Signs in John's Gospel
Sign No 8 – The Catch of Fish (38 min)
PART 9 – John Salisbury preaches on the 8th sign in John’s gospel – the miraculous catch of 153 fish. After some introductory remarks about the setting and pairing of the final sign, John divides his remarks into four: the importance of 1. obedience, 2. love for Christ, 3. shepherding and 4. following. He gives an explanation for the counting of the 153 fish, as well as discussing the interplay between two Greek verbs for love (agapao and phileo) in…
Sign No 7 – Raising of Lazarus (44 min)
PART 8 – Gordon Stewart preaches on the 7th sign in John’s gospel – the raising of Lazarus from the dead. This was the pivotal climactic sign that led quickly to the Lord’s crucifixion. After some helpful introductory remarks about the “delays of Christ” in Scripture, Gordon outlines 7 lessons from John Ch 11 in connection with this mighty sign: about Christ’s glory, His promise, His sympathy, His troubled soul, His prayer, His shout of authority, and His worthiness of…
Sign No 6 – The Blind Man (39 min)
PART 7 – Peter Scarsbrook preaches on the 6th sign in John’s gospel; the giving of sight to the blind man at the Pool of Siloam in Ch 9. Why did the Lord deal differently with this man, compared to how He dealt with Bartimaeus? Why was he sent to the pool of Siloam, not the pool of Bethesda? After answering these two related questions, Peter looks at a number of theological and practical issues thrown up by this remarkable…
Sign No 5 – The Storm on the Lake (39 min)
PART 6 – Michael Penfold preaches on the 5th sign in John’s gospel, the calming of the storm on the lake (and the walking on the water), from John Ch 6. After an introduction about how John in his first 12 chapters interweaves the “words” and the “works” of the Son, Michael looks at how the 5th sign proves that Jesus is the Son of God. He also explains how God’s dispensational dealings with the nation of Israel are seen…
Sign No 4 – The Feeding of the 5,000 (43 min)
PART 5 – Malcolm Radcliffe preaches on the 4th sign in John’s gospel, the feeding of the 5,000, highlighting many devotional and practical points for his audience.
Sign No 3 – The Lame Man at the Pool (49 min)
PART 4 – Dan Rudge preaches on the third sign in John’s gospel, the healing of the lame man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath day. Dan looks at this sign historically, thematically, dispensationally and practically. The man is a picture of Israel, in his 38 years of weakness and his expressions of unbelief. The act of the Lord in healing the man on the Sabbath was hugely significant and led to the persecution of the Lord and…
Sign No 2 – The Nobleman’s Son (37 min)
PART 3 – David West preaches on the second sign in John’s gospel, the “healing at a distance” of the nobleman’s son (4:43-54). After some introductory remarks about the fact that the 8 signs in John’s gospel are written as an inversion of 4 pairs, David points out the main features of the sign. David believes 1. the nobleman was a Gentile, and 2. all Gentiles are healed at a distance (Centurion’s servant, Syrophenician’s daughter etc.). The sign is a…
Sign No 1 – Water into Wine (31 min)
PART 2 – Jim Flanigan preaches on the first sign that the Lord Jesus performed – turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee – a sign that “manifested the Lord’s glory”. This and the signs that follow in the gospel of John give proof to the Lord’s claim to the the Son of God from heaven and were written that people might believe.
The 8 Signs in John’s Gospel – Introduction (45 min)
PART 1 – Mervyn Hall introduces the 8 signs in John’s gospel by asking three questions: “What is a sign?”, “What are the signs in John?”, and “What is the purpose of the signs in John?” He works through the signs giving their significance and both their evidential and evangelistic purpose as part of John’s great intention: “These things are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing you might have…