Sermons on OT Characters - Various speakers

Sermons on OT Characters - Various speakers

The Life and Times of Moses (44 min)

Scott Dunn preaches on the life and times of Moses, concentrating on how he endured discouragement and hardship by “seeing Him who is invisible”, as he glimpsed the glory of God (Recorded on 13th Mar 2008)

The Life and Times of Joseph (46 min)

John Salisbury preaches on the life and times of Joseph, drawing attention to his fruitfulness, his patience in trial and faithfulness in temptation. Many parallels are drawn between Joseph and Christ. (Ministry given on 6th Mar 2008)

The Life and Times of Enoch (36 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the life and times of Enoch, highlighting the secret of his walk with God and how he pleased God and by virtue of his faith was translated to heaven without dying (Ministry given on 28th Feb 2008)

The Life and Times of Jacob (44 min)

Drew Meikle preaches on the life and times of Jacob. He comments on Jacob’s conversion, his realization of the weakness of the flesh and his appreciation of the God of the house of God (Ministry given on 21st Feb 2008)

The Life and Times of Job (48 min)

Bob Berry preaches on the life and times of Job. He carefully and helpfully outlines the story, the characters, the arguments and the conclusion of the neglected book of Job (Ministry given on 7th Feb 2008)