Sermons on Gospel Sermons on Faith

Sermons on Gospel Sermons on Faith

Atonement – “Received” not “Achieved” (25 min)

David Gilliland preaches the gospel on the subject of “the atonement” – its meaning, cost, reception, effect and urgency of atonement. The blessings from Christ’s atonement are received not achieved: obtained not attained. Reading Rom 5:6-11 (Preached in Northern Ireland).

Let God Be True! (28 min)

Joseph Baker (Jackson, MI, USA) preaches on the two human responses to divine truth: “faith”, which says “Let God be true“, and “unbelief”, that “makes God a liar“. When it comes to “then”, when it comes to “sin” and when it comes to “Him” – how will you respond? A helpful message giving clarity on the all-important matter of personal salvation. Reading: 1 John 5:9-11, Rom 3:3-4 (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall 14th Mar 2021)

Are you waiting for a feeling? (19 min)

Many people are not saved because, consciously or unconsciously, they are waiting for some kind of feeling. Until they get this feeling, they think they can’t know they are saved. Peter Orasuk (1948-2005) preaches helpfully on this topic from the story of a man in the Bible who trusted his feelings instead of a spoken word. What are you going to go with: your feelings, or God’s word? Readings: Gen 27:5-10, 18-23, John 5:24.

“If Only I Could Feel Saved” (6 min)

Norman Crawford (1927-2017), an evangelist and Bible teacher with decades of experience in dealing with souls, tackles an issue that troubles a lot of people: “How can I know for sure that I am really saved?” They set about trying to believe, and trying to “feel saved” by examining this experience and that experience for assurance, but to no avail. None of this is the basis of true Biblical assurance. So, what is? Mr Crawford explains simply and powerfully how…

The Struggle to be Saved (38 min)

Eugene Higgins preaches on the two sons and the one Son in the parables of Matthew 21. He delivers a message ideally suited to children of believers who struggle to find salvation (Message preached 9th April 2011)

He That Believeth Hath (48 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on the text – John 3:36 – and the contrast “believeth” or “believeth not”? A challenging message that urges sinners to face up to where they stand. Where do you stand? (Message preached in Ambrosden 21st Feb 2010)