PART 6 – Jim Allen takes up the message of the Lord to the church at Philadelphia from Revelation 3:7-13. Philadelphia had “a little strength”. They “kept God’s word” and had “not denied My name”. They are warned “Let no man take thy crown”. So, the Lord gives information, instruction and admonition, and there’s a lot for us to learn from the message to this church. Mr Allen contends that Revelation 3:10, which says “I will keep thee from the hour of temptation”, is a reference to the pre-tribulation rapture of the church. (Message preached in Wallingford, Nov 2004)
Mr Allen’s outline so far:
Ephesus (fallen church): passion (70-170AD)
Smyrna (fearful church): persecution (170-312AD)
Pergamos (faltering church): patronisation (312-606AD)
Thyatira (false church): pollution (606-1517AD) and on to the rapture
Sardis (formal church): profession 1517AD to the rapture
Philadelphia (feeble church): power 1,700AD to the rapture