Sermons on 1 John

Sermons on 1 John

Good Christian Habits (44 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on good Christian habits from the Apostle John’s first epistle. The habits of our actions, our attitudes, our appetites and our affections. Readings: 1 John 2:14-17, 24-25, 28-29, 3:4-10, 13-14, 4:1-4. (Recorded at Helions Gospel Hall, 25th Oct 2014)

Christ My Advocate (33 min)

Andrew Ussher preaches on Christ as the Christian’s advocate. If a Christian sins, he or she already has at the Father’s right hand an advocate – Jesus Christ the righteous. But what does this mean? What does Christ do as our advocate? Readings: Rom 6:1-2, 15, 8:31-34, 1 John 1:7-2:2. (Message preached at the Tampa Gospel Hall conference, 13th Jan 2024) Complete series: Christ my Saviour Christ my advocate Christ my Great High Priest Christ my Lord

Knowing For Sure You Are Saved (46 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the assurance of salvation – how to know you are truly saved. The Bible states clearly that a person can know, but many struggle with doubts. After looking are a few common unreliable indicators of assurance, Mr Penfold outlines the biblical way to know you are saved. Reading: 1 John 5:5-13. (Message preached in Langley, BC, Canada, 10th May 2023) Complete Series – What every Christian should know Knowing for sure you are saved Knowing you…

If Anyone Sins (43 min)

Albert Leckie (1920-1988) preaches on what happens when a believer sins. Says 1 John 2:1: “We have an advocate with the Father”. What is meant by “the advocate” and what is involved in the “advocacy of Christ”? A sermon on the work of Christ in the restoration of the sinning believer. (Message preached in Quarry Lane Gospel Hall, Birmingham, Oct 1974).

An Appreciation of Propitiation (30 min)

Jim Allen preaches on the fundamental Bible doctrine of “propitiation”. What is it? How, when and where was propitiation made? He then moves on to discuss the practical issue of sin in the life of a Christian. Do I need a fresh application of Christ’s propitiatory work at the cross each time I sin? No! I need a fresh appreciation of it! A most useful message giving positional and practical teaching relative to a believer’s position before God. Readings: Luke…

A Forbidden Friendship (37 min)

David West preaches on the command of 1 John 2:15 – “love not the world”. In expounding this topic he poses three questions: 1. What does the Bible mean by the expression “the world”? 2. What are “the things that are in the world”? and 3. What is the relationship of the believer to the world? Explaining that the Greek word “kosmos” indicates “the world system”, David answers the three questions and sounds a call for Christian not to “love…

What does it mean that Christ is our “Advocate”? (36 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the topic of the advocacy of Christ. He differentiates between Christ’s offices of Mediator, High Priest and Advocate, and explains the meaning of the word “advocate” as used by John in 1 John 2:1, setting it in the context of John’s first epistle to show how, when and why Christ acts as our advocate (Message preached 3rd Dec 2017)

7 Tests of Genuine Salvation (31 min)

Norman Mellish preaches on “Seven tests of genuineness” from the 1st epistle of John. He challenges his audience to be sure that their talk (“If we say”) is commensurate with their walk (Message preached 28th Oct 2011).