Sermons on Daniel

Sermons on Daniel

Daniel’s Five Tests (30 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the 5 tests Daniel underwent in his life for God and the practical lessons we can learn from them today. Reading: Dan 1:1-2. (Recorded in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2010)

The Coming Peace Settlement in the Middle East (38 min)

Jim Allen preaches on the coming peace settlement in the Middle East as prophesied in the Bible in Daniel 9:27. He traces God’s purposes for the nation of Israel from its beginning in Genesis to its future in the coming Kingdom age. Readings: Gen 12:1-3, 15:18-21, 22:16-18, 2 Sam 7:12-16, Dan 9:1-4a, 20-27. (Recorded in 2002 shortly after the events of 9/11)

Daniel’s 70 Weeks Explained in Less Than 15 Minutes

Phil Coulson introduces the pivotal subject of Daniel’s 70 weeks. It is the backbone of all prophetic Scripture, and holds the key to understanding the great purpose and plan of God for Israel past, present and future. Reading: Daniel 9. (Message preached in Mount Sterling, WI, USA, Spring 2023)

A Lesser Known Type of Christ (51 min)

After a brief introduction to the subject of typology, Michael Penfold preaches on Daniel as a clear – though lesser-known – type of Christ, particularly from the story of the den of lions. Reading: Dan 6:1-3. (Message preached in Winnipeg Gospel Hall, MB, Canada, 6th Oct 2023) Photo of oil painting of “Daniel’s Answer to the King” by Briton Riviere (1890) from the Manchester Art Gallery.

Spiritual Survival Secrets for Students (30 min)

John Dennison preaches on how to succeed and survive at School and University, from the experiences of Daniel and his three friends in Babylon. How does a young person cope with the pressure to conform to the culture around them in their educational environment? Readings: Acts 7:20-22, 19:9, 22:3, Dan 1:3-20, 2:17-18, 6:10. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, Nov 2011)

Postures of Christ in the Book of Daniel (43 min)

David Gilliland preaches on three postures of Christ in the book of Daniel: walking in the fire (Ch 3), sitting on the cloud (Ch 7) and standing above the river (Chs 10-12). Readings: Dan 3:24-26, 7:1-14, 10:4-9, 11:27, 35, 40, 12:4-13. (Message preached at the Vancouver Fall Conference, Canada, 2012)

The Prophecy of the Coming Messiah (51 min)

PART 6 – Jim Baker preaches on Daniel Ch 9 and speaks about the pivotal prophecy of “Daniel’s 70 weeks”, an Old Testament passage that forms the backbone of Messianic prophecy. Mr Baker wrote the commentary on Daniel in the What the Bible Teaches series of commentaries published by John Ritchie Ltd. (Series preached in Redditch Gospel Hall, UK, Feb 1999) For a chart of Daniel’s prophecy click here. Complete series: Daniel Ch 1 – The prophet who became Prime Minister…

The Preservation of the People of God (50 min)

PART 5 – Jim Baker preaches on Daniel Chs 5-6 and speaks about the preservation of the people of God in the dark days when the Babylonian King Belshazzar was ruling, and then when the Medo-Persian King Darius put Daniel into the den of lions. Mr Baker wrote the commentary on Daniel in the What the Bible Teaches series of commentaries published by John Ritchie Ltd. (Series preached in Redditch Gospel Hall, UK, Feb 1999) For a chart of Daniel’s prophecy…

The Providence of God (48 min)

PART 4 – Jim Baker preaches on Daniel Ch 4 and speaks about the providence of God in the humbling experience of Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian King who played such a pivotal role in the history of God’s dealings with Israel. Mr Baker wrote the commentary on Daniel in the What the Bible Teaches series of commentaries published by John Ritchie Ltd. (Series preached in Redditch Gospel Hall, UK, Feb 1999) For a chart of Daniel’s prophecy click here. Complete series: Daniel…

The Persecution of Israel (51 min)

PART 3 – Jim Baker preaches on Daniel Ch 3 and speaks about the persecution of Israel from the story of the “burning fiery furnace” of Nebuchadnezzar. Mr Baker wrote the commentary on Daniel in the What the Bible Teaches series of commentaries published by John Ritchie Ltd. (Series preached in Redditch Gospel Hall, UK, Feb 1999) For a chart of Daniel’s prophecy click here. Complete series: Daniel Ch 1 – The prophet who became Prime Minister Daniel Ch 2 –…

The Programme of the Times of the Gentiles (37 min)

PART 2 – Jim Baker preaches on Daniel Ch 2 and outlines the particulars and the dispensational interpretation of “Daniel’s image”, starting with the head of gold and ending with the feet of iron and clay. Mr Baker explains when these “times of the Gentiles” began, and how and when will they end. Mr Baker wrote the commentary on Daniel in the What the Bible Teaches series of commentaries published by John Ritchie Ltd. (Series preached in Redditch Gospel Hall, UK,…

The Prophet who Became Prime Minister (38 min)

PART 1 – Jim Baker opens up a series of ministry sessions on the book of Daniel by introducing the prophecy as a whole and dealing with the material in Chapter 1. Mr Baker wrote the commentary on Daniel in the What the Bible Teaches series of commentaries published by John Ritchie Ltd. (Series preached in Redditch Gospel Hall, UK, Feb 1999) For a chart of Daniel’s prophecy click here. Complete series: Daniel Ch 1 – The prophet who became…

Standing for God in the Crises of Life (30 min)

Jack Hay preaches on the stand for God taken by the “three Hebrew children” – Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego – in Daniel Ch 3. After some introductory remarks about the background of the passage, and a brief excursus drawing a list of interesting comparisons between Daniel 3 and Revelation 13, Jack draws numerous challenging practical lessons from this story. Are you willing to stand for God in the crises of life? You will need to be marked by “purpose of…

Daniel – A Lifetime of Consistently Standing for God (39 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on Daniel who repeatedly, throughout his long life in exile, took a stand for God and truth despite overwhelming pressure from the dangerous and godless culture of Babylon. He refused Babylon’s way of living (Dan 1), its worldview (Dan 2) and its worship (Dan 3). Each victory took shape from the previous one as he formed godly habits of spiritual discipline in a far off land. Mervyn applies these lessons to the challenging times in which we…

An Overview of the Book of Daniel (43 min)

Dan Rudge gives an overview of the book of Daniel. He looks at it historically, critically, Biblically, analytically, prophetically and practically. Details are given about the 3 invasions of Nebuchadnezzar, the life and times of Daniel, the major visions of the book and a good deal about the critical attacks on Daniel’s writings and how to counteract the same. For a chart of the book of Daniel to go with this message, click here (Message preached 28th Jan 2016)

Great Prophetic Chapters – Daniel 9 (61 min)

Ian Jackson expounds Daniel Chapter 9 under the heading “The Divine Time Frame for God’s Prophetic Plan”. He explains the meaning of the pivotal subject of “Daniel’s 70 weeks” (Message preached 18th October 2008)

The Second Advent of Christ (40 min)

Jim Baker teaches on the ‘manifestation’ of Christ at the second advent from Revelation, 2 Thessalonians and Zechariah, including what happens to the beast, the false prophet and Satan. (Message preached 2006)

Daniel’s 70 Weeks Expounded (79 min)

Tom Ledger (1932-2015) gives an 80 minute exposition of Daniel’s ’70 weeks’ from Daniel Ch 9. This passage forms the backbone of prophetic truth, and an understanding of it opens up the whole scheme of prophecy to the Bible student. Mr Ledger gives a thorough explanation of the subject from a pre-tribulational pre-millennial position (Message given 26th Dec 1985)

PART 1 – Daniel’s Image (52 min)

PART 1 of 5 – In the first of a series of 5 messages entitled “A Divine Foreview” Mr Fred Cundick (1907-1975) preaches on the image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel Ch 2, which outlines the whole of the times of the Gentiles from the Babylonian captivity until the second coming of Christ. A vital message for the understanding of the whole Bible. (Preached in Bicester in 1973)