gifts still in operation or have some of them ceased? These and other questions are answered in this wide ranging message about this important and practical subject of…

The Holy Spirit in Romans (41 min)

Norman Mellish preaches on references to the Holy Spirit in the epistle to the Romans. Starting in Chapter 5 and concluding in Chapter 8, he develops the teaching of Paul with regard to the Holy Spirit being the power for Christian living and the One who bears witness with our spirits that we are the children of God – and if children, then heirs! (Message preached 4th Dec 2014)

The Old Man vs the Flesh (22 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the distinction between “the old man” and “the flesh”. From its 3 references in Rom 6, Eph 4 and Col 3 “the old man” is seen to be what we were in Adam prior to conversion (our “old standing”), whereas the “flesh” is the evil principle within (our “old nature”) (Message preached 3rd Feb 2013)

Justification by Faith vs by Works (24 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the distinction between justification by faith (Romans 3) and justification by works (James 2). He explains why “faith alone” in Romans is a good thing, while “faith alone” in James is a bad thing. In summary, faith alone justifies, but the faith that justifies is never alone (Message preached 6th Jan 2013)

Separation from the World (54 min)

John Grant preaches on “Separation from the world” from Romans 12:1-2. A weighty and inspiring call to sanctification in the Christian life from an experienced and esteemed servant of the Lord who proved the value of his ministry over many decades. (Preached in Bicester, Easter 24th March 2008)

The Righteousness of God (50 min)

Ian Jackson expounds on the righteousness of God from the epistle to the Romans and gives an explanation of how the gospel should be preached (Ministry given 9th April 2007)

Christian Service from Romans 12 (24 min)

Norman Mellish preaches on Romans ch 12. He compares the three sections of the chapter with the levitical service of Gershon, Kohath and Merari at the tabernacle altar (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 28th March 2005)

Paul the Apostle and Levite (24 min)

Dan Gillies takes up the concepts of Paul the Levite and Priest from Romans 1 and shows him handling precious truths such as the humanity and Messiahship of Christ typified in the ark of the covenant & its contents (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 28th March 2005)