Sermons on The Levitical Offerings - Various Preachers
Trespass Offering (45 min)
Bob Berry preaches on the trespass offering. He helpfully points out that the trespass offering’s leading distinguishing feature concerns a “debt” created by a failure in responsibility, obligation or trust. Christ is portrayed as the One who at the cross not only “paid the debt we owed” but “added a 5th part”, so that through the sacrifice of Christ we actually receive more than was originally lost through Adam’s sin. (Message preached 11th Oct 2012)
The Sin Offering (45 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the sin offering. He looks at it historically, theologically, dispensationally and personally. He draws lessons from the Levitical details about the blood, the fat and the body of the offering. He draws particular attention to the vital fact that Christ was “made sin” on the cross and explains what this means (Message preached 4th Oct 2012)
The Peace Offering (46 min)
John Salisbury preaches on the peace offering. He presents a detailed look at this offering under the following headings; the reason for the offering, its rituals, its results, its foreshadowing of Christ and its practical implications. Teaching on the precious subject of the wave breast and the heave shoulder is included. (Message preached 27th Sept 2012)
The Meal Offering (50 min)
David Dalton preaches on the meal offering as a type of the sinless, perfect humanity of Christ. He explains the significance of the fine flour, the oil, the frankincense, the cakes, the oven, the leaven, the salt and other features of this offering. Christ exalting ministry. (Message preached 20th Sept 2012)
The Burnt Offering (49 min)
Norman Mellish introduces the offerings, and then deals with the first of them, the “burnt offering”. He emphasises that God desires worship above all, and brings out many delightful thoughts about the person of Christ from this Leviticus Ch 1. (Message preached 13th Sept 2012)