7 Churches of Asia
Unto the Church at Laodicea (48 min)
PART 7 – Jim Allen finishes his series on the “7 Churches of Asia” with a message on the letter to the church at Laodicea from Revelation 3:14-22. Looked at historically, he sees Laodicea as a picture of the charismatic movement. Practically he sees a wealthy glamorous church that was not aware of its real spiritual condition of poverty. Mr Allen works his way through the Lord’s message to this church sentence by sentence and makes challenging applications. (Message preached…
Unto the Church at Philadelphia (55 min)
PART 6 – Jim Allen takes up the message of the Lord to the church at Philadelphia from Revelation 3:7-13. Philadelphia had “a little strength”. They “kept God’s word” and had “not denied My name”. They are warned “Let no man take thy crown”. So, the Lord gives information, instruction and admonition, and there’s a lot for us to learn from the message to this church. Mr Allen contends that Revelation 3:10, which says “I will keep thee from the…
Unto the Church at Sardis (49 min)
PART 5 – Jim Allen takes up the message of the Lord to the church at Sardis from Revelation 3:1-6. Sardians generally were a proud people. Proud of their history and prowess. But the local assembly in that town had very little that the Lord could commend. In fact, the Lord says they had a “name to live but are dead”. In other words, they had a reputation, but that was it. Mr Allen challenges his audience with this message…
Unto the Church at Thyatira (48 min)
PART 4 – Jim Allen takes up the message of the Lord to the church at Thyatira from Revelation 2:18-29. Mr Allen brings out 4 lessons: historical, local, prophetic and practical. This is the “false church” where Jezebel held sway, bringing with her deception, seduction and compromise. If Ephesus is passion, and Smyrna is persecution, and Pergamos is patronisation, then Thyatira is pollution. Taking the historical view of the 7 churches, Mr Allen dates Ephesus at 70-170AD, Smyrna at 170-312AD,…
Unto the Church at Pergamos (56 min)
PART 3 – Jim Allen takes up the message of the Lord to the church at Pergamos from Revelation 2:12-17. This is the faltering church that was on a knife edge when the Lord spoke to them. He lines up the details of this church with the period in history after 312AD when the Emperor Constantine embraced Christianity. No longer was persecution a problem: now it was popular to be a “Christian”. This brought all kinds of compromise and mixture…
Unto the Church at Smyrna (48 min)
PART 2 – Jim Allen takes up the message of the Lord to the church at Smyrna from Revelation 2:8-11. This is the “suffering church” of the 7, recorded by John the apostle on the Isle of PAtmos (pictured above). Mr Allen’s remarks centre around 4 things: Christ’s character – “He lives”. Christ’s consolation – “He knows”. Christ’s command – “He speaks”. Christ’s challenge – “He opens their understanding. (Message preached in Wallingford, Nov 2004)
Unto the Church at Ephesus (60 min)
PART 1 – Jim Allen begins a series on the 7 Churches of Asia (Revelation Chs 2-3) with a 24 minute introduction, before looking in detail at the first of the 7 churches, namely Ephesus. Each of the 7 churches was 1. a specific church, 2. manifested a certain spiritual condition and 3. represents a stage in Christian history. John the apostle is on the island of Patmos in Greece (pictured above) and 7 letters are given to him by…