Getting Started as a Christian
How to Know the Will of God (50 min)
John Fleck concludes his series of helpful messages for new believers by taking up the matter of the Christian and the will of God – knowing the will of God and doing the will of God. Readings: Mark 3:31-33, Rom 12:1-2, 1 Pet 3:17, 4:1-4a, 19, 1 Thess 4:2-3, 8, 5:17-18 (Message preached in Ballymena, 2017)
Gender Distinctives in Scripture (60 min)
John Fleck continues his series of messages for new believers with a look at what the Bible says about gender distinctives: in present day culture, in creation, in constitution, in characteristics, in contributions in the home and the assembly. Readings: Gen 1:26-28, 2:8, 18-24a. (Message preached in Ballymena, 2017)
Fellowship in a Church of God (55 min)
John Fleck continues his series of messages for new believers with a look at the truth of the local assembly – what it is, how it functions and helpful associated themes. Readings: 1 Cor 1:1-10, 10:16-22, 31, 14:16-19, 23a. (Message preached in Ballymena, 2017)
The New Believer (52 min)
John Fleck begins a series of helpful messages for new believers by taking up the themes of assurance, sanctification, the flesh and the spirit, the old and the new man, and the need to set our affections on things above. Readings: Rom 4:24b-5:1, 6:3-5, 11, Gal 2:20, 5:16-18, 24, Eph 4:20-30, Col,3:1-4. (Message preached in Ballymena, 2017)