Key NT Passages

Key NT Passages

Let This Mind Be In You (41 min)

David West expounds Phil 2:1-11 a key Christological passage that outlines the nature of the person of our Lord Jesus Christ; His stoop down to the cross, and His exaltation back to the throne in heaven. Why does Paul introduce this into the Philippian epistle at this point? Because of a lack of unity in Philippi, and the need for the Philippians to have the same attitude as Christ if unity is to be restored (Message preached 13th Dec 2018)

One New Man (35 min)

David Dalton expounds Ephesians 2:11-22, a passage that explains the origin and character of the “church which is His body”, described in the text as “one new man”. This entity, composed of saved Jews and Gentiles, is not a continuation of or a replacement for the nation of Israel. It is totally new in character, not having existed prior to Acts 2. It was made possible by the work of Christ in breaking down the middle wall of partition at…

Blessed with All Spiritual Blessings (46 min)

Peter Scarsbrook expounds Ephesians 1:1-14, a vital New Testament passage that outlines the full range and import of the plans that God made before the foundation of the world for those “in Christ”. This glorious passage lets us into the “mystery of God’s will and purpose” which will culminate in everything in heaven and earth being headed up in Christ in the millennial kingdom (Message preached 29th Nov 2018)

The Righteousness of God (46 min)

Mervyn Hall expounds the key NT passage that explains the heart of “the gospel” – Rom 3:19-31. He distinguishes between God’s righteous character on the one hand (v24-25), and the “gift of righteousness” that God dispenses to the sinner who believes in Christ on the other (v21-22). The passage brings these two together at the end, where God, through the cross, is “righteous” while at the same time “declaring righteous” the sinner who trusts in His Son (Recorded 8th Nov…

In the Beginning Was the Word (48 min)

Dan Rudge expounds the first 18 verses of John’s gospel (John 1:1-18). He explains that the passage has a chiastic structure that makes vvs12-13 the centre of the passage. He addresses a number of important issues throughout his thorough exposition: when was “in the beginning”?; what is the significance of “the logos”?; why would “the Word was a god” be an inadmissible translation in v1?; and what does “grace for grace” mean? (Message preached 18th Oct 2018)

Upon this Rock (39 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the Lord’s statement in Matt 16:18-19; “Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven”. Questions addressed in this message include, “When did the church begin?”, “Who is the rock upon which the church is built?” and “What are the keys of the Kingdom of heaven?”  (Message preached 11th Oct…

The Parable of the Sower (35 min)

Tom West preaches on the parable of the sower from Matt Ch 13. He explains the what, when and why of the Lord’s parables before outlining the parable under 5 headings: its significance, scene, sower, seed and soil. Tom gives 6 reasons why the Bible says one cannot understand the Lord’s other parables, unless one first understands the parable of the sower (Message preached 4th Oct 2018)