Sermons on Women of the Bible - Various speakers

Sermons on Women of the Bible - Various speakers

Mary Magdalene (40 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on Mary Magdalene. After introducing the subject by listing and briefly commenting on a number of different women who followed Christ and ministered to Him, he speaks of Mary Magdalene in detail. She exemplified the power of regeneration; she identified with Christ in His crucifixion; she testified of Christ in His resurrection (Message preached 12th Nov 2017)

Mary, Martha (and Lazarus) (48 min)

Dan Rudge preaches on Mary the worshipper, Martha the worker and Lazarus the witness. He draws numerous lessons from the home in Bethany, which he portrays as a picture of the local assembly. (Recorded 23rd Apr 2015)

Mary the Mother of Jesus (42 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus; her service, song, Son and sorrow. He closes by highlighting a number of widely held errors about Mary; titles such as “Mother of God”, “Queen of heaven” and “Mediatrix”, and other issues such as her supposed “assumption to heaven”, “immaculate conception”, “perpetual virginity” and her “apparitions”. Rome’s idolatry makes the ecumenical movement a “table of demons” from which to remain separate (Message preached 22nd Oct 2017)

Hannah and Peninnah (40 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on Hannah, the mother of Samuel. Out of her tragic circumstances – the nation in chaos, its priesthood corrupted, her own barrenness, and her domestic grief – comes a “man-child” who became Israel’s mighty prophet, kingmaker and nation restorer, Samuel. Peninnah seemed, at the start, to have it all going for her…but the long view shows that God honours those who honour Him (Message preached 8th Oct 2017)

Ruth the Moabitess (41 min)

Alan Barber preaches on the godly character of Ruth the Moabite, who came to know and trust in the God of Israel. Alan takes up numerous practical lessons from the events recorded in Ruth Chs 1 and 2, especially the move of Elimelech and Naomi to Moab, the disaster that ensued, and the gracious recovery granted by the Lord which then brought Ruth into such blessing (Message preached 23rd Oct 2014)

Rahab, Deborah and Jael (34 min)

Mervyn Hall preaches on Rahab, Deborah and Jael. Each of these three women lived counter-culturally in times of difficulty and danger – because they were “women of conviction”. The days of the “judges” were dark days in which “everyone did that which was right in their own eyes”. The lives of these godly women contain many lessons for us today (Message preached 24th Sept 2017)

Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah (43 min)

Norman Mellish preaches on the wives of the patriarchs and draws out practical lessons from each one. Sarah a woman of faith; Rebekah a woman of hope; Rachel a woman of love; Leah a woman of grace. Sarah – “taught by God”; Rebekah “sought by the servant”; Rachel “wrought for by Jacob”; Leah “fought for her family”. Mr Mellish lays emphasis on seeking the mind of God and becoming a child of destiny, as well as longing to produce children…

Eve – The First Woman (40 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the first women in the Bible – Eve, the wife of Adam. A number of basic issues are covered in this message, including the Bible’s teaching on gender (male and female), the divinely designed different roles for men and women in the home, in society and in the assembly, and the Biblical reasons why women are not allowed to teach or pray publicly in assembly gatherings. Readings from Gen Chs 2-3, 1 Cor 11:1-16, 1 Tim…