The Doctrine of the Gospel

The Doctrine of the Gospel

The Counterintuitive Wisdom of God (41 min)

Michael Penfold preaches on the counterintuitive wisdom of God in the gospel. God designed a ‘foolish’ message, He saved a ‘foolish’ people, and He employed a ‘foolish’ method, all to repudiate human wisdom and humiliate human pride. So, let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord. Reading: 1 Cor 1:17-2:5. Photo: University students. (Message preached in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, in May 2012)

The Truth of Election (35 min)

David Gilliland preaches on the subject of election, highlighting the references in the Bible to the expression “the elect of God” and outlining their definition, their description and their destination. Will help in understanding the issues surrounding Calvinism. Readings: Rom 8:31-39, Col 3:12-14, Titus 1:1-4. (Recorded in Glenburn Gospel Hall, Northern Ireland).

The Doctrine of Original Sin (39 min)

Can we still believe that taking the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden rightfully initiated such a fearful divine judgment on humanity as “the fall”? In this message on Genesis Ch 3, Michael Penfold outlines the context, cause, character and consequences of the first sin. God’s fairness in banishing Adam and Eve from the garden, and constituting all of their progeny sinners due to “one man’s sin” – is defended.…

Revision of Basic Principles (46 min)

Wesley Martin preaches a comprehensive and helpful message called “A first century template for 21st century testimony”. He outlines “salvation and its reality”, “baptism and its necessity”, “gathering and its authority” and “commitment and its priority” (Message preached in Bicester, Easter 23rd April 2011)

The Righteousness of God (50 min)

Ian Jackson expounds on the righteousness of God from the epistle to the Romans and gives an explanation of how the gospel should be preached (Ministry given 9th April 2007)