PART 4 of 5 – David Gilliland preaches on justification’s twin: sanctification. Chs 5-8 of Romans explain how we should live in the light of our justification. The fact that we have been cleared of all guilt doesn’t mean we can now live as we like. Quite the reverse; godly, holy living is what follows. David expounds the 2 men (order), 2 masters (obligation), 2 marriages (occupation) and 2 minds (operation) that the apostle Paul introduces as he outlines the subject. Readings: Rom 5:12, 19-21, 6:1-2, 7, 12-14, 19-20, 7:2-6, 24-25, 8:1-2, 5-9) (Message preached in Ballywatermoy, 2005)
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