The Church

The Church

The Church and Its Functioning (42 min)

The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 5 – John Riddle preaches on the functioning of the local church from 1 Corinthians Ch 12, as he highlights issues the use of gift and the priority of edification. Reading: 1 Cor 12:1-11:19-27 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010)

The Church and Its Continuation (36 min)

The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 4 – John Riddle preaches on the continuation of the church from the book of Acts, highlighting the local assembly at Antioch as an example of the pattern of how God has worked through the ages: gospel preaching, exhortation, teaching and fellowship. Reading: Acts 11:19-30 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010)

The Church and Its Composition (30 min)

The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 3 – John Riddle preaches on the composition of the church from the pivotal passage in Ephesians 2, which shows it to be made up of Jews and Gentiles in one new body, something entirely new and distinct from the composition of God’s people in the Old Testament. Readings: Eph 2:11-21, 3:8-11 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010)

The Church and Its Commencement (44 min)

The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 2 – John Riddle preaches on the commencement of the church on the Day of Pentecost. He explains that the church did not exist prior to Acts 2 and expounds the dispensational purpose of the church. The coming of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues are discussed. Readings: John 20:21-22, Acts 2:1-4 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010) (Photo: Jerusalem) Rest of this series of sermons by John Riddle

The Church and Its Construction (45 min)

The Church from Eternity to Eternity – Part 1 – John Riddle preaches on the construction of the church from the well-known passage in Matthew 16 which is the first mention of the church in the New Testament. The church is built upon “this rock”, but what is the rock? Reading: Matt 16:13-20 (Message preached in Forres, Scotland, 2010)