Why Stand for Truth?
Why I Am a Futurist (45 min)
There are 4 main views of the timing of the book of Revelation: preterism, historicism, idealism and futurism. Michael Penfold explains that how we choose between them ultimately comes down to how we interpret Bible prophecy. He sets out the general laws of hermeneutics and then gives specific direction as to how to interpret prophetic symbols. He finishes by testing the 4 views against three items in the book of Revelation (Message preached 14th Apr 2019)
Why I am a Dispensationalist (46 min)
After defining what a ‘dispensation’ (Gk. oikonomia) is, Mervyn Hall explains that a dispensational hermeneutic is critical to an accurate understanding of the Bible. He refutes numerous criticisms of dispensationalism, as well as pointing out weaknesses in the main alternative, namely “covenant theology”. He then gives 4 reasons why he is a dispensationalist, before finishing up with an inductive study of Scripture that demonstrates the Biblical basis for dispensationalism (Readings: Eph 1:10-11, 3:1-21) (Message preached 17th Mar 2019)
Why I Am Complementarian (43 min)
Michael Penfold expounds complementarianism – that truth that God not only created two different genders in the beginning, but that He assigned different roles to each – headship to the male, and ‘helper-ship’ to the female. Opposed by feminism, this is nevertheless the plain teaching of Genesis Ch 2 (before the fall) and is reiterated in 7 key passages in the NT – Eph 5:21-23, Col 3:18-19, 1 Tim 2:8-15, Titus 2:4-5, 1 Cor 11:1-16, 14:34-38, 1 Pet 3:1-7 (Message…
Why I am in an Assembly (37 min)
After defining the words “fellowship” (Gk: koinonia) and “assembly” (Gk: ekklesia), Michael Penfold sets out 3 reasons “Why I am in fellowship in a local assembly”. First, because of the purpose of God; second, because of the presence of Christ; and third, because of the pattern of Scripture. The Bible expects all believers to be in a local assembly gathered unto the name of the Lord Jesus. Readings: Matt 18:20, Acts 2:41-42, 9:26-28, 15:14. (Recorded 24th Feb 2019)
Why I am Trinitarian (43 min)
Dan Rudge preaches on “Why I am Trinitarian” under three headings: the Trinity is “clearly taught in Scripture”, is “critical to our salvation” and “controls our service”. After refuting the two major anti-trinitarian errors promoted today (Modalism and Arianism), Dan expounds the glorious truth of “one God in three persons, blessed Trinity”. (Recorded 3rd Feb 2019)
Why I Am Evangelical (45 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on “Why I am Evangelical”. After some introductory historical remarks, he highlights the four “C’s” underpinning the gospel (“evangelical” comes from the Greek word for gospel; “euangelion”). The authority of the canon; the centrality of the cross; the necessity of conversion, and the priority of the commission. (Message preached 27th Jan 2019)
Why I Am a Christian (44 min)
A Christian is someone who has been justified by faith in Jesus Christ. But how can a person know that Jesus Christ really existed, or that He is who the Bible claims Him to be, or that He really died and rose again? Michael Penfold outlines 5 basic lines of evidence for the Christian faith: 1. The eye-witness testimony of Scripture; 2. The fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy; 3. The existence of the church; 4. The martyrdom of the apostles,…
Why Stand for Truth? (42 min)
Mervyn Hall introduces a series of messages on “Why we believe what we believe” by asking a basic preliminary question – “Why stand for truth?” Is truth still as important as ever? Isn’t it all just a matter of opinion? Should not love hold the trump card over truth? Basing his remarks on Paul’s two epistles to Timothy, Mervyn not only defends the basic concept of truth, but also outlines 5 reasons why we still must stand for truth in…