Sermons on Scripture Sevens - Various speakers
7 Parts of the Armour of God (48 min)
Cameron Piper speaks on the 7 parts of the armour of God from Ephesians ch 6. He takes up the subject of spiritual warfare and outlines the strategy of the evil one as he seeks to attack Christians with his fiery darts. By taking to ourselves the whole armour of God, we can stand and withstand in the evil day. (Message preached 17th June 2021)
7 Churches of Asia (46 min)
John Salisbury speaks on the 7 churches of Asia from Revelation Chs 1, 2 and 3. After setting the 7 churches in their context with the book of Revelation, Mr Salisbury looks at the 7 churches historically, prophetically and practically. (Message preached 10th June 2021)
7 Parables of the Kingdom (36 min)
David West speaks on the 7 parables of the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew Ch 13. The sower, the wheat and the tares, the mustard seed, the leaven in the meal, the treasure in the field, the pearl of great price and the dragnet. Mr West sets the context of the passage and explains how these parables should be understood dispensationally. (Message preached 27th May 2021)
7 Garments of the High Priest (52 min)
Tom West speaks on the 7 garments of the High Priest: the linen breeches, the linen coat, the girdle of fine needlework, the mitre, the blue robe, the ephod, and the breastplate. He draws doctrinal and practical teaching from these types, both in relation to the person of Christ and also the believer. Readings: Exod 28:1-4, Heb 2:14-18, 4:14-16 (Message preached 20th May 2021)
7 Items of Tabernacle Furniture (48 min)
Mervyn Hall speaks on the 7 items of furniture in the Tabernacle of Moses. Three that give us a backward look to the crucified Christ, and 4 that give us an upward look to a glorified Christ. The brazen altar (justification); the laver (regeneration); the mercy seat (propitiation); the lampstand (illumination); the table of showbread (provision); the altar of incense (communication) and the ark of the covenant (Recorded 13th May 2021)
7 Sayings of the Cross (54 min)
Dan Rudge preaches on the 7 sayings of the Lord Jesus on the cross. He raises some questions: “Father forgive them”; but who are the “them”? “Today in Paradise”; but where is Paradise? “My God, My God”; but why not “My Father, My Father”? Dan addresses these questions (and much else beside) in a wide-ranging helpful message. His headings for the Lord’s 7 sayings are: A word for the transgressors A word of truth A word of tenderness A word…
7 Titles of Jehovah (46 min)
Peter Scarsbrook speaks on 7 of the titles of Jehovah, namely: Jehovah-Tsidkenu, Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Ropheka, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehovah-Mekaddishkem, Jehovah-Nissi and Jehovah-Shammah. These “compound names” have much to teach us about the nature of God, and provide much by way of practical thought-provoking ministry flowing therefrom. (Message preached 5th Dec 2020)
The 7 Days of Creation (44 min)
Ian Jackson preaches on “the 7 days of creation”. After reading Genesis 1, he explains how the chapter is foundational to all of Scripture. It is narrative, not poetry, giving a literal history of the 7 literal days of creation. Ian discusses various theories (gap theory, day age theory etc) and gives various weighty reasons why they ought not to be believed. He shows how Genesis 1 reveals the true nature of both God and man. Finally he points out…