Sermons on Baptism

Sermons on Baptism

Sprinkling, Pouring or Immersion – Does It Matter? (53 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the topic of baptism, proving from the New Testament that full immersion of believers is the scriptural pattern. He discusses sprinkling (christening), pouring, household baptism, and total immersion. Readings: Matt 28:18-20, Rom 6:1-14, 1 Cor 10:1-2. (Recorded in Kells Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland, 27th Sept 2017)

Is Infant Baptism Biblical? (19 min)

Jim Bergsma preaches on the topic of baptism and clears up from the Bible the issues of: Infant baptism (paedobaptism, by sprinkling or pouring) Household baptism Double baptism Baptism for salvation (baptismal regeneration) He then shows the positive teaching of baptism as obedience to Christ’s command, and as a picture of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. Reading: Matt 18:18-20. (Message preached in Sarnia Gospel Hall, Canada, 5th April 2021)

The 4 Water Baptisms of the New Testament (6 min)

David Vallance sets out the differences between the 4 water baptisms found in the New Testament. First, John’s baptism; second, the 12 disciples’ baptism; third, “Jewish” baptism; and finally Christian baptism. In this presentation Mr Vallance tackles the question of some of the transitional anomalies in the book of Acts. (Presented in Stark Road Gospel Hall, Livonia, MI, USA, 10th Nov 2022)

The Meaning of Baptism (22 min)

David Gilliland preaches a baptism message which clearly outlines the command, confession, “copy” and challenge of baptism. This is a brief but succinct explanation of baptism with a strong gospel thrust (Message preached 31st Mar 2013)