Sermons on The Judges - Various Speakers

Sermons on The Judges - Various Speakers

Studies in the Life of the Deborah and Barak (48 min)

Bob Berry speaks on Judges 4 & 5 and outlines principles involved in the fight against error for us today. He also deals with feminist claims about Deborah’s service for the Lord and contrasts her with Jael (Message given 22nd Oct 2009)

Studies in the Life of the Young Samuel (47 min)

David Dalton draws some weighty lessons from the life of young Samuel and those who knew him – Elkanah, Hannah, Peninnah, Eli, Hophni and Phinehas. A thought-provoking word with a strong practical edge (Ministry given Oct 8th 2009)

Studies in the Life of Jephthah (50 min)

John Salisbury covers a number of lesser known judges (Tola, Jair, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon) before going into detail on the life of Jephthah. He tackles the difficult question of whether Jephthah’s daughter was killed (Ministry given Oct 1st 2009)

Lessons from the Life of Gideon (41 min)

Peter Scarsbrook gives incisive ministry on the life of Gideon. He explains the spiritual meaning behind the threshing-floor, the lapping at the river and many other incidents in Gideon’s eventful life (Ministry given Thursday 24th Sept 2009)

Lessons from the Life of Samson (38 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on lessons from the life of Samson, “The man who got used to doing the wrong thing”. Samson ended up losing his sight, his strength, his freedom and his testimony (Ministry given Thursday 17th Sept 2009)

Introduction to the Book of Judges (45 min)

Marcus Hall introduces a series of ministry meetings on the book of Judges and gives practical and helpful ministry on the first three Judges – Othniel, Ehud and Shamgar (Ministry given Thur 10th September 2009)