Sermons on Ephesians

Sermons on Ephesians

4 Metaphors for the Universal Church (59 min)

Dan Rudge preaches on 4 metaphors of the body of Christ – the universal church – employed by the apostle Paul in Ephesians: one new man, a city, a household and a building. Reading: Eph 2:11-22. (Recorded in Northampton 25th Mar 2023)  

Is Your Life Different? (36 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on the walk of the believers from Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians. My walk needs to be consistent with what God has done and is doing in my life. Is your life different to what it was before you were saved, and different to the world around you? (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 29th Oct 2017)

The Church and Its Composition (30 min)

The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 3 – John Riddle preaches on the composition of the church from the pivotal passage in Ephesians 2, which shows it to be made up of Jews and Gentiles in one new body, something entirely new and distinct from the composition of God’s people in the Old Testament. Readings: Eph 2:11-21, 3:8-11 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010)

7 Parts of the Armour of God (48 min)

Cameron Piper speaks on the 7 parts of the armour of God from Ephesians ch 6. He takes up the subject of spiritual warfare and outlines the strategy of the evil one as he seeks to attack Christians with his fiery darts. By taking to ourselves the whole armour of God, we can stand and withstand in the evil day. (Message preached 17th June 2021)

Do You Have a Sectarian Spirit? (39 min)

Jim Flanigan (1931-2014) preaches on “the sin of sectarianism”. Brought up, saved and baptised in a Baptist Church, Mr Flanigan later found that he could not accept a “sectarian name” – Baptist – that divided him from other Christians. He wrote to his Pastor and resigned from the church. At Parkgate Gospel Hall in Belfast he came into local assembly fellowship, which he describes in this message as “the nameless place”. However, Mr Flanigan makes the oft-missed point that while…

The Prison Prayers of Paul (38 min)

Michael Penfold looks at the prayer life and the 4 “prison prayers” of Paul – a prayer for enlightenment (Eph 1:15-23); a prayer for enablement (Eph 3:14-21); a prayer for enlargement (Phil 1:9-11); and a prayer for enrichment (Col 1:9-14). (Message preached 21st July 2019)

Why I am a Dispensationalist (46 min)

After defining what a ‘dispensation’ (Gk. oikonomia) is, Mervyn Hall explains that a dispensational hermeneutic is critical to an accurate understanding of the Bible. He refutes numerous criticisms of dispensationalism, as well as pointing out weaknesses in the main alternative, namely “covenant theology”. He then gives 4 reasons why he is a dispensationalist, before finishing up with an inductive study of Scripture that demonstrates the Biblical basis for dispensationalism (Readings: Eph 1:10-11, 3:1-21) (Message preached 17th Mar 2019)

One New Man (35 min)

David Dalton expounds Ephesians 2:11-22, a passage that explains the origin and character of the “church which is His body”, described in the text as “one new man”. This entity, composed of saved Jews and Gentiles, is not a continuation of or a replacement for the nation of Israel. It is totally new in character, not having existed prior to Acts 2. It was made possible by the work of Christ in breaking down the middle wall of partition at…

Blessed with All Spiritual Blessings (46 min)

Peter Scarsbrook expounds Ephesians 1:1-14, a vital New Testament passage that outlines the full range and import of the plans that God made before the foundation of the world for those “in Christ”. This glorious passage lets us into the “mystery of God’s will and purpose” which will culminate in everything in heaven and earth being headed up in Christ in the millennial kingdom (Message preached 29th Nov 2018)

Christ in Ephesians (43 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on “Christ in the epistle to the Ephesians”. He divides the epistle into two sections: Chs 1-3 he entitles “in Whom – the sphere of our blessing”, and Chs 4-6 he calls “from Whom – the source of our behaviour”. The richness of our blessings “in Christ” – in union with Christ – are set forth; salvation, redemption, identification, incorporation etc. after which the practical conduct that flows from our union with Christ is set forth (Message…

The Three Enemies of the Christian (43 min)

PART 2 – Know your enemy! It is essential that the Christian be aware of the direction from which dangers and attacks will come along life’s journey to heaven. Peter Scarsbrook explains that the Bible reveals three enemies – “the world”, “the flesh” and “the Devil”. Learn what the Bible has to say about conflict with these adversaries and how to overcome in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Peter outlines the armour of the Christian from Ephesians Chapter…

Honouring Parents (43 min)

Mervyn Hall outlines the duties and responsibilities of children toward their parents in three stages – dependence (at home), independence (leaving home) and interdependence (once married). This message includes a detailed look at Ephesians 6:1-2 (Message preached 6th Mar 2016)

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit (48 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on the 21 gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Cor 12, Romans 12, Eph 4 and 1 Peter 4. Do all Christians have a gift? How do you know what your gift is? What is the relationship, if any, between natural ability and spiritual gift? Are all 21 gifts still in operation or have some of them ceased? These and other questions are answered in this wide ranging message about this important and practical subject of…

The Body of Christ vs the Local Assembly (20 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the distinctions between the “church which is His body” (Matt 16, Eph 5) and the “church of God at…” (a local assembly, Matt 18, 1 Cor 1:2). These are the only two aspects of “the church” that the New Testament envisages and a clear understanding of this fact will preserve from denominational confusion (Message preached 7th April 2013)

The Old Man vs the Flesh (22 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the distinction between “the old man” and “the flesh”. From its 3 references in Rom 6, Eph 4 and Col 3 “the old man” is seen to be what we were in Adam prior to conversion (our “old standing”), whereas the “flesh” is the evil principle within (our “old nature”) (Message preached 3rd Feb 2013)

Doing Three Things at Once (29 min)

Bert Cargill preaches from the epistle to the Ephesians on three things a Christian can do at once – sit in heavenly places; walk in love and stand against the evil one. A practical and helpful word of ministry bringing needed truth to remembrance – 29 min (Message preached 9th Sept 2012)

The Godly Discipline of the Mind (40 min)

Simon Hall preaches on the godly discipline of the Christian mind from Ephesians 4. He speaks of the sinner’s mind, the saint’s mind and the Saviour’s mind, and emphasises the humility, purity and activity that should mark our minds (Messages preached 30th June 2011)

The Forgiveness of Sins (34 min)

Sandy Higgins preaches on the fact and the forgiveness of sins, using Ephesians 1:7 as his text – “In Whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.” (Message preached Sunday 17th Oct 2010)

What is Election? (57 min)

ELECTION – Walter Boyd teaches on the difficult subject of election. He pays particular attention to Ephesians 1:4 where the saved are said to have been “chosen in Christ”. Helpful in understanding some of the concepts in Calvinism. (Recorded 10th May 2007)