Expositions in 1 & 2 Timothy
Exposition of 2 Timothy Ch 4 (47 min)
Dan Rudge expounds the last chapter of 2nd Timothy in 4 divisions: v1-5 – the Charge of the Apostle, v6-8 – the Course of the Athlete, v9-18 – the Concern of the Prisoner, and v19-22 – the Companions of the Servant. Dan emphasises the command to Timothy to “preach the word” and highlights the various reasons why Paul gives him this solemn charge – made all the more significant and striking in that this chapter forms the very last written…
Exposition of 2 Timothy Ch 3 (38 min)
After reading 2 Tim 3:1-17, 2 Pet 3:1-4 and Jude 1:3-4, 17-39, Tom West preaches on 2 Timothy Ch 3 under three divisions: v1-9 The False Christian, v10-12 The Faithful Christian, v13-17 The Furnished Christian. Tom majors on the danger of false doctrine in the last days and exposes the character, conduct and conclusion of the “evil men and seducers” who will grow worse and worse until the Lord’s return – while exhorting us to give heed to the inspired…
Exposition of 2 Timothy Ch 2 (42 min)
Peter Scarsbrook works through 2 Timothy Ch 2 and brings out a list of pictures and portraits from the chapter as follows: a Steward, a Soldier, a Sportsman, a Sower, a Student, Stumblingblocks and a Servant. He brings forth some practical exhortations in relation to the Christian’s warfare; rightly dividing the Word of God dispensationally; not entangling oneself in politics and voting; and the need for labouring in the gospel (Message preached 23rd May 2019)
Exposition of 2 Timothy Ch 1 (46 min)
John Salisbury expounds 2 Timothy Ch 1. After dividing up and introducing the whole epistle, John builds his remarks on Chapter 1 around three mentions of the word “ashamed”. Neither Timothy (v8), Paul (v12) nor Onesiphorus (v16) are ashamed, and the reasons why are given according to the context. In the closing section of the message a helpful 7-point outline of Onesiphorus is given (Message preached 16th May 2019)
Exposition of 1 Timothy Ch 6 (42 min)
Michael Penfold expounds 1 Timothy Ch 6 in which the Ephesian false teachers are condemned, and Timothy, the man of God, is charged – to “keep the commandment” and “guard the deposit”. The apostle Paul exposes those who view godliness as a way to make money and gives general warnings against covetousness. This issue is highly relevant in our day when the “prosperity gospel” is being promoted by false teachers like T.D. Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen and Brian Houston…
Exposition of 1 Timothy Ch 5 (43 min)
Gordon Stewart expounds 1 Timothy Ch 5. After looking at Paul’s words about relationships between the generations and genders in vvs 1- 2, Gordon looks at the instructions about family and assembly support for widows. Finally he picks out some pertinent lessons about elders from the end of the chapter, and takes time to give a warning in connection with the verse “use a little wine for thy stomach’s sake” (Message preached 2nd May 2019)
Exposition of 1 Timothy Ch 4 (42 min)
David West expounds 1 Timothy Ch 4. Following on from the grand truths of Ch 3, Paul now warns Timothy about the character and content of the false teachers who will appear in the latter times. In contrast, Timothy’s character, activity , motives and duties are outlined – and the example he is to be to the believers in Ephesus (Message preached 25th April 2019)
Exposition of 1 Timothy Ch 3 (47 min)
Mark Sweetnam expounds 1 Timothy Ch 3. The contents of this chapter (qualifications for overseers/servants), and the previous one (male/female roles in assembly) give us features of the “pattern” for the local assembly and are written so that we will know “how to behave” in the house of God (3:15), which functions as the pillar and ground of the truth. Mark deals with the issue of “the husband of one wife”, and also answers the question “What is a deacon?”…
Exposition of 1 Timothy Ch 2 (60 min)
Jack Hunter (1916-1994) expounds 1 Timothy Ch 2, a key New Testament passage on the subject of the prayer meeting of the local assembly and the roles of men and women in Christian service. (Message preached in Toronto, Canada)
Exposition of 1 Timothy Ch 1 (46 min)
After briefly introducing 1st and 2nd Timothy, Mervyn Hall expounds 1 Timothy Ch 1. He highlights the author, the addressee, the aim and the ambition of chapter. In light of Paul’s words to Timothy, and the situation in the assembly at Ephesus, Mervyn has some interesting input for us today on the danger of conspiracy theories, and on the Christian’s relationship to the law of Moses (Message preached 4th April 2019)