Notable Characters from Church History
Here I Stand – I Can Do No Other (45 min)
David Gilliland traces the life of the Reformer Martin Luther and in particular homes in on the courageous and history-making “sola scriptura” stand that he took at the Diet of Worms in April of 1521, which Mr Gilliland proposes was the pivotal moment in the Reformation (Recorded 17th Apr 2017)
The Oxford Martyrs (53 min)
[Photos below] Tom West tells the story of the martyrdom of Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley and Thomas Cranmer (in 1555 and 1556). This stirring account of the courage of those who suffered through faithfulness to the Word of God, serves as a powerful reminder both of the cost of religious freedom in the UK and of the need for our own generation to hold firmly to the truth of the Word of God (Message preached 4th Oct 2015) (Photo: in…
John and Charles Wesley (42 min)
David Castles speaks on the lives and influence of the “Wesley brothers” – John and Charles – the great 18th century preacher and hymn writer. Although deeply religious in their youth, neither John nor Charles Wesley were saved until later in life when they understood that salvation was by grace alone. (Recorded 27th Sept 2015)
The Hymn Writers – John Newton and William Cowper (45 min)
Peter Scarsbrook speaks on the lives and hymns of John Newton (1725-1807) and William Cowper (1731-1800) who lived and wrote together in Olney, England. The remarkable conversion story of John Newton is recounted in detail, leading as it did to the writing of one of the most well known hymns of all time – “Amazing Grace”. This is a fascinating and engaging look at a momentous illustration of “the grace of God in action”. (Recorded 20th Sept 2015) (Photo above:…
The Life and Legacy of William Tyndale (56 min)
Mervyn Hall preaches on the life and work of William Tyndale (1494-1536). Martyred for his faith at the age of 42, Tyndale was the first person in history to translate the New Testament into English from the Greek and his contribution to the Reformation, to the people of God in general, to the history of the world, not to mention to the development of the English language, in incalculable. (Recorded 13th Sept 2015)