Marriage and family

Marriage and family

4 Greek Words for Love (25 min)

David West preaches on the four main Greek words for love: Éros (ἔρως), Storgē (στοργή), Philía (φιλία) and Agápē (ἀγάπη) and explains their meaning and significance in the marital relationship between husband and wife. (From a sermon recorded in Spencer Bridge Road Gospel Hall, Northampton)

The Blessing of a Godly Home (46 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on the home of Amram and Jochebed, the parents of Moses. Their marriage was entered into on divine principle; their house run by divine order; their children viewed from a divine perspective, and their home blessed by divine favour. Reading: Heb 11:23-28. (Message preached in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA on 20th Nov 2022)

Choosing Friends and Cultivating Relationships (52 min)

Elton Fairfield preaches on the topic of friendship and relationships, giving advice, especially to the young, as to how to wisely choose good friends and avoid the bad. He includes advice on finding a friend for life in courtship and marriage. Reading: Matt 22:34-40 (Message preached in Ahoghill Gospel Hall, 2019)

The Roles and Responsibilities of Husbands and Wives (42 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the duties and responsibilities of husbands and wives within marriage. God created male and female, and assigned different roles to them in the home, the assembly and society. In his role as the head of the wife, man has certain responsibilities; in her role as helper, so does the woman. What are these roles and how is this concept to be defended in a world of feminism, roleless marriages and gender confusion? Readings in Gen 3:15…

Raising the Next Generation for God (41 min)

“I am convinced that strong assemblies are built on strong families.” With this opening statement, Dan Shutt begins an overview of the vital topic of raising the next generation for God. Look out for the exercise, the example and the environment that promotes the salvation of families. In closing, Dan gives three answers to the question “What should I do if my child asks how to be saved?” (Message preached 24th Mar 2016)

The Priorities of Christian Parenthood (33 min)

Wesley Martin preaches on the privileges and priorities of Christian parenthood under 4 headings; praying for our children, protecting our children, preparing our children and being a pattern for our children. (Recorded 25th April 2011)

Parents and Children (41 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on what the Bible has to say about the kind of relationship that should exist between parents and their children. A touching incident from the life of John Paton is included (Message given in 2007)

Husbands and Wives (48 min)

John Salisbury outlines the Bible’s teaching on the nature, purpose and function of the husband and wife relationship. A Biblical restatement of this foundational, important and creatorial issue is vital and is carefully expounded here (Message preached in 2007)

How to Order a Godly Home (45 min)

Sandy Higgins gives 45 minutes of wise counsel on how to order a godly home. Basing his remarks on the home of Zacharias and Elizabeth from Luke 1, Sandy touches on personal spirituality, finding a partner in life, the roles of men and women, and the raising of children. Sandy brings many years of experience to this vital subject, as a father, doctor and assembly elder (Ministry given in Bicester, Easter 9th April 2007)