Critical Issues Facing Christians Today
How Did We Get Here? (61 min)
David Vallance asks “How did we get here?” in reference to the morally corrupt state of affairs in Western culture. He traces history from pre-modern, through modern, to the postmodern/woke era, examining the lives and philosophies of Rousseau, Marx, Darwin, Nietzsche and Freud along the way. He covers issues such as tolerance, identity politics, intersectionality, gender dysphoria, homosexuality and transgenderism, bringing biblical teaching to bear on each. Reading: Gen 1:26-28 (Message given 13th July 2022 in Stark Road Gospel Hall,…
The Christian and Gender, Roles and Symbols (66 min)
David Vallance brings Scriptural teaching to bear on topical issues such as equality, feminism, patriarchy, homosexuality and transgenderism. Starting in Genesis 1:27 he expounds the binary nature of gender, and from 1 Tim 2 and 1 Cor 11 explains the different roles God has given men and women, based on the pattern of Christ and His Church. He also explains how the symbols of long/short hair, and covered/uncovered head are to be understood in relation to this foundational topic (Message…
Movies, Social Media and the Christian (47 min)
Should Christians watch movies? Should Christians be on social media? Michael Penfold applies the timeless principles of the Word of God to these two issues. He discusses content, worldviews, actors, acting and fiction in relation to movies. As to social media he looks at privacy, addiction, depression and narcissism. (Message preached 22nd Mar 2018)
The Christian and Personal Testimony (41 min)
Robert Plant preaches on the topic of “witnessing for Christ by life and by lip”. He takes up three roles of the Christian from the New Testament – a soldier, an evangelist and an ambassador – and draws various lessons as to how we should conduct ourselves before the world and how we can effectively evangelise among our work colleagues and neighbours (Message preached 8th Mar 2018)
The Christian in the Workplace (41 min)
Tom West preaches on the Christian and the workplace under 4 headings – God’s wisdom in providing the workplace, the worth of the believer in the workplace; the Christian’s well-being in the workplace; and, witnessing in the workplace. He refers to Joseph, Daniel and Samuel as three men who faced danger in the workplace; moral, social and religious danger respectively (Message preached 22nd Feb 2018)
The Christian and The Bible (44 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the purpose and value of the Bible for the Christian in today’s world. It is a “light” that enables us to “look out” and employ a Biblical worldview. It is also a “lamp” with which to “look down” and be guided in our Christian walk. Finally it is a “mirror” with which to “look in” – it corrects, challenges and rebukes us and causes us to seek to be more holy and more like our Saviour…