Sermons on Singing from England and Wales
Acapella Gospel Hymns (35 min)
A collection of hymns from the Gospel Hymn Book sung acapella: Down at the Cross Where My Saviour Died Will Your Anchor Hold in the Storms of Life O What a Saviour is Jesus the Lord Down from the Splendour of His Everlasting Throne I’ve a Soul to be Saved If I Gained the World but Lost the Saviour In Loving Kindness Jesus Came A Trembling Soul I Sought the Lord O What Will You Do With Jesus Through My…
Hymns of Praise from Helions (40 min)
A rousing selection of hymns from the Helions Bumpstead (Essex, UK) Easter conference hymn sings (2016-2023). Hymns included: O what a wonderful wonderful day Because He lives He lives He lives God is still on the throne When peace like a river In God’s green pastures feeding The old rugged cross No one ever cared for me like Jesus I stand amazed in the presence The Bible stands I cannot tell why He whom angels worship Great is Thy faithfulness…
Hymn Singing and Scenery from England (100 min)
100 minutes of hymn singing from various Bible conferences held at the Curzon St Meeting Room, Derby, England. The video contains photos of scenes from each county in England, in alphabetical order. Hymn selection: 00.00 What was it blessed God? (Ann Taylor Gilbert) 03.12 Awake each soul, awake each tongue! (Thomas Kelly) 05.43 O blessed God what hast Thou done? (Mary Bowley Peters) 09.34 Jesus that name is love (J.G. Deck) 13.36 Guide us O Thou gracious Saviour (William Williams)…
Part 3 – Hymns for the Little Flock (26 min)
A selection of hymns from “Hymns for the Little Flock” hymn book, sung at Curzon St Meeting Room, Derby, conference May 2012. Come let us join our cheerful songs (Isaac Watts) With Christ our theme begins (Charles Wesley) Love diving all praise excelling (Charles Wesley) Worthy of homage and of praise (Miss F.T. Wigram) Behold the Lamb with glory crowned (Thomas Kelly) Unto Him who loved us, gave us every pledge (Samuel Miller Waring) Praise Him who laid His glory…
Part 2 – Hymns for the Little Flock (32 min)
A selection of hymns from “Hymns for the Little Flock” hymn book, sung at Curzon St Meeting Room, Derby, conference May 1991. Lord what is man? ‘Tis He who died (J.G. Deck) Glory glory everlasting (Thomas Kelly) Behold the Lamb with Glory Crowned (Thomas Kelly) Our hearts are full of Christ (Charles Wesley) Holy Saviour we adore Thee (Samuel Prideaux Tregelles) Eternal praise our God shall rise (Samuel Davies) Lord Jesus when we think of Thee (J. G. Deck) Break…
Gospel Hall Hymn Singing – Part 2 (50 min)
Hymns from Gospel Hall conferences: 00.05 – I am waiting for the dawning 02.55 – There is a land of pure delight 05.32 – I know not when but this I know 08.58 – My Redeemer O what beauties 12.35 – God holds the key to all unknown 14.28 – Great God of wonders 17.36 – When I shall wake in that fair morn of morns 22.59 – The perfect righteousness of God 25.43 – Out of the ivory palaces…
Gospel Hall Hymn Singing – Part 1 (44 min)
Hymns from Gospel Hall conferences: 00.04 – What was it blessed God? 03.16 – I am so glad that our Father in heaven 05.18 – When I survey the wondrous cross 09.25 – O joy of the justified 12.36 – Jesus lover of my soul 17.01 – In the land of fadeless day 19.46 – He’ll come and tarry not 23.15 – Glory to Thee Thou Son of God most high 29.01 – Moment by moment 31.08 – The crowning…
Glorious Welsh Hymn Tunes (38 min)
Why make available on GHA a recording of hymns from 1963, sung by 5,000 Welsh men and women in the Welsh language – to mainly Welsh tunes – in the Royal Albert Hall in London? Because these are some of the most beautiful tunes ever composed. Some have tricky harmonies and minor keys – but persevere; this recording will help you learn these wonderful tunes. The tune names, along with suggested hymns in English to which they can be sung,…
Singing from Trimsaran, Wales (36 min)
The “Trimsaran Bible Readings”, in south west Wales, UK, took place each August for several decades in the second half of the 20th century and featured famed Welsh singing. Here’s a recording of the following 11 hymns from the 1975 meetings: Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour Thou O Lord our souls adoring view On Christ salvation rests secure O Christ Thou Son of God Lord of glory we adore Thee What raised the wondrous thought (Albert Leckie, who led the…
Part 1 – Hymns for the Little Flock (48 min)
A selection of hymns from “Hymns for the Little Flock” hymn book, sung at Curzon St Meeting Room, Derby, conferences, 2008-09: Let saints on earth their anthems raise Awake each soul, awake each tongue! What was it blessed God? O blessed God what hast Thou done? Jesus that name is love Guide us O Thou gracious Saviour And is it so I shall be like Thy Son? Lord Jesus are we one with Thee? O Jesus Lord ’tis joy to…
Bicester Singing – Feb 2020 (80 min)
Hymns: “When We Walk With The Lord”, “What A Fellowship”, “Gathered to Thy Name Lord Jesus”, “Man of Sorrows”, “Worthy Worthy Worthy”, “How Great Thou Art”, “Great is Thy Faithfulness”, “Praise the Saviour”, “In Thy Name O Lord Assembling”, “Fairest of All The Earth Beside”, “Behold The Lamb with Glory Crowned”, “Crown Him With Many Crowns”, “O Lord Who Now Art Seated”, “I’m Pressing on the Upward Way”, “He Leadeth Me O Blessed Thought”, “Lord Jesus Thou Who Only Art”,…
Bicester Singing 2019 (D) (31 min)
31 minutes of singing inc: “Tell Me The Story of Jesus”; “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say”; “‘Twas Love That Sought Gethsemane”; “Eternal Light, Eternal Light”; “I Stand All Amazed At The Love Jesus Offers Me”; “Moment by Moment”; “And Is It So We Shall Be Like Thy Son?”; “God Holds the Key of All Unknown”; “O Christ in Thee My Soul Hath Found”; “I’d Rather Have Jesus Than Silver or Gold”; “O The Deep Deep Love of Jesus”;…
Bicester Singing 2019 (C) (44 min)
44 minutes of singing inc: “Christ the Saviour of Sinners Came”; “God in Mercy Sent His Son”; “There is a Fountain Filled with Blood”; “Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned”; “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”; “I Have Been At The Altar”; “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing”; “I am So Glad that Our Father in Heaven”: “How Great Thou Art”; “By Faith I Look Where Christ Has Gone”; “I Stand Amazed in the Presence”; “‘Tis So Sweet to Trust…
Bicester Singing 2019 (B) (27 min)
27 minutes of singing inc: “Praise the Saviour Ye Who Know Him”; “Worthy, Worthy Worthy”; “Thy Grace O Lord That Measured Once the Deep”; “My Lord Has Garments So Wondrous Fine”; “We Shall See His Lovely Face”; “When I Shall Wake in That Fair Morn of Morns”; “The Perfect Righteousness of God”; “O Joy of The Justified”.
Bicester Singing 2019 (A) (19 min)
19 minutes of singing inc: “Fairest of All the Earth Beside”; “And Did The Holy And The Just”; “Immortal Invisible God Only Wise”; “Hail Thou Once Despised Jesus”; “Revive Thy Work O Lord”; “Sweet Hour of Prayer”.
Bicester Singing 2018 (C) (34 min)
34 minutes of singing inc. “O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing”; “My Redeemer! O What Beauties”; “I Am So Glad”; “O Listen to Our Wondrous Story”; “Deep and Wide”; “Amazing Grace”; “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”; “God Holds the Key to All Unknown”; “I Will Sing the Wondrous Story”; “There Is Coming a Day”; “I heard the Voice of Jesus Say”; “We Shall See His Lovely Face” and “How Good is the God We Adore”.
Bicester Singing 2018 (B) (52 min)
52 minutes of singing inc: “Come Let Us Sing the Song of Songs”; “Without a Trace of Adam’s Sin”; “The Saviour Comes No Outward Pomp”; “Here Is Love Vast as the Ocean”; “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less”; “Come Ye That Love The Lord”; “Saviour Through the Desert Lead Us”; “Behold the Lamb with Glory Crowned”; “I Have a Friend a Precious Friend”; “Revive Thy Work O Lord”; “I Bow Me to Thy Will O God”; “Sweeter as The…
Bicester Singing 2018 (A) (52 min)
52 minutes of singing inc: “Master Speak Thy Servant Heareth”; “Trust and Obey”; “O How Happy Are They”; “Take Time to Be Holy”; “How Great Thou Art”; “Nailed to a Cross Those Holy Hands”; “There is a Name I Love to Hear”; “O Wonderful Wonderful Word”; “He’ll Come and Tarry Not”; “The Crowning Day is Coming”; “It May Be at Morn”; “Come is the Sweet Invitation of Grace”; “Christ is the Only Saviour” and “There’s a Voice That is Calling…
Bicester Gospel Tent Hymn Singing 2013 (46 min)
46 minutes of gospel hymn singing, including “There’s A Story Ever New”, “I Once Was Bound by Satan’s Chains”, “Crowned with Thorns Upon the Tree”, “Sinner Turn and Come to Jesus”, “No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus”, “O Christ in Thee My Soul Hath Found”, “They Nailed My Lord Upon the Tree”, “The Cross The Cross the Wondrous Cross”, “O Sweet is the Story of Jesus”, “Years I Spent in Vanity and Pride”, “O Sinner the Saviour is…
Bicester Gospel Singing 2007-08 (63 min)
63 minutes of gospel hymns inc. “It’s All Taken Away”, “Christ Is The Saviour of Sinners”, “Come Every Soul By Sin Oppressed”, “Down From The Glory”, “Down From The Splendour of His Everlasting Throne”, “Give me a Sight O Saviour”, “Jesus Dying on the Tree”, “Jesus My Saviour to Bethlehem Came”, “O Sweet is the Story of Jesus”, “On Calvary’s Brow”, “Our Sins on Christ Were Laid”, “The Lamb of God for Sinners Died”, “There is a Story Sweet to…
Bicester Singing 2008 (33 min)
33 minutes of singing including “How Great Thou Art”, “I Am So Glad that Our Father in Heaven”, “O Listen To Our Wondrous Story”, “I Have a Shepherd”, “There is Coming a Day”, “Redeemed How I Love to Proclaim It”, “Thou Life of my Life Blessed Saviour”, “I Have a Friend”, “Jesus Thy Dying Love I Own” and “The Crowning Day is Coming”.