Sermons on Philippians

Sermons on Philippians

Pursued, Overtaken and Apprehended (48 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on the ultimate purpose of the Christian life – to know Christ. This is why Paul says he was pursued, overtaken and apprehended by the Lord. If knowing Christ is what the Christian life is all about, that means ‘being’ is bigger than ‘doing’, and character is more important than activity. Reading: Philippians 3. (Recorded in Sarnia Gospel Hall, 26th May 2024)

Unity and Humility (55 min)

Dan Rudge preaches on the example of humility seen in the person of Christ, which Paul introduces in the second chapter of his epistle to the Philippians in order to give them a solution to disunity in the assembly. (Recorded in Helions Bumpstead Gospel Hall, 22nd Oct 2016)

Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant (68 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the life and service of Epaphroditus, the dedicated servant of the Lord and companion of Paul. Readings: Phil 2:19-30, 4:18. (Recorded in Northern Ireland) Complete series on “Honourable Men in Scripture”: Jabez – The Honourable Supplicant Mordecai – The Honourable Statesman Samuel – The Honourable Seer Joseph of Arimathea – The Honourable Senator Epaphroditus – The Honourable Servant

Christ at the Right Hand of God and Returning (40 min)

David Vallance expounds Philippians 2:5-11, and outlines Christ’s steps down and His steps back up to heaven. Then he explains the current high priestly work of Christ in heaven. Finally he looks at the topic of the rapture of the church. (Message preached in Iowa, USA, 28th Feb 2015) Complete series: The deity of Christ The virgin birth and humanity of Christ The impeccability of Christ The atonement of Christ Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension Christ at the right hand…

The Study of a Passage (48 min)

Dan Rudge preaches on how to study a Bible passage, using Philippians chapter 4 as an example and highlighting the many imperatives in the text. (Message preached in Ballymena 23rd Feb 2020) Complete series: Study of a book (Phil 1) Study of a theme (Phil 2) Study of a person (Phil 3) Study of a passage (Phil 4)

The Study of a Person (52 min)

Dan Rudge preaches on how to study a Bible person, using Philippians chapter 3 and its content about the apostle Paul as an example. (Message preached in Ballymena 22nd Feb 2020) Complete series: Study of a book (Phil 1) Study of a theme (Phil 2) Study of a person (Phil 3) Study of a passage (Phil 4)

The Study of a Theme (49 min)

Dan Rudge preaches on how to study a Bible theme, using Philippians chapter 2 as an example and looking at the Christological theme of the passage. (Message preached in Ballymena 21st Feb 2020) Complete series: Study of a book (Phil 1) Study of a theme (Phil 2) Study of a person (Phil 3) Study of a passage (Phil 4)

The Study of a Book (44 min)

Dan Rudge preaches on how to study a Bible book, using Philippians as an example. Readings: Acts 16: 13-40, Phil 1:1-2 (Message preached in Ballymena 20th Feb 2020) Complete series: Study of a book (Phil 1) Study of a theme (Phil 2) Study of a person (Phil 3) Study of a passage (Phil 4)

The Manhood of Christ Practically (55 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the manhood of Christ practically, from Philippians Ch 2:1-11, a passage about the attitude, action and award of Christ’s humility. Mr Gilliland highlights numerous features of the perfect character of Christ – His courage, His convictions, His commitment, His considerateness, His compassion, His calmness and His cheerfulness. (Message preached in Northern Ireland) Complete series: The manhood of Christ historically (Luke 2) The manhood of Christ practically (Phil 2) The manhood of Christ doctrinally (Heb 2) The…

Help for Depressed and Discouraged Christians (44 min)

Jim Allen preaches helpfully on the twin issues of depression and discouragement in the Christian life. He gives ministry to address these needs from the epistle to the Philippians, where Paul has much to say concerning the mind. Readings: Phil 1:19-24, 27-30, 2:1-11, 17-25 (Message preached Fortwilliam Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland, 1984)

Let This Mind Be In You (41 min)

David West expounds Phil 2:1-11 a key Christological passage that outlines the nature of the person of our Lord Jesus Christ; His stoop down to the cross, and His exaltation back to the throne in heaven. Why does Paul introduce this into the Philippian epistle at this point? Because of a lack of unity in Philippi, and the need for the Philippians to have the same attitude as Christ if unity is to be restored (Message preached 13th Dec 2018)

The Glory of God – His Son (46 min)

PART 3 – Dan Rudge preaches on the glory of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Working from Philippians 2:5-11, Mr Rudge outlines the glory of Christ’s substance, service, sacrifice and supremacy. The full deity of Christ, His eternal Sonship, His impeccability, His unlimited propitiation and the glory of His risen exalted position at God’s right hand are expounded and defended from this powerful Christological passage (Message preached 17th Nov 2016)

Philippians Ch 2 (37 min)

Michael Penfold expounds Philippians Ch 2. Assembly unity is the subject of the chapter and Paul sets before the Philippians the motivations for unity, the hard choices necessary for unity and the examples of the attitude needed to promote unity, as seen primarily in our Lord Jesus. The difficult Christological passage (2:5-7) is discussed in its context (Message preached 14th Mar 2013)

Philippians Ch 4 (46 min)

David Castles expounds Philippians Ch 4. He traces the theme of “standing fast” through Paul’s epistles and points to the emphasis on “unity” in this chapter. Two sisters who had once been “helping the gospel” were now “hurting the gospel”. The solution? Godly forbearance and right thinking…the peace of God and the God of peace (Message preached 28th Mar 2013)

Philippians Ch 3 (46 min)

Tom West expounds Philippians Ch 3. He outlines Paul’s appeal, achievements, abandonment, ambition and advice. He urges his audience to aspire to be like Paul, whose life’s ambition – after being saved on the Damascus road – was “that I may know Him, and the power of his resurrection” (Message preached 21st Mar 2013)

Philippians – An Introduction (45 min)

Mervyn Hall gives an introductory overview to Paul’s epistle to the Philippians under 4 main headings: its background, breakdown, burden and bearing. He outlines the three main prison epistles as: Ephesians – “the body…in Christ”, Philippians – “the mind…of Christ”, and Colossians “the head…is Christ” (Message preached 28th Feb 2013)

An Overview of the Epistle to the Philippians (45 min)

Mervyn Hall gives an introductory overview to Paul’s epistle to the Philippians under 4 main headings: its background, breakdown, burden and bearing. He outlines the three main prison epistles as: Ephesians – “the body…in Christ”, Philippians – “the mind…of Christ”, and Colossians “the head…is Christ” (Message preached 28th Feb 2013)

Lessons for the Assembly from Philippians (41 min)

Wesley Martin preaches on lessons for the assembly from Philippians Ch. 1 “Fellowship in the gospel enjoyed”; Ch 2. “friction in the gathering exposed”; Ch 3. “focus on the goal encouraged”; and Ch. 4 “fragrance of giving exercised” (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 25th April 2011)

The Bible’s Cure for Disharmony (42 min)

The Bible’s remedy for strife is totally counter-intuitive. Ian Jackson explains how it works, in an insightful and penetrating message on the cure for disharmony in an assembly. He takes up the example of the humility of Christ in surrendering His rights as outlined in Philippians Ch. 2 (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 25th April 2011)