Sermons on 1 Thessalonians

Sermons on 1 Thessalonians

Quench Not the Spirit (51 min)

Elton Fairfield preaches on the New Testament command, “quench not the Spirit”, expanding the concept under three headings: quench not the Spirit’s enlightenment, the Spirit’s encouragement and the Spirit’s empowerment. Reading: 1 Thess 5:16-22 (Message preached in Ballymena on 4th March 2023)

What is our hope? (54 min)

PART 4 of 4 – In the last of a series of 4 messages on big Bible questions, David Gilliland preaches on the question “What is our hope?” and takes up the topic of the Christian’s sure hope from various parts of the New Testament. Reading: 1 Thess 2:17-20 (Message preached in Dundonald, 2006) Complete series: 1. What is man? – The question of identity 2. What is truth? – The question of reality 3. What is your life? –…

Jeffrey Harrison – The Coming of the Lord (40 min)

Jeffrey Harrison (1909-1990) grew up in a religious home in the North West of England, but was not converted until he heard the gospel in his late teens. Soon after WW2 he launched forth in full time preaching and teaching. Working with a Gospel Tent and a caravan in the country of Norfolk, he saw numerous souls saved and a few assemblies established. Back in Merseyside in 1960 he began to travel widely expounding the scriptures. He was well versed…

Pray Without Ceasing (42 min)

From 1 Thess 5:17, “Pray without ceasing”, Ian Jackson preaches on the need for private, fervent, believing prayer in the life of every Christian, and gives guidance on how to address God in prayer. “The secret of failure, is failure in secret”. (Recorded Apr 20th 2019)

Christ in Thessalonians (39 min)

Noting the eight references in the two epistles to Christ’s return, Mervyn Hall presents Christ in Thessalonians as “the coming One” and emphasises the practical implications for His people. Particular reference is made to the first and last references, where Paul commended the Thessalonians for their patient waiting for Christ. (Message preached 23rd Nov 2017)

The Rapture – Pre, Mid or Post-Tribulation? (39 min)

Mervyn Hall looks at the subject of the rapture of the Church and asks will it be before, in the middle or at the end of Daniel’s 70th week, that period sometimes called “the 7-year tribulation”? Mervyn works his way through Ch 4 and Ch 5 of 1st Thessalonians and looks at the timing, the terminology and the teaching connected with this event and concludes that Scripture teaches a “pre-tribulation rapture”. (Message preached 8th Nov 2015)

His Will – Your Sanctification (42 min)

Ian Jackson preaches on “His Will, Your Sanctification”, and gives a timely and challenging exposition of 1 Thess 4:1-8, highlighting the need for holiness in the life of the believer. He addresses matters of importance amid a climate of moral change in Western culture (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 21st Apr 2014)

1 Thessalonians Ch 5 (43 min)

Michael Penfold expounds 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5. The chapter introduces us to the great subject of “the day of the Lord” which will come upon a world proclaiming “Peace and safety!” The believers of this present dispensation will not be overtaken by the day of the Lord, but will be raptured to heaven before its commencement (Message preached 10th Apr 2014) (Photo: March of Galerius, Thessaloniki).

1 Thessalonians Ch 4 (64 min)

Ian Jackson expounds 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4. This chapter is one of the great prophetic chapters in the New Testament and reveals much of the truth of the pre-tribulation rapture of the church and the “hope of the believer” (Photo: March of Galerius, Thessaloniki).

1 Thessalonians Ch 2 & 3 (47 min)

David Castles expounds 1 Thessalonians Chapters 2 and 3, chapters which highlight the apostle Paul’s concern for the assembly at Thessalonica. David draws lessons for his audience from Paul’s exemplary affection, direction and prayers for protection for the saints (Message preached 27th Mar 2014) (Photo: March of Galerius, Thessaloniki).

1 Thessalonians Ch 1 (42 min)

Thomas West expounds 1 Thessalonians Chapter 1 and emphasises the character of the assembly to which Paul wrote – a working assembly, a watching assembly, a witnessing assembly, a worshipping assembly and a waiting assembly. A relevant practical message (Message preached 20th Mar 2014) (Photo: March of Galerius, Thessaloniki).

An Overview of the 1st Epistle to the Thessalonians (44 min)

Mervyn Hall gives an introductory overview to Paul’s first epistle to the Thessalonians. He gives the background of the epistle, explains its structure and outlines its purpose and relevance for 21st century readers. The central theme of the second coming of Christ is also highlighted (Message preached 13th Mar 2014)

Great Prophetic Chapters – 1 Thess 4 (66 min)

Ian Jackson expounds 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 under the heading “The Detailed Account of the Rapture of the Church”. He painstakingly but thrillingly works his way through the verses to their glorious conclusion (Message preached 21st October 2008)